Результаты поиска по 'coagulation cascade':
Найдено статей: 2
  1. Galochkina T.V., Volpert V.A.
    Mathematical modeling of thrombin propagation during blood coagulation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 3, pp. 469-486

    In case of vessel wall damage or contact of blood plasma with a foreign surface, the chain of chemical reactions called coagulation cascade is launched that leading to the formation of a fibrin clot. A key enzyme of the coagulation cascade is thrombin, which catalyzes formation of fibrin from fibrinogen. The distribution of thrombin concentration in blood plasma determines spatio-temporal dynamics of clot formation. Contact pathway of blood coagulation triggers the production of thrombin in response to the contact with a negatively charged surface. If the concentration of thrombin generated at this stage is large enough, further production of thrombin takes place due to positive feedback loops of the coagulation cascade. As a result, thrombin propagates in plasma cleaving fibrinogen that results in the clot formation. The concentration profile and the speed of propagation of thrombin are constant and do not depend on the type of the initial activator.

    Such behavior of the coagulation system is well described by the traveling wave solutions in a system of “reaction – diffusion” equations on the concentration of blood factors involved in the coagulation cascade. In this study, we carried out detailed analysis of the mathematical model describing the main reaction of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation cascade.We formulate necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of the traveling wave solutions. For the considered model the existence of such solutions is equivalent to the existence of the wave solutions in the simplified one-equation model describing the dynamics of thrombin concentration derived under the quasi-stationary approximation.

    Simplified model also allows us to obtain analytical estimate of the thrombin propagation rate in the considered model. The speed of the traveling wave for one equation is estimated using the narrow reaction zone method and piecewise linear approximation. The resulting formulas give a good approximation of the velocity of propagation of thrombin in the simplified, as well as in the original model.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  2. Panteleev M.A., Bershadsky E.S., Shibeko A.M., Nechipurenko D.Y.
    Current issues in computational modeling of thrombosis, fibrinolysis, and thrombolysis
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 975-995

    Hemostasis system is one of the key body’s defense systems, which is presented in all the liquid tissues and especially important in blood. Hemostatic response is triggered as a result of the vessel injury. The interaction between specialized cells and humoral systems leads to the formation of the initial hemostatic clot, which stops bleeding. After that the slow process of clot dissolution occurs. The formation of hemostatic plug is a unique physiological process, because during several minutes the hemostatic system generates complex structures on a scale ranging from microns for microvessel injury or damaged endothelial cell-cell contacts, to centimeters for damaged systemic arteries. Hemostatic response depends on the numerous coordinated processes, which include platelet adhesion and aggregation, granule secretion, platelet shape change, modification of the chemical composition of the lipid bilayer, clot contraction, and formation of the fibrin mesh due to activation of blood coagulation cascade. Computer modeling is a powerful tool, which is used to study this complex system at different levels of organization. This includes study of intracellular signaling in platelets, modelling humoral systems of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, and development of the multiscale models of thrombus growth. There are two key issues of the computer modeling in biology: absence of the adequate physico-mathematical description of the existing experimental data due to the complexity of the biological processes, and high computational complexity of the models, which doesn’t allow to use them to test physiologically relevant scenarios. Here we discuss some key unresolved problems in the field, as well as the current progress in experimental research of hemostasis and thrombosis. New findings lead to reevaluation of the existing concepts and development of the novel computer models. We focus on the arterial thrombosis, venous thrombosis, thrombosis in microcirculation and the problems of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis. We also briefly discuss basic types of the existing mathematical models, their computational complexity, and principal issues in simulation of thrombus growth in arteries.

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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"