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  1. This paper considers the integrated approach to modeling the dynamics of genetic structure and the number of natural population. A set of dynamic models with different types of natural selection is used to describe a possible mechanism for the fixing of a genetic diversity in size of the litter in coastal, continental and farmed populations of arctic fox (Alopex lagopus, Canidae, Carnivora) observed now. The most interesting results have been obtained with the model of population consisting of two stages of development. At that with the frame of this model a dynamics of population genetic structure on genotypes was analyzed to consider different reproductive abilities and fitnesses of pups on the early stage of lifecycle which defined by the single diallelic gene. This model allows to receive a monomorphism for coastal populations of arctic fox, where food resources are practically constant. As well the model allows polymorphism with cyclical fluctuations in the number and frequency of the gene in the continental populations due to regular fluctuating of rodent number, the major component of its food. In farmed populations by selective selection carried out by farmers to increase the reproductive success, this gene is a pleiotropic one (i. e., determining the survival rate of individuals both early and late stages of their life cycle); so an application of appropriate model (with the selection of pleiotropic gene) allows to get an adequate rate of elimination for small litters allele.

    Views (last year): 7. Citations: 5 (RSCI).
  2. Bozhko A.N.
    Modeling of disassembly processes of complex products
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 3, pp. 525-537

    The work is devoted to modeling the processes of disassembling complex products in CADsystems. The ability to dismantle a product in a given sequence is formed at the early design stages, and is implemented at the end of the life cycle. Therefore, modern CAD-systems should have tools for assessing the complexity of dismantling parts and assembly units of a product. A hypergraph model of the mechanical structure of the product is proposed. It is shown that the mathematical description of coherent and sequential disassembly operations is the normal cutting of the edge of the hypergraph. A theorem on the properties of normal cuts is proved. This theorem allows us to organize a simple recursive procedure for generating all cuts of the hypergraph. The set of all cuts is represented as an AND/OR-tree. The tree contains information about plans for disassembling the product and its parts. Mathematical descriptions of various types of disassembly processes are proposed: complete, incomplete, linear, nonlinear. It is shown that the decisive graph of the AND/OR-tree is a model of disassembling the product and all its components obtained in the process of dismantling. An important characteristic of the complexity of dismantling parts is considered — the depth of nesting. A method of effective calculation of the estimate from below has been developed for this characteristic.

  3. Bozhko A.N., Livantsov V.E.
    Optimization of geometric analysis strategy in CAD-systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 825-840

    Computer-aided assembly planning for complex products is an important engineering and scientific problem. The assembly sequence and content of assembly operations largely depend on the mechanical structure and geometric properties of a product. An overview of geometric modeling methods that are used in modern computer-aided design systems is provided. Modeling geometric obstacles in assembly using collision detection, motion planning, and virtual reality is very computationally intensive. Combinatorial methods provide only weak necessary conditions for geometric reasoning. The important problem of minimizing the number of geometric tests during the synthesis of assembly operations and processes is considered. A formalization of this problem is based on a hypergraph model of the mechanical structure of the product. This model provides a correct mathematical description of coherent and sequential assembly operations. The key concept of the geometric situation is introduced. This is a configuration of product parts that requires analysis for freedom from obstacles and this analysis gives interpretable results. A mathematical description of geometric heredity during the assembly of complex products is proposed. Two axioms of heredity allow us to extend the results of testing one geometric situation to many other situations. The problem of minimizing the number of geometric tests is posed as a non-antagonistic game between decision maker and nature, in which it is required to color the vertices of an ordered set in two colors. The vertices represent geometric situations, and the color is a metaphor for the result of a collision-free test. The decision maker’s move is to select an uncolored vertex; nature’s answer is its color. The game requires you to color an ordered set in a minimum number of moves by decision maker. The project situation in which the decision maker makes a decision under risk conditions is discussed. A method for calculating the probabilities of coloring the vertices of an ordered set is proposed. The basic pure strategies of rational behavior in this game are described. An original synthetic criterion for making rational decisions under risk conditions has been developed. Two heuristics are proposed that can be used to color ordered sets of high cardinality and complex structure.

  4. Borina M.Y., Polezhaev A.A.
    On the mechanisms for formation of segmented waves in active media
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 4, pp. 533-542

    We suggest three possible mechanisms for formation of segmented waves and spirals. These structures were observed in the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction dispersed in a water-in-oil aerosol OT microemulsion. The first mechanism is caused by interaction of two coupled subsystems, one of which is excitable, and the other one has Turing instability depending on the parameters. It is shown that, segmented spirals evolve from ordinary smooth spirals as a result of the transverse Turing instability. We demonstrate that depending on the properties of subsystems different segmented spirals emerge. For the second mechanism we suggest "splitting" of the traveling wave in the vicinity of the bifurcation point of codimension-2, where the boundaries of the Turing and wave instabilities intersect. Finally we show that the segmented waves can emerge in some simple two-component reaction-diffusion models having more than one steady state, particularly in a FitzHugh–Nagumo model.

    Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  5. Grachev V.A., Nayshtut Yu.S.
    Solids composed of thin plates
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 655-670

    The paper demonstrates a fractal system of thin plates connected with hinges. The system can be studied using the methods of mechanics of solids with internal degrees of freedom. The structure is deployable — initially it is close to a small diameter one-dimensional manifold that occupies significant volume after deployment. The geometry of solids is studied using the method of the moving hedron. The relations enabling to define the geometry of the introduced manifolds are derived based on the Cartan structure equations. The proof substantially makes use of the fact that the fractal consists of thin plates that are not long compared to the sizes of the system. The mechanics is described for the solids with rigid plastic hinges between the plates, when the hinges are made of shape memory material. Based on the ultimate load theorems, estimates are performed to specify internal pressure that is required to deploy the package into a three-dimensional structure, and heat input needed to return the system into its initial state.

    Views (last year): 2.
  6. Kuznetsov M.B., Polezhaev A.A.
    The mechanism of formation of oscillons — localized oscillatory structures
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 6, pp. 1177-1184

    A formal model mechanism of oscillon formation is proposed. These structures were found in a variety of physical systems and a chemical Belousov–Jabotinsky reaction proceeding in an aerosol OT water-inoil microemulsion. Via the proposed mechanism oscillons occur as a result of interaction of two subsystems. In the first subsystem for a proper set of parameters solitary stationary structures may arise as a result of hard local excitation. These structures influence spatial distribution of the second subsystem parameter that leads to local oscillations in the subsystem.

    Views (last year): 6. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  7. Tarasyuk I.A., Kravchuk A.S.
    Estimation of natural frequencies of torsional vibrations of a composite nonlinearly viscoelastic shaft
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 4, pp. 421-430

    The article presents a method for linearization the effective function of material instantaneous deformation in order to generalize the torsional vibration equation to the case of nonlinearly deformable rheologically active shafts. It is considered layered and structurally heterogeneous, on average isotropic shafts made of nonlinearly viscoelastic components. The technique consists in determining the approximate shear modulus by minimizing the root-mean-square deviation in approximation of the effective diagram of instantaneous deformation.

    The method allows to estimate analytically values of natural frequencies of layered and structurally heterogeneous nonlinearly viscoelastic shaft. This makes it possible to significantly reduce resources in vibration analysis, as well as to track changes in values of natural frequencies with changing geometric, physico-mechanical and structural parameters of shafts, which is especially important at the initial stages of modeling and design. In addition, the paper shows that only a pronounced nonlinearity of the effective state equation has an effect on the natural frequencies, and in some cases the nonlinearity in determining the natural frequencies can be neglected.

    As equations of state of the composite material components, the article considers the equations of nonlinear heredity with instantaneous deformation functions in the form of the Prandtl’s bilinear diagrams. To homogenize the state equations of layered shafts, it is applied the Voigt’s hypothesis on the homogeneity of deformations and the Reuss’ hypothesis on the homogeneity of stresses in the volume of a composite body. Using these assumptions, effective secant and tangential shear moduli, proportionality limits, as well as creep and relaxation kernels of longitudinal, axial and transversely layered shafts are obtained. In addition, it is obtained the indicated effective characteristics of a structurally heterogeneous, on average isotropic shaft using the homogenization method previously proposed by the authors, based on the determination of the material deformation parameters by the rule of a mixture for the Voigt’s and the Reuss’ state equations.

    Views (last year): 27.
  8. Shepelev V.V., Fortova S.V., Oparina E.I.
    Application of Turbulence Problem Solver (TPS) software complex for numerical modeling of the interaction between laser radiation and metals
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 5, pp. 619-630

    The work is dedicated to the use of the software package Turbulence Problem Solver (TPS) for numerical simulation of a wide range of laser problems. The capabilities of the package are demonstrated by the example of numerical simulation of the interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with thin metal bonds. The software package TPS developed by the authors is intended for numerical solution of hyperbolic systems of differential equations on multiprocessor computing systems with distributed memory. The package is a modern and expandable software product. The architecture of the package gives the researcher the opportunity to model different physical processes in a uniform way, using different numerical methods and program blocks containing specific initial conditions, boundary conditions and source terms for each problem. The package provides the the opportunity to expand the functionality of the package by adding new classes of problems, computational methods, initial and boundary conditions, as well as equations of state of matter. The numerical methods implemented in the software package were tested on test problems in one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry, which included Riemann's problems on the decay of an arbitrary discontinuity with different configurations of the exact solution.

    Thin films on substrates are an important class of targets for nanomodification of surfaces in plasmonics or sensor applications. Many articles are devoted to this subject. Most of them, however, focus on the dynamics of the film itself, paying little attention to the substrate, considering it simply as an object that absorbs the first compression wave and does not affect the surface structures that arise as a result of irradiation. The paper describes in detail a computational experiment on the numerical simulation of the interaction of a single ultrashort laser pulse with a gold film deposited on a thick glass substrate. The uniform rectangular grid and the first-order Godunov numerical method were used. The presented results of calculations allowed to confirm the theory of the shock-wave mechanism of holes formation in the metal under femtosecond laser action for the case of a thin gold film with a thickness of about 50 nm on a thick glass substrate.

    Views (last year): 15.
  9. Bozhko A.N.
    Analysis of mechanical structures of complex technical systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 5, pp. 903-916

    The work is devoted to the structural analysis of complex technical systems. Mechanical structures are considered, the properties of which affect the behavior of products during assembly, repair and operation. The main source of data on parts and mechanical connections between them is a hypergraph. This model formalizes the multidimensional basing relation. The hypergraph correctly describes the connectivity and mutual coordination of parts, which is achieved during the assembly of the product. When developing complex products in CAD systems, an engineer often makes serious design mistakes: overbasing of parts and non-sequential assembly operations. Effective ways of identifying these structural defects have been proposed. It is shown that the property of independent assembly can be represented as a closure operator whose domain is the boolean of the set of product parts. The images of this operator are connected and coordinated subsets of parts that can be assembled independently. A lattice model is described, which is the state space of the product during assembly, disassembly and decomposition into assembly units. The lattice model serves as a source of various structural information about the project. Numerical estimates of the cardinality of the set of admissible alternatives in the problems of choosing an assembly sequence and decomposition into assembly units are proposed. For many technical operations (for example, control, testing, etc.), it is necessary to mount all the operand parts in one assembly unit. A simple formalization of the technical conditions requiring the inclusion (exclusion) of parts in the assembly unit (from the assembly unit) has been developed. A theorem that gives an mathematical description of product decomposition into assembly units in exact lattice terms is given. A method for numerical evaluation of the robustness of the mechanical structure of a complex technical system is proposed.

  10. Yevin I.A., Komarov V.V., Popova M.S., Marchenko D.K., Samsonova A.J.
    Cities road networks
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 5, pp. 775-786

    Road network infrastructure is the basis of any urban area. This article compares the structural characteristics (meshedness coefficient, clustering coefficient) road networks of Moscow center (Old Moscow), formed as a result of self-organization and roads near Leninsky Prospekt (postwar Moscow), which was result of cetralized planning. Data for the construction of road networks in the form of graphs taken from the Internet resource OpenStreetMap, allowing to accurately identify the coordinates of the intersections. According to the characteristics of the calculated Moscow road networks areas the cities with road network which have a similar structure to the two Moscow areas was found in foreign publications. Using the dual representation of road networks of centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg, studied the information and cognitive features of navigation in these tourist areas of the two capitals. In the construction of the dual graph of the studied areas were not taken into account the different types of roads (unidirectional or bi-directional traffic, etc), that is built dual graphs are undirected. Since the road network in the dual representation are described by a power law distribution of vertices on the number of edges (scale-free networks), exponents of these distributions were calculated. It is shown that the information complexity of the dual graph of the center of Moscow exceeds the cognitive threshold 8.1 bits, and the same feature for the center of St. Petersburg below this threshold, because the center of St. Petersburg road network was created on the basis of planning and therefore more easy to navigate. In conclusion, using the methods of statistical mechanics (the method of calculating the partition functions) for the road network of some Russian cities the Gibbs entropy were calculated. It was found that with the road network size increasing their entropy decreases. We discuss the problem of studying the evolution of urban infrastructure networks of different nature (public transport, supply , communication networks, etc.), which allow us to more deeply explore and understand the fundamental laws of urbanization.

    Views (last year): 3.
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