Результаты поиска по 'mechanical structure':
Найдено статей: 49
  1. Sukhov E.A., Chekina E.A.
    Software complex for numerical modeling of multibody system dynamics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 1, pp. 161-174

    This work deals with numerical modeling of motion of the multibody systems consisting of rigid bodies with arbitrary masses and inertial properties. We consider both planar and spatial systems which may contain kinematic loops.

    The numerical modeling is fully automatic and its computational algorithm contains three principal steps. On step one a graph of the considered mechanical system is formed from the userinput data. This graph represents the hierarchical structure of the mechanical system. On step two the differential-algebraic equations of motion of the system are derived using the so-called Joint Coordinate Method. This method allows to minimize the redundancy and lower the number of the equations of motion and thus optimize the calculations. On step three the equations of motion are integrated numerically and the resulting laws of motion are presented via user interface or files.

    The aforementioned algorithm is implemented in the software complex that contains a computer algebra system, a graph library, a mechanical solver, a library of numerical methods and a user interface.

  2. Nikitin I.S., Nikitin A.D.
    Multi regime model and numerical algorithm for calculations on various types quasi crack developing under cyclic loading
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 873-885

    A new method for calculating the initiation and development of narrow local damage zones in specimens and structural elements subjected to various modes cyclic loadings is proposed based on multi regime two criteria model of fatigue fracture. Such narrow zones of damage can be considered as quasi-cracks of two different types, corresponding to the mechanism of normal crack opening and shear.

    Numerical simulations that are aimed to reproduce the left and right branches of the full fatigue curves for specimens made from titanium and aluminum alloy and to verify the model. These branches were constructed based on tests results obtained under various modes and cyclic loading schemes. Examples of modeling the development of quasi-cracks for two types (normal opening and shear) under different cyclic loading modes for a plate with a hole as a stress concentrator are given. Under a complex stress state in the proposed multi regime model, a natural implementation of any considered mechanisms for the quasi-cracks development is possible. Quasi-cracks of different types can develop in different parts of the specimen, including simultaneously.

  3. Fedorov V.A., Khruschev S.S., Kovalenko I.B.
    Analysis of Brownian and molecular dynamics trajectories of to reveal the mechanisms of protein-protein interactions
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 723-738

    The paper proposes a set of fairly simple analysis algorithms that can be used to analyze a wide range of protein-protein interactions. In this work, we jointly use the methods of Brownian and molecular dynamics to describe the process of formation of a complex of plastocyanin and cytochrome f proteins in higher plants. In the diffusion-collision complex, two clusters of structures were revealed, the transition between which is possible with the preservation of the position of the center of mass of the molecules and is accompanied only by a rotation of plastocyanin by 134 degrees. The first and second clusters of structures of collisional complexes differ in that in the first cluster with a positively charged region near the small domain of cytochrome f, only the “lower” plastocyanin region contacts, while in the second cluster, both negatively charged regions. The “upper” negatively charged region of plastocyanin in the first cluster is in contact with the amino acid residue of lysine K122. When the final complex is formed, the plastocyanin molecule rotates by 69 degrees around an axis passing through both areas of electrostatic contact. With this rotation, water is displaced from the regions located near the cofactors of the molecules and formed by hydrophobic amino acid residues. This leads to the appearance of hydrophobic contacts, a decrease in the distance between the cofactors to a distance of less than 1.5 nm, and further stabilization of the complex in a position suitable for electron transfer. Characteristics such as contact matrices, rotation axes during the transition between states, and graphs of changes in the number of contacts during the modeling process make it possible to determine the key amino acid residues involved in the formation of the complex and to reveal the physicochemical mechanisms underlying this process.

  4. Fedorov V.A., Kholina E.G., Kovalenko I.B.
    Molecular dynamics of tubulin protofilaments and the effect of taxol on their bending deformation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 2, pp. 503-512

    Despite the widespread use of cancer chemotherapy drugs, the molecular mechanisms of action of many of them remain unclear. Some of these drugs, such as taxol, are known to affect the dynamics of microtubule assembly and stop the process of cell division in prophase-prometaphase. Recently, new spatial structures of microtubules and individual tubulin oligomers have emerged associated with various regulatory proteins and cancer chemotherapy drugs. However, knowledge of the spatial structure in itself does not provide information about the mechanism of action of drugs.

    In this work, we applied the molecular dynamics method to study the behavior of taxol-bound tubulin oligomers and used our previously developed method for analyzing the conformation of tubulin protofilaments, based on the calculation of modified Euler angles. Recent structures of microtubule fragments have demonstrated that tubulin protofilaments bend not in the radial direction, as many researchers assume, but at an angle of approximately 45◦ from the radial direction. However, in the presence of taxol, the bending direction shifts closer to the radial direction. There was no significant difference between the mean bending and torsion angles of the studied tubulin structures when bound to the various natural regulatory ligands, guanosine triphosphate and guanosine diphosphate. The intra-dimer bending angle was found to be greater than the interdimer bending angle in all analyzed trajectories. This indicates that the bulk of the deformation energy is stored within the dimeric tubulin subunits and not between them. Analysis of the structures of the latest generation of tubulins indicated that the presence of taxol in the tubulin beta subunit pocket allosterically reduces the torsional rigidity of the tubulin oligomer, which could explain the underlying mechanism of taxol’s effect on microtubule dynamics. Indeed, a decrease in torsional rigidity makes it possible to maintain lateral connections between protofilaments, and therefore should lead to the stabilization of microtubules, which is what is observed in experiments. The results of the work shed light on the phenomenon of dynamic instability of microtubules and allow to come closer to understanding the molecular mechanisms of cell division.

  5. Lelekov A.S., Trenkenshu R.P.
    Modeling of the macromolecular composition dynamics of microalgae batch culture
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 739-756

    The work focuses on mathematical modeling of light influence mechanisms on macromolecular composition of microalgae batch culture. It is shown that even with a single limiting factor, the growth of microalgae is associated with a significant change in the biochemical composition of the biomass in any part of the batch curve. The well-known qualitative models of microalgae are based on concepts of enzymatic kinetics and do not take into account the possible change of the limiting factor during batch culture growth. Such models do not allow describing the dynamics of the relative content of biochemical components of cells. We proposed an alternative approach which is based on generally accepted two-stage photoautotrophic growth of microalgae. Microalgae biomass can be considered as the sum of two macromolecular components — structural and reserve. At the first stage, during photosynthesis a reserve part of biomass is formed, from which the biosynthesis of cell structures occurs at the second stage. Model also assumes the proportionality of all biomass structural components which greatly simplifies mathematical calculations and experimental data fitting. The proposed mathematical model is represented by a system of two differential equations describing the synthesis of reserve biomass compounds at the expense of light and biosynthesis of structural components from reserve ones. The model takes into account that a part of the reserve compounds is spent on replenishing the pool of macroergs. The rates of synthesis of structural and reserve forms of biomass are given by linear splines. Such approach allows us to mathematically describe the change in the limiting factor with an increase in the biomass of the enrichment culture of microalgae. It is shown that under light limitation conditions the batch curve must be divided into several areas: unlimited growth, low cell concentration and optically dense culture. The analytical solutions of the basic system of equations describing the dynamics of macromolecular biomass content made it possible to determine species-specific coefficients for various light conditions. The model was verified on the experimental data of biomass growth and dynamics of chlorophyll $a$ content of the red marine microalgae Pоrphуridium purpurеum batch culture.

  6. Nikitiuk A.S.
    Parameter identification of viscoelastic cell models based on force curves and wavelet transform
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 6, pp. 1653-1672

    Mechanical properties of eukaryotic cells play an important role in life cycle conditions and in the development of pathological processes. In this paper we discuss the problem of parameters identification and verification of viscoelastic constitutive models based on force spectroscopy data of living cells. It is proposed to use one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform to calculate the relaxation function. Analytical calculations and the results of numerical simulation are given, which allow to obtain relaxation functions similar to each other on the basis of experimentally determined force curves and theoretical stress-strain relationships using wavelet differentiation algorithms. Test examples demonstrating correctness of software implementation of the proposed algorithms are analyzed. The cell models are considered, on the example of which the application of the proposed procedure of identification and verification of their parameters is demonstrated. Among them are a structural-mechanical model with parallel connected fractional elements, which is currently the most adequate in terms of compliance with atomic force microscopy data of a wide class of cells, and a new statistical-thermodynamic model, which is not inferior in descriptive capabilities to models with fractional derivatives, but has a clearer physical meaning. For the statistical-thermodynamic model, the procedure of its construction is described in detail, which includes the following. Introduction of a structural variable, the order parameter, to describe the orientation properties of the cell cytoskeleton. Setting and solving the statistical problem for the ensemble of actin filaments of a representative cell volume with respect to this variable. Establishment of the type of free energy depending on the order parameter, temperature and external load. It is also proposed to use an oriented-viscous-elastic body as a model of a representative element of the cell. Following the theory of linear thermodynamics, evolutionary equations describing the mechanical behavior of the representative volume of the cell are obtained, which satisfy the basic thermodynamic laws. The problem of optimizing the parameters of the statisticalthermodynamic model of the cell, which can be compared both with experimental data and with the results of simulations based on other mathematical models, is also posed and solved. The viscoelastic characteristics of cells are determined on the basis of comparison with literature data.

  7. Guleenkova V.D., Ershova D.M., Tsaturyan A.K., Koubassova N.A.
    Molecular dynamics study of the effect of mutations in the tropomyosin molecule on the properties of thin filaments of the heart muscle
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 2, pp. 513-524

    Muscle contraction is controlled by Ca2+ ions via regulatory proteins, troponin and tropomyosin, associated with thin actin filaments in sarcomeres. Depending on the Ca2+ concentration, the thin filament rearranges so that tropomyosin moves along its surface, opening or closing access to actin for the motor domains of myosin molecules, and causing contraction or relaxation, respectively. Numerous point amino acid substitutions in tropomyosin are known, leading to genetic pathologies — myo- and cardiomyopathies caused by changes in the structural and functional properties of the thin filament. The results of molecular dynamics modeling of a fragment of a thin filament of cardiac muscle sarcomeres formed by fibrillar actin and wildtype tropomyosin or with amino acid substitutions: the double stabilizing substitution D137L/G126R and the cardiomyopathic substitution S215L are presented. For numerical calculations, we used a new model of a thin filament fragment containing 26 actin monomers and 4 tropomyosin dimers, with a refined structure of the region of overlap of neighboring tropomyosin molecules in each of the two tropomyosin strands. The simulation results showed that tropomyosin significantly increases the bending stiffness of the thin filament, as previously found experimentally. The double stabilizing replacement D137L/G126R leads to a further increase in this rigidity, and the replacement S215L, on the contrary, leads to its decrease, which also corresponds to experimental data. At the same time, these substitutions have different effects on the angular mobility of the actin helix and only slightly modulate the angular mobility of tropomyosin cables relative to the actin helix and the population of hydrogen bonds between negatively charged tropomyosin residues and positively charged actin residues. The results of the verification of the new model demonstrate that its quality is sufficient for the numerical study of the effect of single amino acid substitutions on the structure and dynamics of thin filaments and study the effects leading to dysregulation of muscle contraction. This model can be used as a useful tool for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of some genetic diseases and assessing the pathogenicity of newly discovered genetic variants.

  8. Zhmurov A.A., Alekseenko A.E., Barsegov V.A., Kononova O.G., Kholodov Y.A.
    Phase transition from α-helices to β-sheets in supercoils of fibrillar proteins
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 4, pp. 705-725

    The transition from α-helices to β-strands under external mechanical force in fibrin molecule containing coiled-coils is studied and free energy landscape is resolved. The detailed theoretical modeling of each stage of coiled-coils fragment pulling process was performed. The plots of force (F) as a function of molecule expansion (X) for two symmetrical fibrin coiled-coils (each ∼17 nm in length) show three distinct modes of mechanical behaviour: (1) linear (elastic) mode when coiled-coils behave like entropic springs (F<100−125 pN and X<7−8 nm), (2) viscous (plastic) mode when molecule resistance force does not increase with increase in elongation length (F≈150 pN and X≈10−35 nm) and (3) nonlinear mode (F>175−200 pN and X>40−50 nm). In linear mode the coiled-coils unwind at 2π radian angle, but no structural transition occurs. Viscous mode is characterized by the phase transition from the triple α-spirals to three-stranded parallel β-sheet. The critical tension of α-helices is 0.25 nm per turn, and the characteristic energy change is equal to 4.9 kcal/mol. Changes in internal energy Δu, entropy Δs and force capacity cf per one helical turn for phase transition were also computed. The observed dynamic behavior of α-helices and phase transition from α-helices to β-sheets under tension might represent a universal mechanism of regulation of fibrillar protein structures subject to mechanical stresses due to biological forces.

    Views (last year): 6. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  9. Lihachev I.V., Galzitskaya O.V., Balabaev N.K.
    Investigation of C-Cadherin mechanical properties by Molecular Dynamics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 4, pp. 727-735

    The mechanical stability of cell adhesion protein Cadherin with explicit model of water is studied by the method of molecular dynamics. The protein in apo-form and with the ions of different types (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) was unfolding with a constant speed by applying the force to the ends. Eight independent experiments were done for each form of the protein. It was shown that univalent ions stabilize the structure less than bivalent one under mechanical unfolding of the protein. A model system composed of two amino acids and the metal ion between them demonstrates properties similar to that of the cadherin in the stretching experiments. The systems with potassium and sodium ions have less mechanical stability then the systems with calcium and magnesium ions.

    Views (last year): 5.
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