Результаты поиска по 'numerical':
Найдено статей: 428
  1. Samarin K.V.
    Mathematical modeling of neutron transfers in nuclear reactions considering spin-orbit interaction
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 4, pp. 393-401

    The difference scheme for numerical solution of a time-dependant system of two Schrödinger equations with the operator of a spin-orbit interaction for a two-component spinor wave function is offered on the basis of a split method for a time-dependant Schrödinger equations. The computer simulation of the external neutrons’ wave functions evolution with different values of the full moment projection upon internuclear axis and probabilities of their transfer are executed for head-on collisions of 18O and 58Ni nuclei.

    Views (last year): 4.
  2. We study excitation of oscillations in the stochastic gene systems with time-delayed feedback loop during transcription. The oscillations arise due to interaction noise and time delay even when deterministic counterpart of the system exhibits stationary behaviour. This effect becomes important when degree-of-freedom of a system is not high, and role of fluctuations becomes principal. The analytical solution of master-equation is obtained. The results of numerical simulations are presented.

    Views (last year): 6. Citations: 12 (RSCI).
  3. Isothermal electroconvection in a dielectric liquid arising in a plane-parallel electrode system due to unipolar injection of charges from the cathode is considered. Spatially periodic rolls structures stability is investigated.

    Views (last year): 1. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  4. Turchenkov D.A., Turchenkov M.A.
    Analysis of simplifications of numerical schemes for Langevin equation, effect of variations in the correlation of augmentations
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 2, pp. 325-338

    The possibility to simplify the integration of Langevin equation using the variation of correlation between augmentation was researched. The analytical expression for a set of numerical schemes is presented. It’s shown that asymptotic limits for squared velocity depend on step size. The region of convergence and the convergence orders were estimated. It turned out that the incorrect correlation between increments decrease the accuracy down to the level of first-order methods for schemes based on precise solution.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  5. Shilkov A.V., Gertsev M.N., Aristova E.N., Shilkova S.V.
    Benchmark «line-by-line» calculations of atmospheric radiation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 553-562

    The paper presents the methodology of «line-by-line» calculations of the Earth and atmosphere thermal radiation. Intensity of radiation is computed by numerical integration of the radiative transfer kinetic equation and the system of the angular momentum equations using quasi-diffusion method. Data from HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database [Rothman et al., 2009] are used to calculate the atmosphere optical parameters.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  6. Maslovskaya A.G., Sivunov A.V.
    The use of finite element method for simulation of heat conductivity processes in polar dielectrics irradiated by electron bunches
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 767-780

    The paper describes the results of computer simulation of time-dependent temperature fields arising in polar dielectrics irradiated by focused electron bunches with average electron energy when analyzing with electron microscopy techniques. The mathematical model was based on solving several-dimensional nonstationary heat conduction equation with use of numerical finite element method. The approximation of thermal source was performed taking into account the estimation of initial electron distribution determined by Monte-Carlo simulation of electron trajectories. The simulation program was designed in Matlab. The geometrical modeling and calculation results demonstrated the main features of model sample heating by electron beam were presented at the given experimental parameters as well as source approximation.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  7. Bashkirtseva I.A., Ekaterinchuk E.D., Ryazanova T.V., Sysolyatina A.A.
    Mathematical modeling of stochastic equilibria and business cycles of Goodwin model
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 1, pp. 107-118

    The Goodwin dynamical model under the random external disturbances is considered. A full parametrical analysis for equlibria and cycles of deterministic model is developed. We study probabilistic properties of stochastic attractors using stochastic sensitivity functions technique and numerical methods. A phenomenon of the generation of stochastic business cycles in the zones of stable equilibria is discussed.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  8. Nikitin I.S., Filimonov A.V., Yakushev V.L.
    Propagation of Rayleigh waves at oblique impact of the meteorite about the earth’s surface and their effects on buildings and structures
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 6, pp. 981-992

    In this paper the dynamic elasticity problem of the simultaneous normal and tangential impact on the half-space is solved. This problem simulates the oblique incidence of meteorite on the Earth’s surface. The surface Rayleigh wave is investigated. The resulting solution is used as an external effect on the high-rise building, located at some distance from the spot of falling for the safety and stability assessment of its structure. Numerical experiments were made based on the finite element software package STARK ES. Upper floors amplitudes of the selected object were calculated under such dynamic effects. Also a systematic comparison with the results at the foundation vibrations, relevant to  standard a 8-point earthquake accelerograms, was made.

    Views (last year): 3. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  9. Sivunov A.V., Maslovskaya A.G.
    Numerical simulation of charging processes at ferroelectric diagnostics with scanning electron microscopy techniques
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 107-118

    An algorithm of applied problem solving was described to calculate electrical characteristics of electrical field effects in ferroelectrics electron-beam charged. The algorithm was based on implementation of the deterministic model using finite element method as well as taking into account Monte-Carlo simulation results of electron transport. The program application was developed to perform computing experiments.

    Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  10. Ougolnitsky G.A., Usov A.B., Ryzhkin A.I.
    The compulsion method in the Germeyer’s games at modeling three-level control system of the ship’s ballast water
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 281-288

    The static three-level game-theoretic model of a control system of the ship’s water ballast is built. The methods of hierarchical control in view of requirements of keeping the system in the given state are used. A comparison of the results of study of the model in terms of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$. Germeyer’s games is conducted. Numerical calculations for some typical cases are given.

    Citations: 4 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"