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Regularization and acceleration of Gauss – Newton method
We propose a family of Gauss –Newton methods for solving optimization problems and systems of nonlinear equations based on the ideas of using the upper estimate of the norm of the residual of the system of nonlinear equations and quadratic regularization. The paper presents a development of the «Three Squares Method» scheme with the addition of a momentum term to the update rule of the sought parameters in the problem to be solved. The resulting scheme has several remarkable properties. First, the paper algorithmically describes a whole parametric family of methods that minimize functionals of a special kind: compositions of the residual of a nonlinear equation and an unimodal functional. Such a functional, entirely consistent with the «gray box» paradigm in the problem description, combines a large number of solvable problems related to applications in machine learning, with the regression problems. Secondly, the obtained family of methods is described as a generalization of several forms of the Levenberg –Marquardt algorithm, allowing implementation in non-Euclidean spaces as well. The algorithm describing the parametric family of Gauss –Newton methods uses an iterative procedure that performs an inexact parametrized proximal mapping and shift using a momentum term. The paper contains a detailed analysis of the efficiency of the proposed family of Gauss – Newton methods; the derived estimates take into account the number of external iterations of the algorithm for solving the main problem, the accuracy and computational complexity of the local model representation and oracle computation. Sublinear and linear convergence conditions based on the Polak – Lojasiewicz inequality are derived for the family of methods. In both observed convergence regimes, the Lipschitz property of the residual of the nonlinear system of equations is locally assumed. In addition to the theoretical analysis of the scheme, the paper studies the issues of its practical implementation. In particular, in the experiments conducted for the suboptimal step, the schemes of effective calculation of the approximation of the best step are given, which makes it possible to improve the convergence of the method in practice in comparison with the original «Three Square Method». The proposed scheme combines several existing and frequently used in practice modifications of the Gauss –Newton method, in addition, the paper proposes a monotone momentum modification of the family of developed methods, which does not slow down the search for a solution in the worst case and demonstrates in practice an improvement in the convergence of the method.
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The journal is included in the RSCI
International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"