
Beznosikov Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Безносиков Александр Николаевич

PhD in Physics and Mathematics 1.2.2. Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and software packages (2023)


Primary affiliation

  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Phystech-School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics - Researcher, Associate Professor
  • 9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia

The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases

Biographical information

Born in Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (1998), graduated from the Bachelor's and Master's programmes at Phystech-School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2022). He defended his thesis for the degree of PhD of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2023) in the field of numerical methods of optimization. He works at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (researcher at Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization, Associate Professor at Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control), heads the laboratories of Problems of Federated Learning (Ivannikov Institute of System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences), Mathematical Foundations of Distributed and Federated Learning (Innopolis University), Fundamental Research MIPT-Yandex (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).

Scientific interests

Convex optimization, non-convex optimization, stochastic optimization, distributed methods, federated learning, saddle point problems, variational inequalities

Main accomplishments of the author

Winner of the AI Leaders Prize in the category "Researchers".
Winner of the Yandex ML Prize in the category "Yandex Researchers".

Additional information

Associate editor.

The author is ready to participate in reviewing.


Innopolis University - head of laboratory
ul. Universitetskaya 1, Innopolis, 420500 Russia
Ivannikov Institute of System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences - head of laboratory
Russia, 109004, Moscow, Alexander Solzhenitsyn st., 25

Indexed in Scopus

Full-text version of the journal is also available on the web site of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index

The journal is included in the RSCI

International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"