
Moskalev Pavel Valentinovich

Москалев Павел Валентинович

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 05.13.18 — Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages since 2017; Associate Professor in the Department of Advanced Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics since 2007


Primary affiliation

  • Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN” - professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics
  • 127994, Moscow, Vadkovsky lane, 1

The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases

Biographical information

Born in the Voronezh region (1973), graduated from the Voronezh State Technical University (1995), received a PhD in engineering (1998) and a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2017) in mathematical modeling of porous structures. After receiving his PhD, he worked as an associate professor and professor at several universities in Voronezh. Currently, he works as a professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”.

Scientific interests

porous structures, percolation, fractals, machine learning

Main accomplishments of the author

Author and co-author of: a) monographs on modeling of porous structures, in particular: “Mathematical Modeling of Porous Structures” (jointly with V.V. Shitov, FIZMATLIT, 2007, EDN: QJRYAN) and “Percolation Modeling of Porous Structures” (URSS, 2018. EDN: ZRJSWD); b) textbooks, in particular “Algorithms of Computational Statistics in the R System” (jointly with A.B. Bukhovets, Lan, 2015, EDN: TRTXLP); c) free software packages with implementation of stochastic models for the R system: SPSL, SECP, RIFS, Voss. Lecturer of courses: “Discrete Mathematics”, “Computational Mathematics”, “Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics”, “Machine Learning”, “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems”. Actively participates in organizing and holding many international scientific conferences, in particular: “Mathematics. Computer. Education”, “Modeling of Nonlinear Processes and Systems”, “Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics: Current Problems”.

Additional information

Associate editor.

The author is ready to participate in reviewing.

Journal publications:

  1. Moskalev P.V. Percolation modeling of hydraulic hysteresis in a porous media, Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 543-558
  2. Moskalev P.V. Estimates of threshold and strength of percolation clusters on square lattices with (1,π)-neighborhood, Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 405-414
  3. Moskalev P.V. The structure of site percolation models on three-dimensional square lattices, Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 607-622
  4. Moskalev P.V., Buhovetc A.G. The similarity dimension of the random iterated function system, Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 681-691

Indexed in Scopus

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The journal is included in the RSCI

International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"