Olchev A. V.

Ольчев Александр Валентинович


Primary affiliation

  • A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 33 Leninskiy Pr., Moscow, 119071, Russia, Russia

The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases

Biographical information

Alexander Olchev was born in Moscow in 1963. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1985. After service of the armed forces he worked at the Severtsov Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A.Olchev received a candidate of science degree in geography in 1998 and a doctoral degree in biology in 2016 in the area of mathematical modeling of heat, moisture and СО2 exchange in forest ecosystems.

Scientific interests

climate changes, biochemical cycles, mathematical modeling, forest microclimate, greenhouse gas flows

Main accomplishments of the author

A.Olchev supervises scientific projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation, Inco-Copernicus, and NASA LCLUC. A.Olchev is the author of over 100 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals and is coauthor of several monographs.

Additional information

Associate editor.

The author is ready to participate in reviewing.

Indexed in Scopus

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The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index

The journal is included in the RSCI

International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"