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Numerical study of high-speed mixing layers based on a two-fluid turbulence model

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This work is devoted to the numerical study of high-speed mixing layers of compressible flows. The problem under consideration has a wide range of applications in practical tasks and, despite its apparent simplicity, is quite complex in terms of modeling. Because in the mixing layer, as a result of the instability of the tangential discontinuity of velocities, the flow passes from laminar flow to turbulent mode. Therefore, the obtained numerical results of the considered problem strongly depend on the adequacy of the used turbulence models. In the presented work, this problem is studied based on the two-fluid approach to the problem of turbulence. This approach has arisen relatively recently and is developing quite rapidly. The main advantage of the two-fluid approach is that it leads to a closed system of equations, when, as is known, the long-standing Reynolds approach leads to an open system of equations. The paper presents the essence of the two-fluid approach for modeling a turbulent compressible medium and the methodology for numerical implementation of the proposed model. To obtain a stationary solution, the relaxation method and Prandtl boundary layer theory were applied, resulting in a simplified system of equations. In the considered problem, high-speed flows are mixed. Therefore, it is also necessary to model heat transfer, and the pressure cannot be considered constant, as is done for incompressible flows. In the numerical implementation, the convective terms in the hydrodynamic equations were approximated by the upwind scheme with the second order of accuracy in explicit form, and the diffusion terms in the right-hand sides of the equations were approximated by the central difference in implicit form. The sweep method was used to implement the obtained equations. The SIMPLE method was used to correct the velocity through the pressure. The paper investigates a two-liquid turbulence model with different initial flow turbulence intensities. The obtained numerical results showed that good agreement with the known experimental data is observed at the inlet turbulence intensity of 0.1<I<1%. Data from known experiments, as well as the results of the kkL+J and LES models, are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed turbulence model. It is demonstrated that the two-liquid model is as accurate as known modern models and more efficient in terms of computing resources.

Keywords: high-speed mixing of layers, Mach number, Navier – Stokes equations, two-fluid model, SIMPLE method
Citation in English: Nazarov F.K. Numerical study of high-speed mixing layers based on a two-fluid turbulence model // Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1125-1142
Citation in English: Nazarov F.K. Numerical study of high-speed mixing layers based on a two-fluid turbulence model // Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1125-1142
DOI: 10.20537/2076-7633-2024-16-5-1125-1142

Indexed in Scopus

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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"