Результаты поиска по 'computational modeling':
Найдено статей: 254
  1. Bykov N.V.
    A simulation model of connected automated vehicles platoon dynamics in a heterogeneous traffic flow
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 5, pp. 1041-1058

    The gradual incorporation of automated vehicles into the global transport networks leads to the need to develop tools to assess the impact of this process on various aspects of traffic. This implies a more organized movement of automated vehicles which can form uniformly moving platoons. The influence of the formation and movement of these platoons on the dynamics of traffic flow is of great interest. The currently most developed traffic flow models are based on the cellular automaton approach. They are mainly developed in the direction of increasing accuracy. This inevitably leads to the complication of models, which in their modern form have significantly moved away from the original philosophy of cellular automata, which implies simplicity and schematicity of models at the level of evolution rules, leading, however, to a complex organized behavior of the system. In the present paper, a simulation model of connected automated vehicles platoon dynamics in a heterogeneous transport system is proposed, consisting of two types of agents (vehicles): human-driven and automated. The description of the temporal evolution of the system is based on modified rules 184 and 240 for elementary cellular automata. Human-driven vehicles move according to rule 184 with the addition of accidental braking, the probability of which depends on the distance to the vehicle in front. For automated vehicles, a combination of rules is used depending on the type of nearest neighbors, regardless of the distance to them, which brings non-local interaction to the model. At the same time, it is considered that a group of sequentially moving connected automated vehicles can form an organized platoon. The influence of the ratio of types of vehicles in the system on the characteristics of the traffic flow during free movement on a circular one-lane and two-lane roads, as well as in the presence of a traffic light, is studied. The simulation results show that the effect of platoon formation is significant for a freeway traffic flow; the presence of a traffic light reduces the positive effect by about half. The movement of platoons of connected automated vehicles on two-lane roads with the possibility of lane changing was also studied. It is shown that considering the types of neighboring vehicles (automated or human-driven) when changing lanes for automated vehicles has a positive effect on the characteristics of the traffic flow.

  2. Ardaniani V.G., Markova T.V., Aksenov A.A., Kochetkov M.A., Volkov V.Y., Golibrodo L.A., Krutikov A.A., Kudryavtsev O.V.
    CFD-modeling of heat exchange beams with eutectic lead-bismuth alloy
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 861-875

    Nowadays, active development of 4th generation nuclear reactors with liquid metal coolants takes place. Therefore, simulation of their elements and units in 3D modelling software are relevant. The thermal-hydraulic analysis of reactor units with liquid metal coolant is recognized as one of the most important directions of the complex of interconnected tasks on reactor unit parameters justification. The complexity of getting necessary information about operating conditions of reactor equipment with liquid-metal coolant on the base of experimental investigations requires the involvement of numerical simulation. The domestic CFD code FlowVision has been used as a research tool. FlowVision software has a certificate of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety for the nuclear reactor safety simulations. Previously it has been proved that this simulation code had been successfully used for modelling processes in nuclear reactors with sodium coolant. Since at the moment the nuclear industry considers plants with lead-bismuth coolant as promising reactors, it is necessary to justify the FlowVision code suitability also for modeling the flow of such coolant, which is the goal of this work. The paper presents the results of lead-bismuth eutectic flow numerical simulation in the heat exchange tube bundle of NPP steam generator. The convergence studies on a grid and step have been carried out, turbulence model has been selected, hydraulic resistance coefficients of lattices have been determined and simulations with and without $k_\theta^{}$-$e_\theta^{}$ model are compared within the framework of fluid dynamics and heat exchange modeling in the heat-exchange tube bundle. According to the results of the study, it was found that the results of the calculation using the $k_\theta^{}$-$e_\theta^{}$ turbulence model are more precisely consistent with the correlations. A cross-verification with STAR-CCM+ software has been performed as an additional verification on the accuracy of the results, the results obtained are within the error limits of the correlations used for comparison.

  3. Peskova E.E., Snytnikov V.N., Zhalnin R.V.
    The computational algorithm for studying internal laminar flows of a multicomponent gas with different-scale chemical processes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 5, pp. 1169-1187

    The article presented the computational algorithm developed to study chemical processes in the internal flows of a multicomponent gas under the influence of laser radiation. The mathematical model is the gas dynamics’ equations with chemical reactions at low Mach numbers. It takes into account dissipative terms that describe the dynamics of a viscous heat-conducting medium with diffusion, chemical reactions and energy supply by laser radiation. This mathematical model is characterized by the presence of several very different time and spatial scales. The computational algorithm is based on a splitting scheme by physical processes. Each time integration step is divided into the following blocks: solving the equations of chemical kinetics, solving the equation for the radiation intensity, solving the convection-diffusion equations, calculating the dynamic component of pressure and calculating the correction of the velocity vector. The solution of a stiff system of chemical kinetics equations is carried out using a specialized explicit second-order accuracy scheme or a plug-in RADAU5 module. Numerical Rusanov flows and a WENO scheme of an increased order of approximation are used to find convective terms in the equations. The code based on the obtained algorithm has been developed using MPI parallel computing technology. The developed code is used to calculate the pyrolysis of ethane with radical reactions. The superequilibrium concentrations’ formation of radicals in the reactor volume is studied in detail. Numerical simulation of the reaction gas flow in a flat tube with laser radiation supply is carried out, which is in demand for the interpretation of experimental results. It is shown that laser radiation significantly increases the conversion of ethane and yields of target products at short lengths closer to the entrance to the reaction zone. Reducing the effective length of the reaction zone allows us to offer new solutions in the design of ethane conversion reactors into valuable hydrocarbons. The developed algorithm and program will find their application in the creation of new technologies of laser thermochemistry.

  4. Grenkin G.V.
    On the uniqueness of identification of reaction rate parameters in a combustion model
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 6, pp. 1469-1476

    A model of combustion of premixed mixture of gases with one global chemical reaction is considered, the model includes equations of the second order for temperature of mixture and concentrations of fuel and oxidizer, and the right-hand sides of these equations contain the reaction rate function. This function depends on five unknown parameters of the global reaction and serves as approximation to multistep reaction mechanism. The model is reduced, after replacement of variables, to one equation of the second order for temperature of mixture that transforms to a first-order equation for temperature derivative depending on temperature that contains a parameter of flame propagation velocity. Thus, for computing the parameter of burning velocity, one has to solve Dirichlet problem for first-order equation, and after that a model dependence of burning velocity on mixture equivalence ratio at specified reaction rate parameters will be obtained. Given the experimental data of dependence of burning velocity on mixture equivalence ratio, the problem of optimal selection of reaction rate parameters is stated, based on minimization of the mean square deviation of model values of burning velocity on experimental ones. The aim of our study is analysis of uniqueness of this problem solution. To this end, we apply computational experiment during which the problem of global search of optima is solved using multistart of gradient descent. The computational experiment clarifies that the inverse problem in this statement is underdetermined, and every time, when running gradient descent from a selected starting point, it converges to a new limit point. The structure of the set of limit points in the five-dimensional space is analyzed, and it is shown that this set can be described with three linear equations. Therefore, it might be incorrect to tabulate all five parameters of reaction rate based on just one match criterion between model and experimental data of flame propagation velocity. The conclusion of our study is that in order to tabulate reaction rate parameters correctly, it is necessary to specify the values of two of them, based on additional optimality criteria.

  5. The work is devoted to the problem of creating a model with stationary parameters using historical data under conditions of unknown disturbances. The case is considered when a representative sample of object states can be formed using historical data accumulated only over a significant period of time. It is assumed that unknown disturbances can act in a wide frequency range and may have low-frequency and trend components. In such a situation, including data from different time periods in the sample can lead to inconsistencies and greatly reduce the accuracy of the model. The paper provides an overview of approaches and methods for data harmonization. In this case, the main attention is paid to data sampling. An assessment is made of the applicability of various data sampling options as a tool for reducing the level of uncertainty. We propose a method for identifying a self-leveling object model using data accumulated over a significant period of time under conditions of unknown disturbances with a wide frequency range. The method is focused on creating a model with stationary parameters that does not require periodic reconfiguration to new conditions. The method is based on the combined use of sampling and presentation of data from individual periods of time in the form of increments relative to the initial point in time for the period. This makes it possible to reduce the number of parameters that characterize unknown disturbances with a minimum of assumptions that limit the application of the method. As a result, the dimensionality of the search problem is reduced and the computational costs associated with setting up the model are minimized. It is possible to configure both linear and, in some cases, nonlinear models. The method was used to develop a model of closed cooling of steel on a unit for continuous hot-dip galvanizing of steel strip. The model can be used for predictive control of thermal processes and for selecting strip speed. It is shown that the method makes it possible to develop a model of thermal processes from a closed cooling section under conditions of unknown disturbances, including low-frequency components.

  6. Komarov A.S.
    Models of plant succession and soil dynamics at climate changes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2009, v. 1, no. 4, pp. 405-413

    Main theoretical considerations of dynamical changes of forest vegetation are discussed. It is shown that vegetation dynamics (succession) and soil dynamics are linked, and common dynamics is a result of biological turnover of nutrition elements. Main modelling approaches are examined and unsolved problems are formulated. An example of computer experiment on comparison of forest growth at stationary and global warming scenario is considered.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 9 (RSCI).
  7. Pogorelova E.A.
    Mathematical model of shear stress flows in the vein in the presence of obliterating thrombus
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 169-182

    In this paper a numerical model for blood flow through a venous bifurcation with an obliterating clot is investigated. We studied propagation of perturbations of blood flow velocity and perturbations of pressure inside the vein. The model is built in acoustic (linear) approximation. Computational results reveal conditions for clot resonance oscillation, which can cause its detachment and thromboembolism.

    Views (last year): 1.
  8. Geller O.V., Vasilev M.O., Kholodov Y.A.
    Building a high-performance computing system for simulation of gas dynamics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 3, pp. 309-317

    The aim of research is to develop software system for solving gas dynamic problem in multiply connected integration domains of regular shape by high-performance computing system. Comparison of the various technologies of parallel computing has been done. The program complex is implemented using multithreaded parallel systems to organize both multi-core and massively parallel calculation. The comparison of numerical results with known model problems solutions has been done. Research of performance of different computing platforms has been done.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 6 (RSCI).
  9. Миньков Л.Л., Дик И.Г.
    Моделирование течения в гидроциклоне с дополнительным инжектором
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 1, pp. 63-76

    Статья представляет собой пример компьютерного моделирования в области инженерной механики. Численным методом находятся поля скорости в гидроциклоне, которые недоступны прямому измерению. Рассматривается численное моделирование трехмерной гидродинамики на основе k-ε RNG модели турбулентности в гидроциклоне со встроенным инжектором, содержащим 5 тангенциально направленных сопла. Показано, что направление движения инжектируемой жидкости зависит от расхода жидкости через инжектор. Расчеты показывают в соответствии с экспериментами, что зависимость сплит-параметра от расхода инжектируемой жидкости имеет немонотонный характер, связанный с отношением мощности основного потока и инжектируемой жидкости.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 5 (RSCI).
  10. Ustinin D.M., Kovalenko I.B., Riznichenko G.Yu., Rubin A.B.
    Combination of different simulation techniques in the complex model of photosynthetic membrane
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 1, pp. 65-81

    Complex geometric organization of subcellular structures such as photosynthetic or mitochondrial membranes determines mechanism of electron and proton transfer processes. We propose new approach in modeling processes, where geometric shape of membranes is accurately taken into account. Different stages of charge transfer process are simulated using different approaches, which are integrated into a combined model. We implemented this model as software which utilizes parallel computations on high-performance clusters and GPUs for better performance.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"