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  1. Govorkov D.A., Novikov V.P., Solovyev I.G., Tsibulsky V.R.
    Interval analysis of vegetation cover dynamics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 5, pp. 1191-1205

    In the development of the previously obtained result on modeling the dynamics of vegetation cover, due to variations in the temperature background, a new scheme for the interval analysis of the dynamics of floristic images of formations is presented in the case when the parameter of the response rate of the model of the dynamics of each counting plant species is set by the interval of scatter of its possible values. The detailed description of the functional parameters of macromodels of biodiversity, desired in fundamental research, taking into account the essential reasons for the observed evolutionary processes, may turn out to be a problematic task. The use of more reliable interval estimates of the variability of functional parameters “bypasses” the problem of uncertainty in the primary assessment of the evolution of the phyto-resource potential of the developed controlled territories. The solutions obtained preserve not only a qualitative picture of the dynamics of species diversity, but also give a rigorous, within the framework of the initial assumptions, a quantitative assessment of the degree of presence of each plant species. The practical significance of two-sided estimation schemes based on the construction of equations for the upper and lower boundaries of the trajectories of the scatter of solutions depends on the conditions and measure of proportional correspondence of the intervals of scatter of the initial parameters with the intervals of scatter of solutions. For dynamic systems, the desired proportionality is not always ensured. The given examples demonstrate the acceptable accuracy of interval estimation of evolutionary processes. It is important to note that the constructions of the estimating equations generate vanishing intervals of scatter of solutions for quasi-constant temperature perturbations of the system. In other words, the trajectories of stationary temperature states of the vegetation cover are not roughened by the proposed interval estimation scheme. The rigor of the result of interval estimation of the species composition of the vegetation cover of formations can become a determining factor when choosing a method in the problems of analyzing the dynamics of species diversity and the plant potential of territorial systems of resource-ecological monitoring. The possibilities of the proposed approach are illustrated by geoinformation images of the computational analysis of the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the Yamal Peninsula and by the graphs of the retro-perspective analysis of the floristic variability of the formations of the landscapelithological group “Upper” based on the data of the summer temperature background of the Salehard weather station from 2010 to 1935. The developed indicators of floristic variability and the given graphs characterize the dynamics of species diversity, both on average and individually in the form of intervals of possible states for each species of plant.

  2. Vassilevski Y.V., Simakov S.S., Gamilov T.M., Salamatova V.Yu., Dobroserdova T.K., Kopytov G.V., Bogdanov O.N., Danilov A.A., Dergachev M.A., Dobrovolskii D.D., Kosukhin O.N., Larina E.V., Meleshkina A.V., Mychka E.Yu., Kharin V.Yu., Chesnokova K.V., Shipilov A.A.
    Personalization of mathematical models in cardiology: obstacles and perspectives
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 911-930

    Most biomechanical tasks of interest to clinicians can be solved only using personalized mathematical models. Such models allow to formalize and relate key pathophysiological processes, basing on clinically available data evaluate non-measurable parameters that are important for the diagnosis of diseases, predict the result of a therapeutic or surgical intervention. The use of models in clinical practice imposes additional restrictions: clinicians require model validation on clinical cases, the speed and automation of the entire calculated technological chain, from processing input data to obtaining a result. Limitations on the simulation time, determined by the time of making a medical decision (of the order of several minutes), imply the use of reduction methods that correctly describe the processes under study within the framework of reduced models or machine learning tools.

    Personalization of models requires patient-oriented parameters, personalized geometry of a computational domain and generation of a computational mesh. Model parameters are estimated by direct measurements, or methods of solving inverse problems, or methods of machine learning. The requirement of personalization imposes severe restrictions on the number of fitted parameters that can be measured under standard clinical conditions. In addition to parameters, the model operates with boundary conditions that must take into account the patient’s characteristics. Methods for setting personalized boundary conditions significantly depend on the clinical setting of the problem and clinical data. Building a personalized computational domain through segmentation of medical images and generation of the computational grid, as a rule, takes a lot of time and effort due to manual or semi-automatic operations. Development of automated methods for setting personalized boundary conditions and segmentation of medical images with the subsequent construction of a computational grid is the key to the widespread use of mathematical modeling in clinical practice.

    The aim of this work is to review our solutions for personalization of mathematical models within the framework of three tasks of clinical cardiology: virtual assessment of hemodynamic significance of coronary artery stenosis, calculation of global blood flow after hemodynamic correction of complex heart defects, calculating characteristics of coaptation of reconstructed aortic valve.

  3. The article discusses the problem of the influence of the research goals on the structure of the multivariate model of regression analysis (in particular, on the implementation of the procedure for reducing the dimension of the model). It is shown how bringing the specification of the multiple regression model in line with the research objectives affects the choice of modeling methods. Two schemes for constructing a model are compared: the first does not allow taking into account the typology of primary predictors and the nature of their influence on the performance characteristics, the second scheme implies a stage of preliminary division of the initial predictors into groups, in accordance with the objectives of the study. Using the example of solving the problem of analyzing the causes of burnout of creative workers, the importance of the stage of qualitative analysis and systematization of a priori selected factors is shown, which is implemented not by computing means, but by attracting the knowledge and experience of specialists in the studied subject area. The presented example of the implementation of the approach to determining the specification of the regression model combines formalized mathematical and statistical procedures and the preceding stage of the classification of primary factors. The presence of this stage makes it possible to explain the scheme of managing (corrective) actions (softening the leadership style and increasing approval lead to a decrease in the manifestations of anxiety and stress, which, in turn, reduces the severity of the emotional exhaustion of the team members). Preclassification also allows avoiding the combination in one main component of controlled and uncontrolled, regulatory and controlled feature factors, which could worsen the interpretability of the synthesized predictors. On the example of a specific problem, it is shown that the selection of factors-regressors is a process that requires an individual solution. In the case under consideration, the following were consistently used: systematization of features, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, regression analysis. The first three methods made it possible to significantly reduce the dimension of the problem, which did not affect the achievement of the goal for which this task was posed: significant measures of controlling influence on the team were shown. allowing to reduce the degree of emotional burnout of its participants.

  4. Pogorelova E.A., Lobanov A.I.
    High Performance Computing for Blood Modeling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 917-941

    Methods for modeling blood flow and its rheological properties are reviewed. Blood is considered as a particle suspencion. The methods are boundary integral equation method (BIEM), lattice Boltzmann (LBM), finite elements on dynamic mesh, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and agent based modeling. The analysis of these methods’ applications on high-performance systems with various architectures is presented.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  5. Iakushkin O.O., Degtyarev A.B., Shvemberger S.V.
    Decomposition of the modeling task of some objects of archeological research for processing in a distributed computer system
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 533-537

    Although each task of recreating artifacts is truly unique, the modeling process for façades, foundations and building elements can be parametrized. This paper is focused on a complex of the existing programming libraries and solutions that need to be united into a single computer system to solve such a task. An algorithm of generating 3D filling of objects under reconstruction is presented. The solution architecture necessary for the system's adaptation for a cloud environment is studied.

    Views (last year): 1. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  6. Minkin A.S., Knizhnik A.A., Potapkin B.V.
    OpenCL realization of some many-body potentials
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 549-558

    Modeling of carbon nanostructures by means of classical molecular dynamics requires a lot of computations. One of the ways to improve the performance of basic algorithms is to transform them for running on SIMD-type computing systems such as systems with dedicated GPU. In this work we describe the development of algorithms for computation of many-body interaction based on Tersoff and embedded-atom potentials by means of OpenCL technology. OpenCL standard provides universality and portability of the algorithms and can be successfully used for development of the software for heterogeneous computing systems. The performance of algorithms is evaluated on CPU and GPU hardware platforms. It is shown that concurrent memory writes is effective for Tersoff bond order potential. The same approach for embedded-atom potential is shown to be slower than algorithm without concurrent memory access. Performance evaluation shows a significant GPU acceleration of energy-force evaluation algorithms for many-body potentials in comparison to the corresponding serial implementations.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  7. Marosi A.C., Lovas R.
    Defining volunteer computing: a formal approach
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 565-571

    Volunteer computing resembles private desktop grids whereas desktop grids are not fully equivalent to volunteer computing. There are several attempts to distinguish and categorize them using informal and formal methods. However, most formal approaches model a particular middleware and do not focus on the general notion of volunteer or desktop grid computing. This work makes an attempt to formalize their characteristics and relationship. To this end formal modeling is applied that tries to grasp the semantic of their functionalities — as opposed to comparisons based on properties, features, etc. We apply this modeling method to formalize the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) [Anderson D. P., 2004] volunteer computing system.

  8. Reed R.G., Cox M.A., Wrigley T., Mellado B.
    A CPU benchmarking characterization of ARM based processors
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 581-586

    Big science projects are producing data at ever increases rates. Typical techniques involve storing the data to disk, after minor filtering, and then processing it in large computer farms. Data production has reached a point where on-line processing is required in order to filter the data down to manageable sizes. A potential solution involves using low-cost, low-power ARM processors in large arrays to provide massive parallelisation for data stream computing (DSC). The main advantage in using System on Chips (SoCs) is inherent in its design philosophy. SoCs are primarily used in mobile devices and hence consume less power while maintaining relatively good performance. A benchmarking characterisation of three different models of ARM processors will be presented.

    Views (last year): 1.
  9. Wrigley T., Reed R.G., Mellado B.
    Memory benchmarking characterisation of ARM-based SoCs
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 607-613

    Computational intensity is traditionally the focus of large-scale computing system designs, generally leaving such designs ill-equipped to efficiently handle throughput-oriented workloads. In addition, cost and energy consumption considerations for large-scale computing systems in general remain a source of concern. A potential solution involves using low-cost, low-power ARM processors in large arrays in a manner which provides massive parallelisation and high rates of data throughput (relative to existing large-scale computing designs). Giving greater priority to both throughput-rate and cost considerations increases the relevance of primary memory performance and design optimisations to overall system performance. Using several primary memory performance benchmarks to evaluate various aspects of RAM and cache performance, we provide characterisations of the performances of four different models of ARM-based system-on-chip, namely the Cortex-A9, Cortex- A7, Cortex-A15 r3p2 and Cortex-A15 r3p3. We then discuss the relevance of these results to high volume computing and the potential for ARM processors.

  10. Bogdanov A.V., Degtyreva Ya.A., Zakharchuk E.A., Tikhonova N.A., Foux V.R., Khramushin V.N.
    Interactive graphical toolkit global computer simulations in marine service operational forecasts
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 641-648

    Efficiency and completeness of the numerical simulation in oceanography and hydrometeorology are entirely determined by algorithmic features of the construction of an interactive computer simulations in the scale of the oceans with adaptive coated closed seas and coastal waters refined mathematical models, with the possibility of specifying software parallelization calculations near the concrete — the protected areas of the sea coast. An important component of the research is continuous graphical visualization techniques in the course of calculations, including those undertaken in parallel processes with shared RAM or test points on the external media. The results of computational experiments are used in the description of hydrodynamic processes near the coast, which is important in keeping the organization of sea control services and forecasting marine hazards.

    Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"