Результаты поиска по 'computer model':
Найдено статей: 254
  1. Samarin K.V.
    Mathematical modeling of neutron transfers in nuclear reactions considering spin-orbit interaction
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 4, pp. 393-401

    The difference scheme for numerical solution of a time-dependant system of two Schrödinger equations with the operator of a spin-orbit interaction for a two-component spinor wave function is offered on the basis of a split method for a time-dependant Schrödinger equations. The computer simulation of the external neutrons’ wave functions evolution with different values of the full moment projection upon internuclear axis and probabilities of their transfer are executed for head-on collisions of 18O and 58Ni nuclei.

    Views (last year): 4.
  2. Zhmurov A.A., Barsegov V.A., Trifonov S.V., Kholodov Y.A., Kholodov A.S.
    Efficient Pseudorandom number generators for biomolecular simulations on graphics processors
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 3, pp. 287-308

    Langevin Dynamics, Monte Carlo, and all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations in implicit solvent require a reliable source of pseudorandom numbers generated at each step of calculation. We present the two main approaches for implementation of pseudorandom number generators on a GPU. In the first approach, inherent in CPU-based calculations, one PRNG produces a stream of pseudorandom numbers in each thread of execution, whereas the second approach builds on the ability of different threads to communicate, thus, sharing random seeds across the entire device. We exemplify the use of these approaches through the development of Ran2, Hybrid Taus, and Lagged Fibonacci algorithms. As an application-based test of randomness, we carry out LD simulations of N independent harmonic oscillators coupled to a stochastic thermostat. This model allows us to assess statistical quality of pseudorandom numbers. We also profile performance of these generators in terms of the computational time, memory usage, and the speedup factor (CPU/GPU time).

    Views (last year): 11. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  3. Maslovskaya A.G., Sivunov A.V.
    The use of finite element method for simulation of heat conductivity processes in polar dielectrics irradiated by electron bunches
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 767-780

    The paper describes the results of computer simulation of time-dependent temperature fields arising in polar dielectrics irradiated by focused electron bunches with average electron energy when analyzing with electron microscopy techniques. The mathematical model was based on solving several-dimensional nonstationary heat conduction equation with use of numerical finite element method. The approximation of thermal source was performed taking into account the estimation of initial electron distribution determined by Monte-Carlo simulation of electron trajectories. The simulation program was designed in Matlab. The geometrical modeling and calculation results demonstrated the main features of model sample heating by electron beam were presented at the given experimental parameters as well as source approximation.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  4. Tokarev S.M.
    Mathematic modeling of thermal distillation of water in film flowing under vacuum
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 205-211

    The article is dedicated to mathematic modeling of natural water desalination process by method of thermal distillation. The article gives the equations which allow describing the processes of film flowing and boiling of water, steam condensation and vacuum maintenance. The article presents the algorithm of calculation, implemented in MatLab computer mathematic system and Excel electronic tables, and the initial data required for the calculation. The model has been checked for adequacy. The calculation of ten-effect distillation system is given. The results of work can be used in design and optimization of process conditions for distillation systems.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  5. Sivunov A.V., Maslovskaya A.G.
    Numerical simulation of charging processes at ferroelectric diagnostics with scanning electron microscopy techniques
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 107-118

    An algorithm of applied problem solving was described to calculate electrical characteristics of electrical field effects in ferroelectrics electron-beam charged. The algorithm was based on implementation of the deterministic model using finite element method as well as taking into account Monte-Carlo simulation results of electron transport. The program application was developed to perform computing experiments.

    Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  6. Golubev G.S., Kargin M.A., Nasedkin A.V., Rodin M.B.
    Computer analysis of the bone regeneration strength in a model system of osteosynthesis by the Ilizarov fixator with static loads
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 3, pp. 427-440

    The adequate complexity three-dimensional finite element model of biomechanical system with space, shell and beam-type elements was built. The model includes the Ilizarov fixator and tibial bone’s simulator with the regenerating tissue at the fracture location. The proposed model allows us to specify the orthotropic elastic properties of tibial bone model in cortical and trabecular zones. It is also possible to change the basic geometrical and mechanical characteristics of biomechanical system, change the finite element mash density and define the different external loads, such as pressure on the bone and compression or distraction between the repositioned rings of Ilizarov device.

    By using special APDL ANSYS program macros the mode of deformation was calculated in the fracture zone for various static loads on the simulator bone, for compression or distraction between the repositioned rings and for various mechanical properties during different stages of the bone regenerate formation (gelatinous, cartilaginous, trabecular and cortical bone remodeling). The obtained results allow us to estimate the permissible values of the external pressure on the bone and of the displacements of the Ilizarov fixator rings for different stages of the bone regeneration, based on the admittance criterion for the maximum of the stresses in the callus. The presented data can be used in a clinical condition for planning, realization and monitoring of the power modes for transosseous osteosynthesis with the external Ilizarov fixator.

    Views (last year): 3.
  7. Konstantinov D.V., Bzowski K., Korchunov A.G., Pietrzyk M.
    Modeling of axisymmetric deformation processes with taking into account the metal microstructure
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 4, pp. 897-908

    The article describes the state of the art computer simulation in the field of metal forming processes, the main problem points of traditional methods were identified. The method, that allows to predict the deformation distribution in the volume of deformable metal with taking into account of microstructure behavioral characteristics in deformation load conditions, was described. The method for optimizing computational resources of multiscale models by using statistical similar representative volume elements (SSRVE) was presented. The modeling methods were tested on the process of single pass drawing of round rod from steel grade 20. In a comparative analysis of macro and micro levels models differences in quantitative terms of the stress-strain state and their local distribution have been identified. Microlevel model also allowed to detect the compressive stresses and strains, which were absent at the macro level model. Applying the SSRVE concept repeatedly lowered the calculation time of the model while maintaining the overall accuracy.

    Views (last year): 9. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  8. Bessudnova N.O., Tsiporukha Y.E., Shlyapnikova O.A.
    Numerical simulation of adhesive technology application in tooth root canal on restoration properties
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 5, pp. 1069-1079

    The aim of the present study is to show how engineering approaches and ideas work in clinical restorative dentistry, in particular, how they affect the restoration design and durability of restored endodontically treated teeth. For these purposes a 3D-computational model of a first incisor including the elements of hard tooth tissues, periodontal ligament, surrounding bone structures and restoration itself has been constructed and numerically simulated for a variety of restoration designs under normal chewing loadings. It has been researched the effect of different adhesive technologies in root canal on the functional characteristics of a restored tooth. The 3D model designed could be applied for preclinical diagnostics to determine the areas of possible fractures of a restored tooth and prognosticate its longevity.

    Views (last year): 3.
  9. Belotelov N.V., Konovalenko I.A.
    Modeling the impact of mobility of individuals on space-time dynamics of a population by means of a computer model
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 2, pp. 297-305

    A computer model describing the spatial-temporal dynamics of populations of interacting with renewable resource is proposed. The life cycle of the individual is described. The algorithm for spatial mobility of individuals within an area is proposed, which takes into account nutritional and social activity. The paper presents the computational experiments with the model that mimic the movement of herds of animals in the area, and describes the model experiment when the group type of animal behavior due to changes in the characteristics of the environment and animal behavior the herd animals is formed, which later goes again in the group type of animal behavior.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  10. Firsov A.A., Yarantsev D.A., Leonov S.B., Ivanov V.V.
    Numerical simulation of ethylene combustion in supersonic air flow
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 75-86

    In the present paper, we discuss the possibility of a simplified three-dimensional unsteady simulation of plasma-assisted combustion of gaseous fuel in a supersonic airflow. Simulation was performed by using FlowVision CFD software. Analysis of experimental geometry show that it has essentially 3D nature that conditioned by the discrete fuel injection into the flow as well as by the presence of the localized plasma filaments. Study proposes a variant of modeling geometry simplification based on symmetry of the aerodynamic duct and periodicity of the spatial inhomogeneities. Testing of modified FlowVision $k–\varepsilon$ turbulence model named «KEFV» was performed for supersonic flow conditions. Based on that detailed grid without wall functions was used the field of heat and near fuel injection area and surfaces remote from the key area was modeled with using of wall functions, that allowed us to significantly reduce the number of cells of the computational grid. Two steps significantly simplified a complex problem of the hydrocarbon fuel ignition by means of plasma generation. First, plasma formations were simulated by volumetric heat sources and secondly, fuel combustion is reduced to one brutto reaction. Calibration and parametric optimization of the fuel injection into the supersonic flow for IADT-50 JIHT RAS wind tunnel is made by means of simulation using FlowVision CFD software. Study demonstrates a rather good agreement between the experimental schlieren photo of the flow with fuel injection and synthetical one. Modeling of the flow with fuel injection and plasma generation for the facility T131 TSAGI combustion chamber geometry demonstrates a combustion mode for the set of experimental parameters. Study emphasizes the importance of the computational mesh adaptation and spatial resolution increasing for the volumetric heat sources that model electric discharge area. A reasonable qualitative agreement between experimental pressure distribution and modeling one confirms the possibility of limited application of such simplified modeling for the combustion in high-speed flow.

    Views (last year): 8. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"