All issues
- 2025 Vol. 17
- 2024 Vol. 16
- 2023 Vol. 15
- 2022 Vol. 14
- 2021 Vol. 13
- 2020 Vol. 12
- 2019 Vol. 11
- 2018 Vol. 10
- 2017 Vol. 9
- 2016 Vol. 8
- 2015 Vol. 7
- 2014 Vol. 6
- 2013 Vol. 5
- 2012 Vol. 4
- 2011 Vol. 3
- 2010 Vol. 2
- 2009 Vol. 1
For authors
The journal publishes original research papers and review articles in the field of computer research and mathematical modeling in physics, engineering, biology, ecology, economics, psychology etc. The journal covers research on computer methods and simulation of systems of various nature in the leading scientific schools of Russia and other countries. Of particular interest are papers devoted to simulation in thriving fields of science such as nanotechnology, bioinformatics, and econophysics. The main goal of the journal is to cover the development of computer and mathematical methods for the study of processes in complex structured and developing systems. The primary criterion for publication of papers in the journal is their scientific level. The journal does not charge a publication fee. The decision made on publication is based on the results of an independent review.
The journal is oriented towards a wide readership – specialists in mathematical modeling in various areas of science and engineering. The scope of the journal includes:
— mathematical modeling and numerical simulation;
— numerical methods and the basics of their application;
— models in physics and technology;
— analysis and modeling of complex living systems;
— models of economic and social systems.
New sections and headings may be included in the next volumes.
Computer Research and Modeling is an Open Access journal published in Russia. It accepts papers either in Russian or in English – or, starting from year 2019, in both languages.
Copyright and related rights
We accept for consideration manuscripts that have not been previously published elsewhere. Publication of papers in the Computer Research and Modeling journal does not prohibit authors from sending their papers to other journals. However, we expect the authors to observe the ethical rules for scientific publications. The content of the journal is protected by copyright. Any use of materials published in the journal should be accompanied by a reference to the corresponding publication in the Computer Research and Modeling journal.
The Computer Research and Modeling journal adheres to the open access policy. Papers published in the journal are provided to readers under the terms of the free CC BY license. According to the terms of the license, the authors retain exclusive rights to their papers. The authors may choose whether the paper will be available under the terms of the license CC BY-ND – Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported or a more permissive license, CC BY-SA – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. The CC BY-ND license allows distribution, commercial and noncommercial use of papers published in the journal as long as they remain unchanged and complete and provided that the authorship is indicated and a reference is made to the corresponding publication in the Computer Research and Modeling journal. In addition to the above-mentioned rights, the papers published under the terms of the CC BY-SA license may be used as a basis for writing other papers. All new works based on those published in the Computer Research and Modeling journal under the terms of the CC BY-SA license should be distributed in accordance with the same license, the authorship of the initial paper should be indicated and its bibliographic data should be given. We recommend the authors to use the CC BY-SA license for papers that include the source code for computer software developed by the authors and other resources which may be used as a basis for other works.
By sending a manuscript to the journal using the interactive web-form or by email, the authors accept the terms of the agreement published on the journal’s website in the form of a public offer, and give consent to processing of their personal data. Prior to sending the manuscript, the authors should make sure that the paper and all its parts (illustrations, appendices, etc.) may be published under the terms of the free Creative Commons Attribution license.
Publication fee
The journal does not charge neither publication nor submission fee. The decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board according to the results of an independent review.
Rules for submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form in LaTeX (preferably) or MS Word format.
When you submit your paper to the Computer Research and Modeling journal, you should observe the rules and use the following templates:
— in LaTeX format: metadata in English only or metadata in English and in Russian
Papers may be prepared in LaTeX format using the Overleaf system. If you speak Russian we strongly encourage you to use the template presenting paper metadata both in Russian and in English, otherwise please use the English-only template. The use of the OpenOffice/LibreOffice editor is not allowed. When using Microsoft Word, please do not try to carry over elements of the template to the file of the paper; conversely, you should open the template, fill out the title pages and then insert the text of the paper. You should not edit or remove the running titles and numbers of the pages. Formulae should be inserted in the form of MathType objects or Microsoft Office formulae.
For a primary consideration, authors should submit their manuscript in the form of a PDF file. LaTeX/Word source files should be sent after the editorial board has decided to publish the article. Papers prepared without using the template or with infringements on the rules are not considered by the editorial board. If you have any questions regarding preparation of manuscripts, please do not hesitate to contact us by email:
Please pay attention to the list of the most typical deficiencies found during the primary review of manuscripts. A manuscript cannot be accepted for consideration until these deficiencies have been eliminated:
— the abstract is less than 250 words and provides no information on the obtained results;
— the introduction does not describe how the proposed results are integrated in the modern scientific process, what place they hold, and what they are needed for, in other words, the introduction does not describe the motivation for the study;
— the list of references does not mention recent publications in international scientific journals covering the subject area of the paper;
— presentation of the material does not allow one to clearly distinguish between new results and those already well known;
— references to publications given throughout the text does not comply to the required format ([Author, year]), but are numbered; no Latin transliterations are given for Russian-language sources.
Requirements regarding the content of papers
Computer Research and Modeling is an interdisciplinary journal. The articles submitted for publication should be aimed at a wide range of specialists in mathematical modeling in various fields of science and engineering. We do not accept highly specialized papers nor papers devoted to application of widely used techniques. In research papers the original mathematical model, method, etc. should constitute an essential part of the paper. Papers should be understandable to a wide range of readers, including those non-specialists in the subject area of the paper. Therefore, the introduction to the paper should provide a brief, but informative overview and give insight into the scientific context in which the problem was formulated and solved. The paper should briefly introduce the reader to the subject matter of the paper: it does not suffice to simply refer to previous publications, their contents should be briefly described with emphasis on the deficiencies and flaws that the submitted paper is meant to make up for. The refernce list should include references to recent publications in international scientific journals covering the subject matter of the paper. If there are no such publications, this should be pointed out in the introduction. The introduction should explain the motivation for the study.
In addition to the introduction, the paper should contain a conclusion section which should present an analysis of the results obtained in the study, compare them with similar results obtained by other authors, and consider the scientific prospects arising from the results of this paper. The main text of the paper should be divided into sections and subsections; their number and titles may vary depending on the subject matter of the paper. In many cases it is convenient to lean on the IMRaD structure (Introduction, Methods, and Results and Discussion). Sections may be numbered with Arabic numerals if the authors desire to do so. It should be clear from the text of the paper what is the novelty of this work and which part of the paper presents previously known facts and which part presents new results. Please note that the manuscript submitted for publication should be written as a scientific paper and not as a summary of a thesis and the like.
The paper should contain a detailed information on the work done and allow the reader to reproduce the results obtained. At the same time, the authors should not overburden the reader with technical details and numerical data. Considering this, we recommend the authors to provide supplementary information in Appendices. Such appendices may be placed after References or be published only in electronic form on the journal’s website. We recommend the authors to publish the source code of developed computer software, as well as table data and the like as electronic supplements to the paper.
Title of the paper
The title of the paper should capture the main content of the paper. The title of a review paper should contain the word “Review”. Abbreviations (except for the very common ones) shouldn’t be used in the title.
A paper should include an abstract in the Russian and English language. The abstract should consist of the essential information presented in the paper. The recommended size of an abstract is 300 words, but no less than 250 words. Abstracts are included in the information retrieval systems such as RSCI (eLibrary), Math-Net and Scopus. Please note that since most readers will restrict themselves to reading only the abstract, it should convey sufficient information on the obtained results. If possible, abstracts should contain no formulae, references to bibliographic sources, or abbreviations. The abstract should contain neither general phrases which have no direct connection with your paper nor methodological details which are inessential for understanding the essence of the results obtained. The text of the English-language abstract is intended for an international audience. It should be written in good English and be original, that is it should not be a literal translation of the Russian-language abstract. It is recommended to use active and not passive voice (“the study tested” rather than “it was tested in this study”).
Title pages and running titles
Please fill out the title pages of the paper in Russian and English carefully. Make sure to indicate one or several UDC codes. To choose suitable codes, you can use online catalogs at and Additionally you can indicate the MSC and PACS codes. Keywords should reflect the main content of the paper. If possible, they should not repeat the terms used in the title and the abstract, but should be terms that are used in the text of the paper, define the subject area, and include other important notions, facilitating search for the paper in information storage and retrieval systems.
Affiliations of the authors (the name of organization and postal address) is indicated under the list of the authors, use superscript index numbers for identification of the authors and organizations. Use superscript letter codes for identification of the e-mail addresses of the authors. If the paper has one author or the address(es) indicated corresponds to all authors, do not use index number/letter codes. If the research work was supported by a grant or a targeted program, this information should also be placed on the title pages in Russian and English (after keywords). At the bottom of the page, full names of all authors should be indicated: in Russian together with patronymics, in English the patronymic is indicated by its initial letter instead of the whole word.
Use the following parameters for formatting the paper in Word:
— type - Times New Roman
— the main text of the paper – 11 pt
— title – 18 pt
— authors – 14 pt
— information on the authors – 10 pt
— dates of receipt and acceptance for publication – 10 pt, italics
— financial support – 9 pt
— transliterated bibliographic reference – 9 pt
— line with copyright – 8 pt.
Please don’t edit and don’t remove the upper and lower running titles on the pages. This information is filled out by the publisher during the manuscript preparation. Don’t edit and don’t remove the page numbers.
Illustrations (figures and tables)
Figures and tables can be used as illustrative materials throughout the text of the paper. Figures and tables should be numbered, and the text of the paper should contain corresponding references to them. Figures and tables should have informative captions which allow one to understand their meaning without referencing the main text of the paper. All symbols/designations used should be deciphered in the captions, the coordinate axes should be labeled (and units of measurement should be indicated). All captions, designations, legends, etc. should be made in the same language as the paper itself. During preparation of the figures we recommend the authors to bear in mind that most readers will probably first look through illustrations before reading the text of the paper. Therefore, an illustration with caption should be regarded as an independent entity in in its own right.
Please note that all illustrations in the printed copy of the journal are monochrome, and many readers who read the electronic version also print out papers using a black and white printer. Illustrations should be suitable for black-and-white printing without loss of essential information. The lines in the graphs should differ in the type of shading rather than in color. Make shure that that the pallete used for continuous color scales remains correct in monochrome printing (we recommend to use perceptually uniform colormaps, such as magma, plasma, inferno and viridis instead of the jet palette). If essential information is inavitably lost during monochrome printing, the authors should point out in the caption to the figure that the color version of the figure can be found in the online version of the paper on the journal’s website. Background fill should be avoided for graphs and similar illustrations.
Illustrations should be inserted into the paper and represented in the form of separate Corel Draw, EPS or TIFF (300dpi) files. The JPEG format is allowed only for photographs. Prior to paper submission, please make sure that all illustrations can be reproduced in good quality using a monochrome printer.
Please note that each single illustration is a separate object of copyright. If you plan to use illustrations that have been published elsewhere, make sure that these illustrations can be published again under the terms of the CC BY license. If you are not sure that this is allowed by the terms of the license, you should ask the copyright holder for an explicit permission. The aforesaid is valid even if you are the author of the initial illustration, since restrictions prohibiting its reproduction under the free license might have arisen after its first publication.
List of references
References to the literature and other cited sources in the text should be presented in square brackets in the format [Author, year]. Only author’s surname should be indicated without. For sources with two authors, both surnames should be indicated; for three and more authors, indicate the first author fllowed by “et al.” (“и др.” for sources published in Russian). In the reference one may include, if necessary, pages, part or the number of volume [Author, 1987, part 1, page 17]. If the source does not have an explicitly indicated author, then one should indicate the title of the source. If it is necessary to shorten long titles, omit words using omission points (for example, [Philosophy of culture…, year]). For multiple references use [Author1, year1; Author2, year2] or [Author, year1, year2] format. If several sources have identical [Author, year] labels they should be identified by adding latter labels after year ([Smith, 1987a, 1987b]). References to articles that have not been published yet are not allowed.
The list of cited sources is presented at the end of the paper in alphabetic order, with Russian-language sources being placed first. Bibliographic descriptions should be made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. If the source has a digital identifier (DOI), it should be indicated at the end of the description. For electronic resources (websites), the name of the resource and the date of using the resource should be indicated in addition to the address.
Bibliographic descriptions of Russian-language sources should be additionally given in Latin letters. Descriptions in Latin letters are intended for indexing in English-language scientometric information systems. The title of the source is given both in transliterated form and as an English translation. For papers published in journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, the title of the journal and the transliterated title of the paper should be indicated in the same way as they are indexed in these systems. For example, the Doklady Akademii Nauk. Matematika journal is indicated as Doklady Mathematics, Matematicheskii sbornik as Sbornik Mathematics, etc. Use the title Computer Research and Modeling for reference to the Kompyuternye Issledovaniya i Modelirovaniye journal. If the transliterated title can’t be found in bibliographic databases, we recommend to use transliteration in accordance with the BSI standard. For sources published both in Russian and in English, descriptions of both versions are given.
Addresses for manuscript submission
For a primary review, authors should submit their manuscript in the form of a PDF file. After the editorial board has decided to publish the paper, the authors should submit the manuscript in a Word or LaTeX format. To submit papers to the editorial board, the authors should use the interactive form for submission of papers online. Online submission is a preferable system for submitting manuscripts to the editorial board. It has been developed for convenience of authors and editors. If for any reason you cannot use the interactive form, manuscript may be sent to the editorial board at (the email subject should read: “A paper for the journal”). By submitting a paper to the journal using the interactive web-form or by email, the authors accept the terms of the agreement published on the website of the journal in the form of a public offer, and give consent to processing of their personal data. Prior to paper submission, the authors should make sure that the paper and all its parts (illustrations, appendices etc.) can be published under the terms of the free license Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. If the authors send a paper by email, they should indicate their surnames, contact information and the title of the paper in the body of the letter and state explicitly that they give consent to processing of their personal data, accept the terms of the offer agreement, and agree to manuscript publication under the terms of the CC BY license. The authors are encouraged to propose one or several possible reviewers during paper submission; however, this does not mean that the editorial board will assign the paper to the reviewers proposed by the authors.
Decision concerning manuscript publication
All manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board of the journal. The authors are informed of the review results by email. The purpose of the primary review is to evaluate whether the manuscript is within the scope of the journal and whether it meets the main requirements of the journal. If the paper is not accepted for further consideration, the authors are informed of the exact reason for rejection. For papers that comply with the formal requirements, the editorial board prepares a list of possible reviewers who are asked to give an opinion on the relevance, novelty and scientific level of the manuscript, to make comments on the content and formatting of the paper, and to give one of the following recommendations concerning the possibility of publication of the submitted paper in the Computer Research and Modeling journal: accept, accept with minor revisions, return for revisions, or reject. Manuscripts can be assigned for review both to members of the editorial board and to specialists in the subject area of the paper who have been recommended by the editorial board and who have studies in this subject area published in the last 3 years. After the editorial board has received at least one review, it re-considers the manuscript and makes a decision on the paper. The authors of the paper are informed of the decision of the editorial board and of the contents of the anonymized reviews. The decisions of the editorial board and the reviewers’ opinions are kept by the editorial board and the publishing house for at least five years. By request, the editorial board sends copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Indexed in Scopus
Full-text version of the journal is also available on the web site of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index
The journal is included in the RSCI
International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"