Результаты поиска по 'multiphase flow':
Найдено статей: 3
  1. Yanbarisov R.M.
    Parallel embedded discrete fracture method for flows in fractured porous media
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 4, pp. 735-745

    In this work, parallel method for solving single-phase flow problems in a fractured porous media is considered. Method is based on the representation of fractures by surfaces embedded into the computational mesh, and known as the embedded discrete fracture model. Porous medium and fractures are represented as two independent continua within the model framework. A distinctive feature of the considered approach is that fractures do not modify the computational grid, while an additional degree of freedom is introduced for each cell intersected by the fracture. Discretization of fluxes between fractures and porous medium continua uses the pre-calculated intersection characteristics of fracture surfaces with a three-dimensional computational grid. The discretization of fluxes inside a porous medium does not depend on flows between continua. This allows the model to be integrated into existing multiphase flow simulators in porous reservoirs, while accurately describing flow behaviour near fractures.

    Previously, the author proposed monotonic modifications of the model using nonlinear finite-volume schemes for the discretization of the fluxes inside the porous medium: a monotonic two-point scheme or a compact multi-point scheme with a discrete maximum principle. It was proved that the discrete solution of the obtained nonlinear problem preserves non-negativity or satisfies the discrete maximum principle, depending on the choice of the discretization scheme.

    This work is a continuation of previous studies. The previously proposed monotonic modification of the model was parallelized using the INMOST open-source software platform for parallel numerical modelling. We used such features of the INMOST as a balanced grid distribution among processors, scalable methods for solving sparse distributed systems of linear equations, and others. Parallel efficiency was demonstrated experimentally.

  2. Shabbir K.U., Izvekov O.Ya., Konyukhov A.V.
    Simulation of two-phase flow in porous media using an inhomogeneous network model
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 913-925

    We present an inhomogeneous two-dimensional network model of two-phase flow in porous media. The edges of the network are assumed to be capillary tubes of different radii. We propose a new algorithm for handling phase fluxes at the nodes of this network model. We perform two test problems and show that the two-phase flow in this inhomogeneous network model demonstrates properties that are analogous to those of real porous media: capillary imbibition, dependence of capillary pressure on saturation and effect of capillary forces in two-phase displacement. The two test problems are: the counter-current imbibition and the twophase displacement in a periodically inhomogeneous porous medium. In the former problem, we implement a network consisting of two regions: a region of low-permeability with thin capillaries surrounded by a region of high-permeability with thick capillaries, initially saturated with wetting and nonwetting incompressible fluids, respectively. Capillary equilibrium is established due to counter-current imbibition by a region. We examine the dependence: of saturation of the wetting fluid with respect to time in the regions, and of capillary pressure on the current saturation. We have obtained a qualitative agreement with the known experimental and theoretical results, which will further allow us to use this network model to verify homogenized models of capillary nonequilibrium. In the latter problem, we consider the two-phase displacement, where the network is initially saturated with nonwetting fluid. Then wetting fluid is injected through a boundary at a constant rate. We analyze the saturation with respect to the axis which is along the applied pressure gradient for various moments in time with various values of coefficients of surface tension. The results show that for lower values of coefficient of surface tension, the wetting fluid prefers to invade through the thicker tubes, and in the case of higher values, through thinner tubes.

  3. Tukmakov D.A.
    Numerical study of intense shock waves in dusty media with a homogeneous and two-component carrier phase
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 1, pp. 141-154

    The article is devoted to the numerical study of shock-wave flows in inhomogeneous media–gas mixtures. In this work, a two-speed two-temperature model is used, in which the dispersed component of the mixture has its own speed and temperature. To describe the change in the concentration of the dispersed component, the equation of conservation of “average density” is solved. This study took into account interphase thermal interaction and interphase pulse exchange. The mathematical model allows the carrier component of the mixture to be described as a viscous, compressible and heat-conducting medium. The system of equations was solved using the explicit Mac-Cormack second-order finite-difference method. To obtain a monotone numerical solution, a nonlinear correction scheme was applied to the grid function. In the problem of shock-wave flow, the Dirichlet boundary conditions were specified for the velocity components, and the Neumann boundary conditions were specified for the other unknown functions. In numerical calculations, in order to reveal the dependence of the dynamics of the entire mixture on the properties of the solid component, various parameters of the dispersed phase were considered — the volume content as well as the linear size of the dispersed inclusions. The goal of the research was to determine how the properties of solid inclusions affect the parameters of the dynamics of the carrier medium — gas. The motion of an inhomogeneous medium in a shock duct divided into two parts was studied, the gas pressure in one of the channel compartments is more important than in the other. The article simulated the movement of a direct shock wave from a high-pressure chamber to a low–pressure chamber filled with a dusty medium and the subsequent reflection of a shock wave from a solid surface. An analysis of numerical calculations showed that a decrease in the linear particle size of the gas suspension and an increase in the physical density of the material from which the particles are composed leads to the formation of a more intense reflected shock wave with a higher temperature and gas density, as well as a lower speed of movement of the reflected disturbance reflected wave.

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