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Primary affiliation
- Udmurt State University, Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Physics - Head of Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
- 1 University street, Izhevsk, 426034, Russia
The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases
Biographical information
E.V. Vetchanin was born in Ustinov in 1986, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Izhevsk State Technical University in 2008. He defended his PhD thesis (by specialty Mechanics of fluid, gas and plasma) in 2012, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences thesis (by specialty Theoretical mechanics) in 2022.
Scientific interests
Main accomplishments of the author
Proposed and investigated finite-dimensional dynamical system governing the plane-parallel motion of a rigid body in the field of a fixed point source:
Artemova E. M., Vetchanin E. V., Control of the motion of a circular cylinder in an ideal fluid using a source, Bulletin of Udmurt University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science, 2020, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 604-617. doi: 10.35634/vm200405.
Artemova E. M., Vetchanin E. V., The Motion of an Unbalanced Circular Disk in the Field of a Point Source, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2022, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 24-42. doi: 10.1134/S1560354722010051.
Artemova E. M., Vetchanin E. V., The motion of a circular foil in the field of a fixed point singularity: Integrability and asymptotic behavior, Physics of Fluids, 2024, vol. 36, 027139, 13 pp. doi: 10.1063/5.0185865.
Additional information
Associate editor.
The author is ready to participate in reviewing.
Journal publications:
- Vetchanin E.V., Tenenev V.A., Kilin A.A. Optimal control of the motion in an ideal fluid of a screw-shaped body with internal rotors, Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 741-759
- Vetchanin E.V., Tenenev V.A., Shaura A.S. Motion control of a rigid body in viscous fluid, Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 659-675
- Vetchanin E.V., Tenenev V.A. Motion control simulating in a viscous liquid of a body with variable geometry of weights, Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 371-381
Indexed in Scopus
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"