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  1. Orlova E.V.
    Model for operational optimal control of financial recourses distribution in a company
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 2, pp. 343-358

    A critical analysis of existing approaches, methods and models to solve the problem of financial resources operational management has been carried out in the article. A number of significant shortcomings of the presented models were identified, limiting the scope of their effective usage. There are a static nature of the models, probabilistic nature of financial flows are not taken into account, daily amounts of receivables and payables that significantly affect the solvency and liquidity of the company are not identified. This necessitates the development of a new model that reflects the essential properties of the planning financial flows system — stochasticity, dynamism, non-stationarity.

    The model for the financial flows distribution has been developed. It bases on the principles of optimal dynamic control and provides financial resources planning ensuring an adequate level of liquidity and solvency of a company and concern initial data uncertainty. The algorithm for designing the objective cash balance, based on principles of a companies’ financial stability ensuring under changing financial constraints, is proposed.

    Characteristic of the proposed model is the presentation of the cash distribution process in the form of a discrete dynamic process, for which a plan for financial resources allocation is determined, ensuring the extremum of an optimality criterion. Designing of such plan is based on the coordination of payments (cash expenses) with the cash receipts. This approach allows to synthesize different plans that differ in combinations of financial outflows, and then to select the best one according to a given criterion. The minimum total costs associated with the payment of fines for non-timely financing of expenses were taken as the optimality criterion. Restrictions in the model are the requirement to ensure the minimum allowable cash balances for the subperiods of the planning period, as well as the obligation to make payments during the planning period, taking into account the maturity of these payments. The suggested model with a high degree of efficiency allows to solve the problem of financial resources distribution under uncertainty over time and receipts, coordination of funds inflows and outflows. The practical significance of the research is in developed model application, allowing to improve the financial planning quality, to increase the management efficiency and operational efficiency of a company.

    Views (last year): 33.
  2. Naumov I.V., Otmakhova Y.S., Krasnykh S.S.
    Methodological approach to modeling and forecasting the impact of the spatial heterogeneity of the COVID-19 spread on the economic development of Russian regions
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 3, pp. 629-648

    The article deals with the development of a methodological approach to forecasting and modeling the socioeconomic consequences of viral epidemics in conditions of heterogeneous economic development of territorial systems. The relevance of the research stems from the need for rapid mechanisms of public management and stabilization of adverse epidemiological situation, taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of COVID-19, accompanied by a concentration of infection in large metropolitan areas and territories with high economic activity. The aim of the work is to substantiate a methodology to assess the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of coronavirus infection, find poles of its growth, emerging spatial clusters and zones of their influence with the assessment of inter-territorial relationships, as well as simulate the effects of worsening epidemiological situation on the dynamics of economic development of regional systems. The peculiarity of the developed approach is the spatial clustering of regional systems by the level of COVID-19 incidence, conducted using global and local spatial autocorrelation indices, various spatial weight matrices, and L.Anselin mutual influence matrix based on the statistical information of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The study revealed a spatial cluster characterized by high levels of infection with COVID-19 with a strong zone of influence and stable interregional relationships with surrounding regions, as well as formed growth poles which are potential poles of further spread of coronavirus infection. Regression analysis using panel data not only confirmed the impact of COVID-19 incidence on the average number of employees in enterprises, the level of average monthly nominal wages, but also allowed to form a model for scenario prediction of the consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection. The results of this study can be used to form mechanisms to contain the coronavirus infection and stabilize socio-economic at macroeconomic and regional level and restore the economy of territorial systems, depending on the depth of the spread of infection and the level of economic damage caused.

  3. Zenyuk D.A., Malinetsky G.G., Faller D.S.
    Simulation of corruption in hierarchical systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 321-329

    Simulation model of corruption in hierarchical systems which takes into account individual strategies of elements and collective behavior of large groups is proposed. Evolution of various characteristics like level of corruption or ratio of corrupted elements and their dependence on external parameters are discussed. The effectiveness of various anticorruptional strategies is examined by means of numeric analysis.

    Views (last year): 8. Citations: 11 (RSCI).
  4. Reshitko M.A., Ougolnitsky G.A., Usov A.B.
    Numerical method for finding Nash and Shtakelberg equilibria in river water quality control models
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 3, pp. 653-667

    In this paper we consider mathematical model to control water quality. We study a system with two-level hierarchy: one environmental organization (supervisor) at the top level and a few industrial enterprises (agents) at the lower level. The main goal of the supervisor is to keep water pollution level below certain value, while enterprises pollute water, as a side effect of the manufacturing process. Supervisor achieves its goal by charging a penalty for enterprises. On the other hand, enterprises choose how much to purify their wastewater to maximize their income.The fee increases the budget of the supervisor. Moreover, effulent fees are charged for the quantity and/or quality of the discharged pollution. Unfortunately, in practice, such charges are ineffective due to the insufficient tax size. The article solves the problem of determining the optimal size of the charge for pollution discharge, which allows maintaining the quality of river water in the rear range.

    We describe system members goals with target functionals, and describe water pollution level and enterprises state as system of ordinary differential equations. We consider the problem from both supervisor and enterprises sides. From agents’ point a normal-form game arises, where we search for Nash equilibrium and for the supervisor, we search for Stackelberg equilibrium. We propose numerical algorithms for finding both Nash and Stackelberg equilibrium. When we construct Nash equilibrium, we solve optimal control problem using Pontryagin’s maximum principle. We construct Hamilton’s function and solve corresponding system of partial differential equations with shooting method and finite difference method. Numerical calculations show that the low penalty for enterprises results in increasing pollution level, when relatively high penalty can result in enterprises bankruptcy. This leads to the problem of choosing optimal penalty, which requires considering problem from the supervisor point. In that case we use the method of qualitatively representative scenarios for supervisor and Pontryagin’s maximum principle for agents to find optimal control for the system. At last, we compute system consistency ratio and test algorithms for different data. The results show that a hierarchical control is required to provide system stability.

  5. Petrosyan A.Sh.
    The New Use of Network Element in ATLAS Workload Management System
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 6, pp. 1343-1349

    A crucial component of distributed computing systems is network infrastructure. While networking forms the backbone of such systems, it is often the invisible partner to storage and computing resources. We propose to integrate Network Elements directly into distributed systems through the workload management layer. There are many reasons for this approach. As the complexity and demand for distributed systems grow, it is important to use existing infrastructure efficiently. For example, one could use network performance measurements in the decision making mechanisms of workload management systems. New advanced technologies allow one to programmatically define network configuration, for example SDN — Software Defined Networks. We will describe how these methods are being used within the PanDA workload management system of the ATLAS collaboration.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  6. Sairanov A.S., Kasatkina E.V., Nefedov D.G., Rusyak I.G.
    The application of genetic algorithms for organizational systemsmanagement in case of emergency
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 3, pp. 533-556

    Optimal management of fuel supply system boils down to choosing an energy development strategy which provides consumers with the most efficient and reliable fuel and energy supply. As a part of the program on switching the heat supply distributed management system of the Udmurt Republic to renewable energy sources, an “Information-analytical system of regional alternative fuel supply management” was developed. The paper presents the mathematical model of optimal management of fuel supply logistic system consisting of three interconnected levels: raw material accumulation points, fuel preparation points and fuel consumption points, which are heat sources. In order to increase effective the performance of regional fuel supply system a modification of information-analytical system and extension of its set of functions using the methods of quick responding when emergency occurs are required. Emergencies which occur on any one of these levels demand the management of the whole system to reconfigure. The paper demonstrates models and algorithms of optimal management in case of emergency involving break down of such production links of logistic system as raw material accumulation points and fuel preparation points. In mathematical models, the target criterion is minimization of costs associated with the functioning of logistic system in case of emergency. The implementation of the developed algorithms is based on the usage of genetic optimization algorithms, which made it possible to obtain a more accurate solution in less time. The developed models and algorithms are integrated into the information-analytical system that enables to provide effective management of alternative fuel supply of the Udmurt Republic in case of emergency.

    Views (last year): 31.
  7. Varshavsky L.E.
    Mathematical methods for stabilizing the structure of social systems under external disturbances
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 4, pp. 845-857

    The article considers a bilinear model of the influence of external disturbances on the stability of the structure of social systems. Approaches to the third-party stabilization of the initial system consisting of two groups are investigated — by reducing the initial system to a linear system with uncertain parameters and using the results of the theory of linear dynamic games with a quadratic criterion. The influence of the coefficients of the proposed model of the social system and the control parameters on the quality of the system stabilization is analyzed with the help of computer experiments. It is shown that the use of a minimax strategy by a third party in the form of feedback control leads to a relatively close convergence of the population of the second group (excited by external influences) to an acceptable level, even with unfavorable periodic dynamic perturbations.

    The influence of one of the key coefficients in the criterion $(\varepsilon)$ used to compensate for the effects of external disturbances (the latter are present in the linear model in the form of uncertainty) on the quality of system stabilization is investigated. Using Z-transform, it is shown that a decrease in the coefficient $\varepsilon$ should lead to an increase in the values of the sum of the squares of the control. The computer calculations carried out in the article also show that the improvement of the convergence of the system structure to the equilibrium level with a decrease in this coefficient is achieved due to sharp changes in control in the initial period, which may induce the transition of some members of the quiet group to the second, excited group.

    The article also examines the influence of the values of the model coefficients that characterize the level of social tension on the quality of management. Calculations show that an increase in the level of social tension (all other things being equal) leads to the need for a significant increase in the third party's stabilizing efforts, as well as the value of control at the transition period.

    The results of the statistical modeling carried out in the article show that the calculated feedback controls successfully compensate for random disturbances on the social system (both in the form of «white» noise, and of autocorrelated disturbances).

  8. Skvortsova D.A., Chuvilgin E.L., Smirnov A.V., Romanov N.O.
    Development of a hybrid simulation model of the assembly shop
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 5, pp. 1359-1379

    In the presented work, a hybrid optimal simulation model of an assembly shop in the AnyLogic environment has been developed, which allows you to select the parameters of production systems. To build a hybrid model of the investigative approach, discrete-event modeling and aggressive modeling are combined into a single model with an integrating interaction. Within the framework of this work, a mechanism for the development of a production system consisting of several participants-agents is described. An obvious agent corresponds to a class in which a set of agent parameters is specified. In the simulation model, three main groups of operations performed sequentially were taken into account, and the logic for working with rejected sets was determined. The product assembly process is a process that occurs in a multi-phase open-loop system of redundant service with waiting. There are also signs of a closed system — scrap flows for reprocessing. When creating a distribution system in the segment, it is mandatory to use control over the execution of requests in a FIFO queue. For the functional assessment of the production system, the simulation model includes several functional functions that describe the number of finished products, the average time of preparation of products, the number and percentage of rejects, the simulation result for the study, as well as functional variables in which the calculated utilization factors will be used. A series of modeling experiments were carried out in order to study the behavior of the agents of the system in terms of the overall performance indicators of the production system. During the experiment, it was found that the indicator of the average preparation time of the product is greatly influenced by such parameters as: the average speed of the set of products, the average time to complete operations. At a given limitation interval, we managed to select a set of parameters that managed to achieve the largest possible operation of the assembly line. This experiment implements the basic principle of agent-based modeling — decentralized agents make a personal contribution and affect the operation of the entire simulated system as a whole. As a result of the experiments, thanks to the selection of a large set of parameters, it was possible to achieve high performance indicators of the assembly shop, namely: to increase the productivity indicator by 60%; reduce the average assembly time of products by 38%.

  9. Dmitrienko P.V.
    Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of systems for computing resources monitoring
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 661-668

    This article discusses the contribution of computing resources monitoring system to the work of a distributed computing system. Method of evaluation of this contribution and performance monitoring system based on measures of certainty the state-controlled system is proposed. The application of this methodology in the design and development of local monitoring of the Central Information and Computing Complex, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is listed.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  10. Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M.
    Exact calculation of a posteriori probability distribution with distributed computing systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 539-542

    We'd like to present a specific grid infrastructure and web application development and deployment. The purpose of infrastructure and web application is to solve particular geophysical problems that require heavy computational resources. Here we cover technology overview and connector framework internals. The connector framework links problem-specific routines with middleware in a manner that developer of application doesn't have to be aware of any particular grid software. That is, the web application built with this framework acts as an interface between the user 's web browser and Grid's (often very) own middleware.

    Our distributed computing system is built around Gridway metascheduler. The metascheduler is connected to TORQUE resource managers of virtual compute nodes that are being run atop of compute cluster utilizing the virtualization technology. Such approach offers several notable features that are unavailable to bare-metal compute clusters.

    The first application we've integrated with our framework is seismic anisotropic parameters determination by inversion of SKS and converted phases. We've used probabilistic approach to inverse problem solution based on a posteriory probability distribution function (APDF) formalism. To get the exact solution of the problem we have to compute the values of multidimensional function. Within our implementation we used brute-force APDF calculation on rectangular grid across parameter space.

    The result of computation is stored in relational DBMS and then represented in familiar human-readable form. Application provides several instruments to allow analysis of function's shape by computational results: maximum value distribution, 2D cross-sections of APDF, 2D marginals and a few other tools. During the tests we've run the application against both synthetic and observed data.

    Views (last year): 3.
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"