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  1. Govorkov D.A., Novikov V.P., Solovyev I.G., Tsibulsky V.R.
    Interval analysis of vegetation cover dynamics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 5, pp. 1191-1205

    In the development of the previously obtained result on modeling the dynamics of vegetation cover, due to variations in the temperature background, a new scheme for the interval analysis of the dynamics of floristic images of formations is presented in the case when the parameter of the response rate of the model of the dynamics of each counting plant species is set by the interval of scatter of its possible values. The detailed description of the functional parameters of macromodels of biodiversity, desired in fundamental research, taking into account the essential reasons for the observed evolutionary processes, may turn out to be a problematic task. The use of more reliable interval estimates of the variability of functional parameters “bypasses” the problem of uncertainty in the primary assessment of the evolution of the phyto-resource potential of the developed controlled territories. The solutions obtained preserve not only a qualitative picture of the dynamics of species diversity, but also give a rigorous, within the framework of the initial assumptions, a quantitative assessment of the degree of presence of each plant species. The practical significance of two-sided estimation schemes based on the construction of equations for the upper and lower boundaries of the trajectories of the scatter of solutions depends on the conditions and measure of proportional correspondence of the intervals of scatter of the initial parameters with the intervals of scatter of solutions. For dynamic systems, the desired proportionality is not always ensured. The given examples demonstrate the acceptable accuracy of interval estimation of evolutionary processes. It is important to note that the constructions of the estimating equations generate vanishing intervals of scatter of solutions for quasi-constant temperature perturbations of the system. In other words, the trajectories of stationary temperature states of the vegetation cover are not roughened by the proposed interval estimation scheme. The rigor of the result of interval estimation of the species composition of the vegetation cover of formations can become a determining factor when choosing a method in the problems of analyzing the dynamics of species diversity and the plant potential of territorial systems of resource-ecological monitoring. The possibilities of the proposed approach are illustrated by geoinformation images of the computational analysis of the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the Yamal Peninsula and by the graphs of the retro-perspective analysis of the floristic variability of the formations of the landscapelithological group “Upper” based on the data of the summer temperature background of the Salehard weather station from 2010 to 1935. The developed indicators of floristic variability and the given graphs characterize the dynamics of species diversity, both on average and individually in the form of intervals of possible states for each species of plant.

  2. Tupitsa N.K.
    On accelerated adaptive methods and their modifications for alternating minimization
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 2, pp. 497-515

    In the first part of the paper we present convergence analysis of AGMsDR method on a new class of functions — in general non-convex with $M$-Lipschitz-continuous gradients that satisfy Polyak – Lojasiewicz condition. Method does not need the value of $\mu^{PL}>0$ in the condition and converges linearly with a scale factor $\left(1 - \frac{\mu^{PL}}{M}\right)$. It was previously proved that method converges as $O\left(\frac1{k^2}\right)$ if a function is convex and has $M$-Lipschitz-continuous gradient and converges linearly with a~scale factor $\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{\mu^{SC}}{M}}\right)$ if the value of strong convexity parameter $\mu^{SC}>0$ is known. The novelty is that one can save linear convergence if $\frac{\mu^{PL}}{\mu^{SC}}$ is not known, but without square root in the scale factor.

    The second part presents modification of AGMsDR method for solving problems that allow alternating minimization (Alternating AGMsDR). The similar results are proved.

    As the result, we present adaptive accelerated methods that converge as $O\left(\min\left\lbrace\frac{M}{k^2},\,\left(1-{\frac{\mu^{PL}}{M}}\right)^{(k-1)}\right\rbrace\right)$ on a class of convex functions with $M$-Lipschitz-continuous gradient that satisfy Polyak – Lojasiewicz condition. Algorithms do not need values of $M$ and $\mu^{PL}$. If Polyak – Lojasiewicz condition does not hold, the convergence is $O\left(\frac1{k^2}\right)$, but no tuning needed.

    We also consider the adaptive catalyst envelope of non-accelerated gradient methods. The envelope allows acceleration up to $O\left(\frac1{k^2}\right)$. We present numerical comparison of non-accelerated adaptive gradient descent which is accelerated using adaptive catalyst envelope with AGMsDR, Alternating AGMsDR, APDAGD (Adaptive Primal-Dual Accelerated Gradient Descent) and Sinkhorn's algorithm on the problem dual to the optimal transport problem.

    Conducted experiments show faster convergence of alternating AGMsDR in comparison with described catalyst approach and AGMsDR, despite the same asymptotic rate $O\left(\frac1{k^2}\right)$. Such behavior can be explained by linear convergence of AGMsDR method and was tested on quadratic functions. Alternating AGMsDR demonstrated better performance in comparison with AGMsDR.

  3. Titlyanova A.A.
    Schools on mathematical biology 1973–1992
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 2, pp. 411-422

    This is a brief review of the subjects, and an impression of some talks, which were given at the Schools on modelling complex biological systems. Those Schools reflected a logical progress in this way of thinking in our country and provided a place for collective “brain-storming” inspired by prominent scientists of the last century, such as A. A. Lyapunov, N. V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, A. M. Molchanov. At the Schools, general issues of methodology of mathematical modeling in biology and ecology were raised in the form of heated debates, the fundamental principles for how the structure of matter is organized and how complex biological systems function and evolve were discussed. The Schools served as an important sample of interdisciplinary actions by the scientists of distinct perceptions of the World, or distinct approaches and modes to reach the boundaries of the Unknown, rather than of different specializations. What was bringing together the mathematicians and biologists attending the Schools was the common understanding that the alliance should be fruitful. Reported in the issues of School proceedings, the presentations, discussions, and reflections have not yet lost their relevance so far and might serve as certain guidance for the new generation of scientists.

    Views (last year): 2.
  4. Andreeva A.A., Anand M., Lobanov A.I., Nikolaev A.V., Panteleev M.A.
    Using extended ODE systems to investigate the mathematical model of the blood coagulation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 931-951

    Many properties of ordinary differential equations systems solutions are determined by the properties of the equations in variations. An ODE system, which includes both the original nonlinear system and the equations in variations, will be called an extended system further. When studying the properties of the Cauchy problem for the systems of ordinary differential equations, the transition to extended systems allows one to study many subtle properties of solutions. For example, the transition to the extended system allows one to increase the order of approximation for numerical methods, gives the approaches to constructing a sensitivity function without using numerical differentiation procedures, allows to use methods of increased convergence order for the inverse problem solution. Authors used the Broyden method belonging to the class of quasi-Newtonian methods. The Rosenbroke method with complex coefficients was used to solve the stiff systems of the ordinary differential equations. In our case, it is equivalent to the second order approximation method for the extended system.

    As an example of the proposed approach, several related mathematical models of the blood coagulation process were considered. Based on the analysis of the numerical calculations results, the conclusion was drawn that it is necessary to include a description of the factor XI positive feedback loop in the model equations system. Estimates of some reaction constants based on the numerical inverse problem solution were given.

    Effect of factor V release on platelet activation was considered. The modification of the mathematical model allowed to achieve quantitative correspondence in the dynamics of the thrombin production with experimental data for an artificial system. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the hypothesis tested that there is no influence of the lipid membrane composition (the number of sites for various factors of the clotting system, except for thrombin sites) on the dynamics of the process.

  5. Melnikova I.V., Bovkun V.A.
    Connection between discrete financial models and continuous models with Wiener and Poisson processes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 781-795

    The paper is devoted to the study of relationships between discrete and continuous models financial processes and their probabilistic characteristics. First, a connection is established between the price processes of stocks, hedging portfolio and options in the models conditioned by binomial perturbations and their limit perturbations of the Brownian motion type. Secondly, analogues in the coefficients of stochastic equations with various random processes, continuous and jumpwise, and in the coefficients corresponding deterministic equations for their probabilistic characteristics. Statement of the results on the connections and finding analogies, obtained in this paper, led to the need for an adequate presentation of preliminary information and results from financial mathematics, as well as descriptions of related objects of stochastic analysis. In this paper, partially new and known results are presented in an accessible form for those who are not specialists in financial mathematics and stochastic analysis, and for whom these results are important from the point of view of applications. Specifically, the following sections are presented.

    • In one- and n-period binomial models, it is proposed a unified approach to determining on the probability space a risk-neutral measure with which the discounted option price becomes a martingale. The resulting martingale formula for the option price is suitable for numerical simulation. In the following sections, the risk-neutral measures approach is applied to study financial processes in continuous-time models.

    • In continuous time, models of the price of shares, hedging portfolios and options are considered in the form of stochastic equations with the Ito integral over Brownian motion and over a compensated Poisson process. The study of the properties of these processes in this section is based on one of the central objects of stochastic analysis — the Ito formula. Special attention is given to the methods of its application.

    • The famous Black – Scholes formula is presented, which gives a solution to the partial differential equation for the function $v(t, x)$, which, when $x = S (t)$ is substituted, where $S(t)$ is the stock price at the moment time $t$, gives the price of the option in the model with continuous perturbation by Brownian motion.

    • The analogue of the Black – Scholes formula for the case of the model with a jump-like perturbation by the Poisson process is suggested. The derivation of this formula is based on the technique of risk-neutral measures and the independence lemma.

  6. Ha D.T., Tsybulin V.G.
    Multi-stable scenarios for differential equations describing the dynamics of a predators and preys system
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 6, pp. 1451-1466

    Dynamic scenarios leading to multistability in the form of continuous families of stable solutions are studied for a system of autonomous differential equations. The approach is based on determining the cosymmetries of the problem, calculating stationary solutions, and numerically-analytically studying their stability. The analysis is carried out for equations of the Lotka –Volterra type, describing the interaction of two predators feeding on two related prey species. For a system of ordinary differential equations of the 4th order with 11 real parameters, a numerical-analytical study of possible interaction scenarios was carried out. Relationships are found analytically between the control parameters under which the cosymmetry linear in the variables of the problem is realized and families of stationary solutions (equilibria) arise. The case of multicosymmetry is established and explicit formulas for a two-parameter family of equilibria are presented. The analysis of the stability of these solutions made it possible to reveal the division of the family into regions of stable and unstable equilibria. In a computational experiment, the limit cycles branching off from unstable stationary solutions are determined and their multipliers corresponding to multistability are calculated. Examples of the coexistence of families of stable stationary and non-stationary solutions are presented. The analysis is carried out for the growth functions of logistic and “hyperbolic” types. Depending on the parameters, scenarios can be obtained when only stationary solutions (coexistence of prey without predators and mixed combinations), as well as families of limit cycles, are realized in the phase space. The multistability scenarios considered in the work allow one to analyze the situations that arise in the presence of several related species in the range. These results are the basis for subsequent analysis when the parameters deviate from cosymmetric relationships.

  7. Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M.
    Exact calculation of a posteriori probability distribution with distributed computing systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 539-542

    We'd like to present a specific grid infrastructure and web application development and deployment. The purpose of infrastructure and web application is to solve particular geophysical problems that require heavy computational resources. Here we cover technology overview and connector framework internals. The connector framework links problem-specific routines with middleware in a manner that developer of application doesn't have to be aware of any particular grid software. That is, the web application built with this framework acts as an interface between the user 's web browser and Grid's (often very) own middleware.

    Our distributed computing system is built around Gridway metascheduler. The metascheduler is connected to TORQUE resource managers of virtual compute nodes that are being run atop of compute cluster utilizing the virtualization technology. Such approach offers several notable features that are unavailable to bare-metal compute clusters.

    The first application we've integrated with our framework is seismic anisotropic parameters determination by inversion of SKS and converted phases. We've used probabilistic approach to inverse problem solution based on a posteriory probability distribution function (APDF) formalism. To get the exact solution of the problem we have to compute the values of multidimensional function. Within our implementation we used brute-force APDF calculation on rectangular grid across parameter space.

    The result of computation is stored in relational DBMS and then represented in familiar human-readable form. Application provides several instruments to allow analysis of function's shape by computational results: maximum value distribution, 2D cross-sections of APDF, 2D marginals and a few other tools. During the tests we've run the application against both synthetic and observed data.

    Views (last year): 3.
  8. Kiryanov A.K.
    GridFTP frontend with redirection for DMlite
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 543-547

    One of the most widely used storage solutions in WLCG is a Disk Pool Manager (DPM) developed and supported by SDC/ID group at CERN. Recently DPM went through a massive overhaul to address scalability and extensibility issues of the old code.

    New system was called DMLite. Unlike the old DPM that was based on daemons, DMLite is arranged as a library that can be loaded directly by an application. This approach greatly improves performance and transaction rate by avoiding unnecessary inter-process communication via network as well as threading bottlenecks.

    DMLite has a modular architecture with its core library providing only the very basic functionality. Backends (storage engines) and frontends (data access protocols) are implemented as plug-in modules. Doubtlessly DMLite wouldn't be able to completely replace DPM without GridFTP as it is used for most of the data transfers in WLCG.

    In DPM GridFTP support was implemented in a Data Storage Interface (DSI) module for Globus’ GridFTP server. In DMLite an effort was made to rewrite a GridFTP module from scratch in order to take advantage of new DMLite features and also implement new functionality. The most important improvement over the old version is a redirection capability.

    With old GridFTP frontend a client needed to contact SRM on the head node in order to obtain a transfer URL (TURL) before reading or writing a file. With new GridFTP frontend this is no longer necessary: a client may connect directly to the GridFTP server on the head node and perform file I/O using only logical file names (LFNs). Data channel is then automatically redirected to a proper disk node.

    This renders the most often used part of SRM unnecessary, simplifies file access and improves performance. It also makes DMLite a more appealing choice for non-LHC VOs that were never much interested in SRM.

    With new GridFTP frontend it's also possible to access data on various DMLite-supported backends like HDFS, S3 and legacy DPM.

    Views (last year): 1.
  9. Marosi A.C., Lovas R.
    Defining volunteer computing: a formal approach
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 565-571

    Volunteer computing resembles private desktop grids whereas desktop grids are not fully equivalent to volunteer computing. There are several attempts to distinguish and categorize them using informal and formal methods. However, most formal approaches model a particular middleware and do not focus on the general notion of volunteer or desktop grid computing. This work makes an attempt to formalize their characteristics and relationship. To this end formal modeling is applied that tries to grasp the semantic of their functionalities — as opposed to comparisons based on properties, features, etc. We apply this modeling method to formalize the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) [Anderson D. P., 2004] volunteer computing system.

  10. Sukhoroslov O.V., Rubtsov A.O., Volkov S.Yu.
    Development of distributed computing applications and services with Everest cloud platform
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 593-599

    The use of service-oriented approach in scientific domains can increase research productivity by enabling sharing, publication and reuse of computing applications, as well as automation of scientific workflows. Everest is a cloud platform that enables researchers with minimal skills to publish and use scientific applications as services. In contrast to existing solutions, Everest executes applications on external resources attached by users, implements flexible binding of resources to applications and supports programmatic access to the platform's functionality. The paper presents current state of the platform, recent developments and remaining challenges.

    Views (last year): 6. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
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