Результаты поиска по 'cluster analysis':
Найдено статей: 19
  1. Naumov I.V., Otmakhova Y.S., Krasnykh S.S.
    Methodological approach to modeling and forecasting the impact of the spatial heterogeneity of the COVID-19 spread on the economic development of Russian regions
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 3, pp. 629-648

    The article deals with the development of a methodological approach to forecasting and modeling the socioeconomic consequences of viral epidemics in conditions of heterogeneous economic development of territorial systems. The relevance of the research stems from the need for rapid mechanisms of public management and stabilization of adverse epidemiological situation, taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of COVID-19, accompanied by a concentration of infection in large metropolitan areas and territories with high economic activity. The aim of the work is to substantiate a methodology to assess the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of coronavirus infection, find poles of its growth, emerging spatial clusters and zones of their influence with the assessment of inter-territorial relationships, as well as simulate the effects of worsening epidemiological situation on the dynamics of economic development of regional systems. The peculiarity of the developed approach is the spatial clustering of regional systems by the level of COVID-19 incidence, conducted using global and local spatial autocorrelation indices, various spatial weight matrices, and L.Anselin mutual influence matrix based on the statistical information of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The study revealed a spatial cluster characterized by high levels of infection with COVID-19 with a strong zone of influence and stable interregional relationships with surrounding regions, as well as formed growth poles which are potential poles of further spread of coronavirus infection. Regression analysis using panel data not only confirmed the impact of COVID-19 incidence on the average number of employees in enterprises, the level of average monthly nominal wages, but also allowed to form a model for scenario prediction of the consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection. The results of this study can be used to form mechanisms to contain the coronavirus infection and stabilize socio-economic at macroeconomic and regional level and restore the economy of territorial systems, depending on the depth of the spread of infection and the level of economic damage caused.

  2. Okhapkina E.P., Okhapkin V.P.
    Approaches to a social network groups clustering
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 5, pp. 1127-1139

    The research is devoted to the problem of the use of social networks as a tool of the illegal activity and as a source of information that could be dangerous to society. The article presents the structure of the multiagent system with which a social network groups could be clustered according to the criteria uniquely defines a group as a destructive. The agents’ of the system clustering algorithm is described.

    Views (last year): 8. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  3. Musaev A.A., Grigoriev D.A.
    Extracting knowledge from text messages: overview and state-of-the-art
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 6, pp. 1291-1315

    In general, solving the information explosion problem can be delegated to systems for automatic processing of digital data. These systems are intended for recognizing, sorting, meaningfully processing and presenting data in formats readable and interpretable by humans. The creation of intelligent knowledge extraction systems that handle unstructured data would be a natural solution in this area. At the same time, the evident progress in these tasks for structured data contrasts with the limited success of unstructured data processing, and, in particular, document processing. Currently, this research area is undergoing active development and investigation. The present paper is a systematic survey on both Russian and international publications that are dedicated to the leading trend in automatic text data processing: Text Mining (TM). We cover the main tasks and notions of TM, as well as its place in the current AI landscape. Furthermore, we analyze the complications that arise during the processing of texts written in natural language (NLP) which are weakly structured and often provide ambiguous linguistic information. We describe the stages of text data preparation, cleaning, and selecting features which, alongside the data obtained via morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis, constitute the input for the TM process. This process can be represented as mapping a set of text documents to «knowledge». Using the case of stock trading, we demonstrate the formalization of the problem of making a trade decision based on a set of analytical recommendations. Examples of such mappings are methods of Information Retrieval (IR), text summarization, sentiment analysis, document classification and clustering, etc. The common point of all tasks and techniques of TM is the selection of word forms and their derivatives used to recognize content in NL symbol sequences. Considering IR as an example, we examine classic types of search, such as searching for word forms, phrases, patterns and concepts. Additionally, we consider the augmentation of patterns with syntactic and semantic information. Next, we provide a general description of all NLP instruments: morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis. Finally, we end the paper with a comparative analysis of modern TM tools which can be helpful for selecting a suitable TM platform based on the user’s needs and skills.

  4. Ignatev N.A., Tuliev U.Y.
    Semantic structuring of text documents based on patterns of natural language entities
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 5, pp. 1185-1197

    The technology of creating patterns from natural language words (concepts) based on text data in the bag of words model is considered. Patterns are used to reduce the dimension of the original space in the description of documents and search for semantically related words by topic. The process of dimensionality reduction is implemented through the formation of patterns of latent features. The variety of structures of document relations is investigated in order to divide them into themes in the latent space.

    It is considered that a given set of documents (objects) is divided into two non-overlapping classes, for the analysis of which it is necessary to use a common dictionary. The belonging of words to a common vocabulary is initially unknown. Class objects are considered as opposition to each other. Quantitative parameters of oppositionality are determined through the values of the stability of each feature and generalized assessments of objects according to non-overlapping sets of features.

    To calculate the stability, the feature values are divided into non-intersecting intervals, the optimal boundaries of which are determined by a special criterion. The maximum stability is achieved under the condition that the boundaries of each interval contain values of one of the two classes.

    The composition of features in sets (patterns of words) is formed from a sequence ordered by stability values. The process of formation of patterns and latent features based on them is implemented according to the rules of hierarchical agglomerative grouping.

    A set of latent features is used for cluster analysis of documents using metric grouping algorithms. The analysis applies the coefficient of content authenticity based on the data on the belonging of documents to classes. The coefficient is a numerical characteristic of the dominance of class representatives in groups.

    To divide documents into topics, it is proposed to use the union of groups in relation to their centers. As patterns for each topic, a sequence of words ordered by frequency of occurrence from a common dictionary is considered.

    The results of a computational experiment on collections of abstracts of scientific dissertations are presented. Sequences of words from the general dictionary on 4 topics are formed.

  5. Malkov S.Yu., Davydova O.I.
    Modernization as a global process: the experience of mathematical modeling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 4, pp. 859-873

    The article analyzes empirical data on the long-term demographic and economic dynamics of the countries of the world for the period from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Population and GDP of a number of countries of the world for the period 1500–2016 were selected as indicators characterizing the long-term demographic and economic dynamics of the countries of the world. Countries were chosen in such a way that they included representatives with different levels of development (developed and developing countries), as well as countries from different regions of the world (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa). A specially developed mathematical model was used for modeling and data processing. The presented model is an autonomous system of differential equations that describes the processes of socio-economic modernization, including the process of transition from an agrarian society to an industrial and post-industrial one. The model contains the idea that the process of modernization begins with the emergence of an innovative sector in a traditional society, developing on the basis of new technologies. The population is gradually moving from the traditional sector to the innovation sector. Modernization is completed when most of the population moves to the innovation sector.

    Statistical methods of data processing and Big Data methods, including hierarchical clustering were used. Using the developed algorithm based on the random descent method, the parameters of the model were identified and verified on the basis of empirical series, and the model was tested using statistical data reflecting the changes observed in developed and developing countries during the period of modernization taking place over the past centuries. Testing the model has demonstrated its high quality — the deviations of the calculated curves from statistical data are usually small and occur during periods of wars and economic crises. Thus, the analysis of statistical data on the long-term demographic and economic dynamics of the countries of the world made it possible to determine general patterns and formalize them in the form of a mathematical model. The model will be used to forecast demographic and economic dynamics in different countries of the world.

  6. Fedorov V.A., Khruschev S.S., Kovalenko I.B.
    Analysis of Brownian and molecular dynamics trajectories of to reveal the mechanisms of protein-protein interactions
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 723-738

    The paper proposes a set of fairly simple analysis algorithms that can be used to analyze a wide range of protein-protein interactions. In this work, we jointly use the methods of Brownian and molecular dynamics to describe the process of formation of a complex of plastocyanin and cytochrome f proteins in higher plants. In the diffusion-collision complex, two clusters of structures were revealed, the transition between which is possible with the preservation of the position of the center of mass of the molecules and is accompanied only by a rotation of plastocyanin by 134 degrees. The first and second clusters of structures of collisional complexes differ in that in the first cluster with a positively charged region near the small domain of cytochrome f, only the “lower” plastocyanin region contacts, while in the second cluster, both negatively charged regions. The “upper” negatively charged region of plastocyanin in the first cluster is in contact with the amino acid residue of lysine K122. When the final complex is formed, the plastocyanin molecule rotates by 69 degrees around an axis passing through both areas of electrostatic contact. With this rotation, water is displaced from the regions located near the cofactors of the molecules and formed by hydrophobic amino acid residues. This leads to the appearance of hydrophobic contacts, a decrease in the distance between the cofactors to a distance of less than 1.5 nm, and further stabilization of the complex in a position suitable for electron transfer. Characteristics such as contact matrices, rotation axes during the transition between states, and graphs of changes in the number of contacts during the modeling process make it possible to determine the key amino acid residues involved in the formation of the complex and to reveal the physicochemical mechanisms underlying this process.

  7. Aksenov A.A., Kalugina M.D., Lobanov A.I., Kashirin V.S.
    Numerical simulation of fluid flow in a blood pump in the FlowVision software package
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 1025-1038

    A numerical simulation of fluid flow in a blood pump was performed using the FlowVision software package. This test problem, provided by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health of the US. Food and Drug Administration, involved considering fluid flow according to several design modes. At the same time for each case of calculation a certain value of liquid flow rate and rotor speed was set. Necessary data for calculations in the form of exact geometry, flow conditions and fluid characteristics were provided to all research participants, who used different software packages for modeling. Numerical simulations were performed in FlowVision for six calculation modes with the Newtonian fluid and standard $k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, in addition, the fifth mode with the $k-\omega$ SST turbulence model and with the Caro rheological fluid model were performed. In the first stage of the numerical simulation, the convergence over the mesh was investigated, on the basis of which a final mesh with a number of cells of the order of 6 million was chosen. Due to the large number of cells, in order to accelerate the study, part of the calculations was performed on the Lomonosov-2 cluster. As a result of numerical simulation, we obtained and analyzed values of pressure difference between inlet and outlet of the pump, velocity between rotor blades and in the area of diffuser, and also, we carried out visualization of velocity distribution in certain cross-sections. For all design modes there was compared the pressure difference received numerically with the experimental data, and for the fifth calculation mode there was also compared with the experiment by speed distribution between rotor blades and in the area of diffuser. Data analysis has shown good correlation of calculation results in FlowVision with experimental results and numerical simulation in other software packages. The results obtained in FlowVision for solving the US FDA test suggest that FlowVision software package can be used for solving a wide range of hemodynamic problems.

  8. Irkhin I.A., Bulatov V.G., Vorontsov K.V.
    Additive regularizarion of topic models with fast text vectorizartion
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 6, pp. 1515-1528

    The probabilistic topic model of a text document collection finds two matrices: a matrix of conditional probabilities of topics in documents and a matrix of conditional probabilities of words in topics. Each document is represented by a multiset of words also called the “bag of words”, thus assuming that the order of words is not important for revealing the latent topics of the document. Under this assumption, the problem is reduced to a low-rank non-negative matrix factorization governed by likelihood maximization. In general, this problem is ill-posed having an infinite set of solutions. In order to regularize the solution, a weighted sum of optimization criteria is added to the log-likelihood. When modeling large text collections, storing the first matrix seems to be impractical, since its size is proportional to the number of documents in the collection. At the same time, the topical vector representation (embedding) of documents is necessary for solving many text analysis tasks, such as information retrieval, clustering, classification, and summarization of texts. In practice, the topical embedding is calculated for a document “on-the-fly”, which may require dozens of iterations over all the words of the document. In this paper, we propose a way to calculate a topical embedding quickly, by one pass over document words. For this, an additional constraint is introduced into the model in the form of an equation, which calculates the first matrix from the second one in linear time. Although formally this constraint is not an optimization criterion, in fact it plays the role of a regularizer and can be used in combination with other regularizers within the additive regularization framework ARTM. Experiments on three text collections have shown that the proposed method improves the model in terms of sparseness, difference, logLift and coherence measures of topic quality. The open source libraries BigARTM and TopicNet were used for the experiments.

  9. Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M.
    Exact calculation of a posteriori probability distribution with distributed computing systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 539-542

    We'd like to present a specific grid infrastructure and web application development and deployment. The purpose of infrastructure and web application is to solve particular geophysical problems that require heavy computational resources. Here we cover technology overview and connector framework internals. The connector framework links problem-specific routines with middleware in a manner that developer of application doesn't have to be aware of any particular grid software. That is, the web application built with this framework acts as an interface between the user 's web browser and Grid's (often very) own middleware.

    Our distributed computing system is built around Gridway metascheduler. The metascheduler is connected to TORQUE resource managers of virtual compute nodes that are being run atop of compute cluster utilizing the virtualization technology. Such approach offers several notable features that are unavailable to bare-metal compute clusters.

    The first application we've integrated with our framework is seismic anisotropic parameters determination by inversion of SKS and converted phases. We've used probabilistic approach to inverse problem solution based on a posteriory probability distribution function (APDF) formalism. To get the exact solution of the problem we have to compute the values of multidimensional function. Within our implementation we used brute-force APDF calculation on rectangular grid across parameter space.

    The result of computation is stored in relational DBMS and then represented in familiar human-readable form. Application provides several instruments to allow analysis of function's shape by computational results: maximum value distribution, 2D cross-sections of APDF, 2D marginals and a few other tools. During the tests we've run the application against both synthetic and observed data.

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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"