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  1. Nebaba S.G., Markov N.G.
    Convolutional neural networks of YOLO family for mobile computer vision systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 615-631

    The work analyzes known classes of convolutional neural network models and studies selected from them promising models for detecting flying objects in images. Object detection here refers to the detection, localization in space and classification of flying objects. The work conducts a comprehensive study of selected promising convolutional neural network models in order to identify the most effective ones from them for creating mobile real-time computer vision systems. It is shown that the most suitable models for detecting flying objects in images, taking into account the formulated requirements for mobile real-time computer vision systems, are models of the YOLO family, and five models from this family should be considered: YOLOv4, YOLOv4-Tiny, YOLOv4-CSP, YOLOv7 and YOLOv7-Tiny. An appropriate dataset has been developed for training, validation and comprehensive research of these models. Each labeled image of the dataset includes from one to several flying objects of four classes: “bird”, “aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle”, “helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle”, and “unknown object” (objects in airspace not included in the first three classes). Research has shown that all convolutional neural network models exceed the specified threshold value by the speed of detecting objects in the image, however, only the YOLOv4-CSP and YOLOv7 models partially satisfy the requirements of the accuracy of detection of flying objects. It was shown that most difficult object class to detect is the “bird” class. At the same time, it was revealed that the most effective model is YOLOv7, the YOLOv4-CSP model is in second place. Both models are recommended for use as part of a mobile real-time computer vision system with condition of additional training of these models on increased number of images with objects of the “bird” class so that they satisfy the requirement for the accuracy of detecting flying objects of each four classes.

  2. Dzhoraev A.R.
    GPU-accelerated hybrid systems for high-performance computing in bio-informatics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 163-167

    Modern GPUs are massively-parallel processors, offering substantial amount of computational power in energy-efficient package. We discuss the benefits of utilizing this computing power for modeling problems in bio-informatics, such as molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry and sequence analysis.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 6 (RSCI).
  3. Chizhov M.I., Skripchenko Y.S., Gusev P.Y.
    Simulation modeling of the production of parts made of polymer composites
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 245-252

    Consider the simulation workshop for production of polymer components composite materials. Describes a technique for the manufacture of parts and, based on the event model developed theoretical production. By event-developed theoretical models of production created a computer simulation model in software simulation Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. The analysis of the simulation model created. Given the bottlenecks found, a new simulation model that meets the requirements. The results obtained on the basis of which the practical recommendations to increase the number of parts produced.

    Views (last year): 9. Citations: 18 (RSCI).
  4. Zaika Y.V., Kostikova E.K.
    Modeling of thermal desorption and hydrogen permeability
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 679-703

    In the context of problems of hydrogen and thermonuclear power engineering intensive research of the hydrogen isotopes properties is being conducted. Mathematical models help to specify physical-chemical ideas about the interaction of hydrogen isotopes with structural materials, to discover the limiting factors. Classical diffusion models are often insufficient. The paper is devoted to the models and numerical solution of the boundary-value problems of hydrogen thermodesorption and permeability taking into account nonlinear sorption-desorption dynamics on the surface and reversible capture of hydrogen atoms in the bulk. Algorithms based on difference approximations. The results of computer simulation of the hydrogen flux from a structural material sample are presented.

    Views (last year): 3.
  5. Firsov A.A., Isaenkov Yu.I., Krupskiy M.G., Rudakov V.Yu., Filimonova E.A., Yarantsev D.A., Leonov S.B.
    Nonequilibrium initiation of volumetric combustion in a combustion engine: modeling and experimental setup
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 6, pp. 911-922

    The paper presents results of experimental, computational and analytical study of the effect of nonequilibrium chemical activation of air-fuel mixture on effectiveness of Diesel process. The generation of a high-voltage multi-streamer discharge in combustion chamber at the compression phase is considered as the method of the activation. The description of electrical discharge system, results of measurement and visualization are presented. The plasma-chemical kinetics of nonequilibrium ignition is analyzed to establish a passway for a proper reduction of chemical kinetics scheme. The results of numerical simulation of gas dynamic processes at presence of plasma-assisted combustion in a geometrical configuration close to the experimental one are described.

    Views (last year): 3. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  6. Abgaryan K.K., Zhuravlev A.A., Zagordan N.L., Reviznikov D.L.
    Discrete-element simulation of a spherical projectile penetration into a massive obstacle
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 1, pp. 71-79

    А discrete element model is applied to the problem of a spherical projectile penetration into a massive obstacle. According to the model both indenter and obstacle are described by a set of densely packed particles. To model the interaction between the particles the two-parameter Lennard–Jones potential is used. Computer implementation of the model has been carried out using parallelism on GPUs, which resulted in high spatial — temporal resolution. Based on the comparison of the results of numerical simulation with experimental data the binding energy has been identified as a function of the dynamic hardness of materials. It is shown that the use of this approach allows to accurately describe the penetration process in the range of projectile velocities 500–2500 m/c.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 5 (RSCI).
  7. Nazarov V.G.
    Improvement of image quality in a computer tomography by means of integral transformation of a special kind
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 5, pp. 1033-1046

    The question on improvement of quality of images obtained in a tomography problem is considered. The problem consists in finding of boundaries of inhomogeneities (inclusions) in a continuous medium by results of X-ray radiography of this medium. A nonlinear integral transformation of a special kind is proposed which allows to improve quality of images obtained earlier at a set of papers. The method is realized numerically by the use of computer modelling. Some calculations are carried out with use of data for concrete materials. The results obtained are presented by drawings and graphic images.

    Views (last year): 6.
  8. Dyadkin A.A., Pavlov A.O., Simakova T.V., Chetkin S.V.
    Analysis of the possibility of investigation of hydrodynamic responses and landing dynamics of space module impacting water with FlowVision CFD software
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 47-55

    The results of verification carried out for investigations of hydrodynamic effect on reentry conicalsegmental space vehicle are presented in the paper. The program complex Flow Vision is used for this analysis. The purpose of the study is verification of using Flow Vision program complex for problem solving mentioned above on the base of comparison between calculated and experimental data, obtained on the Apollo landing models and new development reentry spacecraft of manned transporting spaceship designed by RSC Energia. The comparison was carried out through the data of pressure values on spacecraft model surfaces during its water landing and inertia center motion parameters.

    The results of study show good agreement between experimental and calculated data of force effects on vehicle construction during water landing and its motion parameters in the water medium. Computer simulation sufficiently well reproduces influence of initial velocities & water entry angles variations on water landing process.

    Using of computer simulation provides simultaneous acquisition of all data information needed for investigation of water landing peculiarities during construction design, notably, hydrodynamic effects for structural strength calculations, parameters and dynamics of center mass motion and vehicle revolution around center mass for estimation water landing conditions, as well as vehicle stability after landing.

    Obtained results confirm suitability of using Flow Vision program complex for water landing vehicle investigations and investigations of influence of different landing regimes through wide initial condition change range, that permits considerably decrease extent of expensive experimental tests and realize landing conditions which are sufficiently complicated for realizing in model physical experiments.

    Views (last year): 10.
  9. The article discusses the model of the anthropomorphic type of mechanism of the exoskeleton with links of variable length. Four models of parts of variable length are considered comprehensively: the model link of the exoskeleton of variable length with a resilient member and a rigid strong core; the model of the telescopic link; the model link with the masses in the hinge-joint between them; the link model with an arbitrary number of masses. The differential equations of motion in the form of Lagrange equations of the second kind are made. On the basis of analysis of differential equations of motion for multi-link rod of a mechanical system type, exoskeleton revealed their structure, which allowed us to represent them in vector-matrix form. The General pattern of building matrices are established for the first time and the generalization of the expressions for elements of matrices in two-dimensional case are obtained. New recursive and matrix methods of composing of differential equations of motion are given. A unified approach to constructing differential equations of motion of the exoskeleton based on the developed recursive and matrix methods write differential equations of motion of the proposed exoskeleton. Comparison of the time of writing the differential equations of motion proposed methods, in comparison with the Lagrange equations of the second kind, in the system of computer mathematics Mathematica conducted. An analytical study of the model of the exoskeleton carried out. It was found that for mechanisms with n movable links of the Cauchy problem for systems of differential equations of motion for any initial conditions there is no single and unlimited continue. Control of the exoskeleton is accomplished using the torques which are located in the hinge-joints in the joints of the links and simulating control actions. Numerical investigation of a model of the exoskeleton is made, a comparison of results of calculations for exoskeletons with various models of units is held. A numerical study of the empirical evidence about the man and his movements is used. It is established that the choice structure of the exoskeleton model with lumped masses is more preferable to a model with perfectly rigid strong core. As an exoskeleton, providing comfortable movement of people, and you should repeat the properties of the musculoskeletal system.

    Views (last year): 15. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  10. Krivovichev G.V.
    Kinetic equations for modelling of diffusion processes by lattice Boltzmann method
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 6, pp. 919-936

    The system of linear hyperbolic kinetic equations with the relaxation term of Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook type for modelling of linear diffusion processes by the lattice Boltzmann method is considered. The coefficients of the equations depend on the discrete velocities from the pattern in velocity space. The system may be considered as an alternative mathematical model of the linear diffusion process. The cases of widely-used patterns on speed variables are considered. The case of parametric coefficients takes into account. By application of the method of Chapman–Enskog asymptotic expansion it is obtained, that the system may be reduced to the linear diffusion equation. The expression of the diffusion coefficient is obtained. As a result of the analysis of this expression, the existence of numerical diffusion in solutions obtained by application of lattice Boltzmann equations is demonstrated. Stability analysis is based on the investigation of wave modes defined by the solutions of hyperbolic system. In the cases of some one-dimensional patterns stability analysis may be realized analytically. In other cases the algorithm of numerical stability investigation is proposed. As a result of the numerical investigation stability of the solutions is shown for a wide range of input parameters. The sufficiency of the positivity of the relaxation parameter for the stability of solutions is demonstrated. The dispersion of the solutions, which is not realized for a linear diffusion equation, is demonstrated analytically and numerically for a wide range of the parameters. But the dispersive wave modes can be damped as an asymptotically stable solutions and the behavior of the solution is similar to the solution of linear diffusion equation. Numerical schemes, obtained from the proposed systems by various discretization techniques may be considered as a tool for computer modelling of diffusion processes, or as a solver for stationary problems and in applications of the splitting lattice Boltzmann method. Obtained results may be used for the comparison of the theoretical properties of the difference schemes of the lattice Boltzmann method for modelling of linear diffusion.

    Views (last year): 25.
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"