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  1. Zharkova V.V., Schelyaev A.E., Fisher J.V.
    Numerical simulation of sportsman's external flow
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 331-344

    Numerical simulation of moving sportsman external flow is presented. The unique method is developed for obtaining integral aerodynamic characteristics, which were the function of the flow regime (i.e. angle of attack, flow speed) and body position. Individual anthropometric characteristics and moving boundaries of sportsman (or sports equipment) during the race are taken into consideration.

    Numerical simulation is realized using FlowVision CFD. The software is based on the finite volume method, high-performance numerical methods and reliable mathematical models of physical processes. A Cartesian computational grid is used by FlowVision, the grid generation is a completely automated process. Local grid adaptation is used for solving high-pressure gradient and object complex shape. Flow simulation process performed by solutions systems of equations describing movement of fluid and/or gas in the computational domain, including: mass, moment and energy conservation equations; state equations; turbulence model equations. FlowVision permits flow simulation near moving bodies by means of computational domain transformation according to the athlete shape changes in the motion. Ski jumper aerodynamic characteristics are studied during all phases: take-off performance in motion, in-run and flight. Projected investigation defined simulation method, which includes: inverted statement of sportsman external flow development (velocity of the motion is equal to air flow velocity, object is immobile); changes boundary of the body technology defining; multiple calculations with the national team member data projecting. The research results are identification of the main factors affected to jumping performance: aerodynamic forces, rotating moments etc. Developed method was tested with active sportsmen. Ski jumpers used this method during preparations for Sochi Olympic Games 2014. A comparison of the predicted characteristics and experimental data shows a good agreement. Method versatility is underlined by performing swimmer and skater flow simulation. Designed technology is applicable for sorts of natural and technical objects.

    Views (last year): 29.
  2. Lobanov A.I., Mirov F.Kh.
    On the using the differential schemes to transport equation with drain in grid modeling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 5, pp. 1149-1164

    Modern power transportation systems are the complex engineering systems. Such systems include both point facilities (power producers, consumers, transformer substations, etc.) and the distributed elements (f.e. power lines). Such structures are presented in the form of the graphs with different types of nodes under creating the mathematical models. It is necessary to solve the system of partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type to study the dynamic effects in such systems.

    An approach similar to one already applied in modeling similar problems earlier used in the work. New variant of the splitting method was used proposed by the authors. Unlike most known works, the splitting is not carried out according to physical processes (energy transport without dissipation, separately dissipative processes). We used splitting to the transport equations with the drain and the exchange between Reimann’s invariants. This splitting makes possible to construct the hybrid schemes for Riemann invariants with a high order of approximation and minimal dissipation error. An example of constructing such a hybrid differential scheme is described for a single-phase power line. The difference scheme proposed is based on the analysis of the properties of the schemes in the space of insufficient coefficients.

    Examples of the model problem numerical solutions using the proposed splitting and the difference scheme are given. The results of the numerical calculations shows that the difference scheme allows to reproduce the arising regions of large gradients. It is shown that the difference schemes also allow detecting resonances in such the systems.

  3. Golubev V.I., Shevchenko A.V., Petrov I.B.
    Raising convergence order of grid-characteristic schemes for 2D linear elasticity problems using operator splitting
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 899-910

    The grid-characteristic method is successfully used for solving hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations (for example, transport / acoustic / elastic equations). It allows to construct correctly algorithms on contact boundaries and boundaries of the integration domain, to a certain extent to take into account the physics of the problem (propagation of discontinuities along characteristic curves), and has the property of monotonicity, which is important for considered problems. In the cases of two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems the method makes use of a coordinate splitting technique, which enables us to solve the original equations by solving several one-dimensional ones consecutively. It is common to use up to 3-rd order one-dimensional schemes with simple splitting techniques which do not allow for the convergence order to be higher than two (with respect to time). Significant achievements in the operator splitting theory were done, the existence of higher-order schemes was proved. Its peculiarity is the need to perform a step in the opposite direction in time, which gives rise to difficulties, for example, for parabolic problems.

    In this work coordinate splitting of the 3-rd and 4-th order were used for the two-dimensional hyperbolic problem of the linear elasticity. This made it possible to increase the final convergence order of the computational algorithm. The paper empirically estimates the convergence in L1 and L∞ norms using analytical solutions of the system with the sufficient degree of smoothness. To obtain objective results, we considered the cases of longitudinal and transverse plane waves propagating both along the diagonal of the computational cell and not along it. Numerical experiments demonstrated the improved accuracy and convergence order of constructed schemes. These improvements are achieved with the cost of three- or fourfold increase of the computational time (for the 3-rd and 4-th order respectively) and no additional memory requirements. The proposed improvement of the computational algorithm preserves the simplicity of its parallel implementation based on the spatial decomposition of the computational grid.

  4. Vassilevski Y.V., Simakov S.S., Gamilov T.M., Salamatova V.Yu., Dobroserdova T.K., Kopytov G.V., Bogdanov O.N., Danilov A.A., Dergachev M.A., Dobrovolskii D.D., Kosukhin O.N., Larina E.V., Meleshkina A.V., Mychka E.Yu., Kharin V.Yu., Chesnokova K.V., Shipilov A.A.
    Personalization of mathematical models in cardiology: obstacles and perspectives
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 911-930

    Most biomechanical tasks of interest to clinicians can be solved only using personalized mathematical models. Such models allow to formalize and relate key pathophysiological processes, basing on clinically available data evaluate non-measurable parameters that are important for the diagnosis of diseases, predict the result of a therapeutic or surgical intervention. The use of models in clinical practice imposes additional restrictions: clinicians require model validation on clinical cases, the speed and automation of the entire calculated technological chain, from processing input data to obtaining a result. Limitations on the simulation time, determined by the time of making a medical decision (of the order of several minutes), imply the use of reduction methods that correctly describe the processes under study within the framework of reduced models or machine learning tools.

    Personalization of models requires patient-oriented parameters, personalized geometry of a computational domain and generation of a computational mesh. Model parameters are estimated by direct measurements, or methods of solving inverse problems, or methods of machine learning. The requirement of personalization imposes severe restrictions on the number of fitted parameters that can be measured under standard clinical conditions. In addition to parameters, the model operates with boundary conditions that must take into account the patient’s characteristics. Methods for setting personalized boundary conditions significantly depend on the clinical setting of the problem and clinical data. Building a personalized computational domain through segmentation of medical images and generation of the computational grid, as a rule, takes a lot of time and effort due to manual or semi-automatic operations. Development of automated methods for setting personalized boundary conditions and segmentation of medical images with the subsequent construction of a computational grid is the key to the widespread use of mathematical modeling in clinical practice.

    The aim of this work is to review our solutions for personalization of mathematical models within the framework of three tasks of clinical cardiology: virtual assessment of hemodynamic significance of coronary artery stenosis, calculation of global blood flow after hemodynamic correction of complex heart defects, calculating characteristics of coaptation of reconstructed aortic valve.

  5. Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M.
    Exact calculation of a posteriori probability distribution with distributed computing systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 539-542

    We'd like to present a specific grid infrastructure and web application development and deployment. The purpose of infrastructure and web application is to solve particular geophysical problems that require heavy computational resources. Here we cover technology overview and connector framework internals. The connector framework links problem-specific routines with middleware in a manner that developer of application doesn't have to be aware of any particular grid software. That is, the web application built with this framework acts as an interface between the user 's web browser and Grid's (often very) own middleware.

    Our distributed computing system is built around Gridway metascheduler. The metascheduler is connected to TORQUE resource managers of virtual compute nodes that are being run atop of compute cluster utilizing the virtualization technology. Such approach offers several notable features that are unavailable to bare-metal compute clusters.

    The first application we've integrated with our framework is seismic anisotropic parameters determination by inversion of SKS and converted phases. We've used probabilistic approach to inverse problem solution based on a posteriory probability distribution function (APDF) formalism. To get the exact solution of the problem we have to compute the values of multidimensional function. Within our implementation we used brute-force APDF calculation on rectangular grid across parameter space.

    The result of computation is stored in relational DBMS and then represented in familiar human-readable form. Application provides several instruments to allow analysis of function's shape by computational results: maximum value distribution, 2D cross-sections of APDF, 2D marginals and a few other tools. During the tests we've run the application against both synthetic and observed data.

    Views (last year): 3.
  6. Kiryanov A.K.
    GridFTP frontend with redirection for DMlite
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 543-547

    One of the most widely used storage solutions in WLCG is a Disk Pool Manager (DPM) developed and supported by SDC/ID group at CERN. Recently DPM went through a massive overhaul to address scalability and extensibility issues of the old code.

    New system was called DMLite. Unlike the old DPM that was based on daemons, DMLite is arranged as a library that can be loaded directly by an application. This approach greatly improves performance and transaction rate by avoiding unnecessary inter-process communication via network as well as threading bottlenecks.

    DMLite has a modular architecture with its core library providing only the very basic functionality. Backends (storage engines) and frontends (data access protocols) are implemented as plug-in modules. Doubtlessly DMLite wouldn't be able to completely replace DPM without GridFTP as it is used for most of the data transfers in WLCG.

    In DPM GridFTP support was implemented in a Data Storage Interface (DSI) module for Globus’ GridFTP server. In DMLite an effort was made to rewrite a GridFTP module from scratch in order to take advantage of new DMLite features and also implement new functionality. The most important improvement over the old version is a redirection capability.

    With old GridFTP frontend a client needed to contact SRM on the head node in order to obtain a transfer URL (TURL) before reading or writing a file. With new GridFTP frontend this is no longer necessary: a client may connect directly to the GridFTP server on the head node and perform file I/O using only logical file names (LFNs). Data channel is then automatically redirected to a proper disk node.

    This renders the most often used part of SRM unnecessary, simplifies file access and improves performance. It also makes DMLite a more appealing choice for non-LHC VOs that were never much interested in SRM.

    With new GridFTP frontend it's also possible to access data on various DMLite-supported backends like HDFS, S3 and legacy DPM.

    Views (last year): 1.
  7. Kuklin E.Yu., Sozykin A.V., Bersenev A.Yu., Masich G.F.
    Distributed dCache-based storage system of UB RAS
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 559-563

    The approach to build territorial distributed storage system for high performance computing environment of UB RAS is presented. The storage system is based on the dCache middleware from the European Middleware Initiative project. The first milestone of distributed storage system implementation includes the data centers at the two UB RAS Regions: Yekaterinburg and Perm.

    Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  8. Marosi A.C., Lovas R.
    Defining volunteer computing: a formal approach
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 565-571

    Volunteer computing resembles private desktop grids whereas desktop grids are not fully equivalent to volunteer computing. There are several attempts to distinguish and categorize them using informal and formal methods. However, most formal approaches model a particular middleware and do not focus on the general notion of volunteer or desktop grid computing. This work makes an attempt to formalize their characteristics and relationship. To this end formal modeling is applied that tries to grasp the semantic of their functionalities — as opposed to comparisons based on properties, features, etc. We apply this modeling method to formalize the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) [Anderson D. P., 2004] volunteer computing system.

  9. Berezhnaya A.Ya., Velikhov V.E., Lazin Y.A., Lyalin I.N., Ryabinkin E.A., Tkachenko I.A.
    The Tier-1 resource center at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” for the experiments, ALICE, ATLAS and LHCb at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 621-630

    The review of the distributed computing infrastructure of the Tier-1 sites for the Alice, ATLAS, LHCb experiments at the LHC is given. The special emphasis is placed on the main tasks and services of the Tier-1 site, which operates in the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow.

    Views (last year): 2.
  10. Bondyakov A.S.
    Basic directions of information technology in National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 657-660

    Grid is a new type of computing infrastructure, is intensively developed in today world of information technologies. Grid provides global integration of information and computing resources. The essence Conception of GRID in Azerbaijan is to create a set of standardized services to provide a reliable, compatible, inexpensive and secure access to geographically distributed high-tech information and computing resources a separate computer, cluster and supercomputing centers, information storage, networks, scientific tools etc.

    Views (last year): 6. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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