
Karavaev Yury Leonidovich

Караваев Юрий Леонидович

PhD, 01.02.01 – TheoreticalMechanics, 2015; Doctor of Technical Sciences., 2.5.4 –Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotic systems, 2023


Primary affiliation

  • Izhevsk State Technical University - Associated Professor
  • ul. Studencheskaya, 7, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia
  • https://istu.ru/staff/1169

The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases

Biographical information

Yu.L. Karavaev was born in in 1984, graduated from the Department of Mechatronic Systems of the Izhevsk State Technical University in 2006. He defended his PhD thesis (by specialty Theoretical Mechanics) in 2015, Doctor of Technical Sciences thesis (by specialty Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotic systems) in 2023.

Scientific interests

roboticsandMechatronics, ModellingofRobotMotion, Experimental investigationsofmechanicalandrobotic systems, unmanned systems, artificial intelligence methods for controlling robotic systems

Main accomplishments of the author

Designs of mobile spherical robots that implement movement due to various kinematic schemes, highly maneuverable mobile robots with roller-carrying wheels of various load capacities.

Additional information

Associate editor.

The author is ready to participate in reviewing.

Journal publications:

Indexed in Scopus

Full-text version of the journal is also available on the web site of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index

The journal is included in the RSCI

International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"