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  1. Bozhko A.N.
    Analysis of mechanical structures of complex technical systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 5, pp. 903-916

    The work is devoted to the structural analysis of complex technical systems. Mechanical structures are considered, the properties of which affect the behavior of products during assembly, repair and operation. The main source of data on parts and mechanical connections between them is a hypergraph. This model formalizes the multidimensional basing relation. The hypergraph correctly describes the connectivity and mutual coordination of parts, which is achieved during the assembly of the product. When developing complex products in CAD systems, an engineer often makes serious design mistakes: overbasing of parts and non-sequential assembly operations. Effective ways of identifying these structural defects have been proposed. It is shown that the property of independent assembly can be represented as a closure operator whose domain is the boolean of the set of product parts. The images of this operator are connected and coordinated subsets of parts that can be assembled independently. A lattice model is described, which is the state space of the product during assembly, disassembly and decomposition into assembly units. The lattice model serves as a source of various structural information about the project. Numerical estimates of the cardinality of the set of admissible alternatives in the problems of choosing an assembly sequence and decomposition into assembly units are proposed. For many technical operations (for example, control, testing, etc.), it is necessary to mount all the operand parts in one assembly unit. A simple formalization of the technical conditions requiring the inclusion (exclusion) of parts in the assembly unit (from the assembly unit) has been developed. A theorem that gives an mathematical description of product decomposition into assembly units in exact lattice terms is given. A method for numerical evaluation of the robustness of the mechanical structure of a complex technical system is proposed.

  2. Dzhoraev A.R.
    GPU-accelerated hybrid systems for high-performance computing in bio-informatics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 163-167

    Modern GPUs are massively-parallel processors, offering substantial amount of computational power in energy-efficient package. We discuss the benefits of utilizing this computing power for modeling problems in bio-informatics, such as molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry and sequence analysis.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 6 (RSCI).
  3. Klenov S.L., Wegerle D., Kerner B.S., Schreckenberg M.
    Prediction of moving and unexpected motionless bottlenecks based on three-phase traffic theory
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 2, pp. 319-363

    We present a simulation methodology for the prediction of ЃgunexpectedЃh bottlenecks, i.e., the bottlenecks that occur suddenly and unexpectedly for drivers on a highway. Such unexpected bottlenecks can be either a moving bottleneck (MB) caused by a slow moving vehicle or a motionless bottleneck caused by a stopped vehicle (SV). Based on simulations of a stochastic microscopic traffic flow model in the framework of KernerЃfs three-phase traffic theory, we show that through the use of a small share of probe vehicles (FCD) randomly distributed in traffic flow the reliable prediction of ЃgunexpectedЃh bottlenecks is possible. We have found that the time dependence of the probability of MB and SV prediction as well as the accuracy of the estimation of MB and SV location depend considerably on sequences of phase transitions from free flow (F) to synchronized flow (S) (F→S transition) and back from synchronized flow to free flow (S→F transition) as well as on speed oscillations in synchronized flow at the bottleneck. In the simulation approach, the identification of F→S and S→F transitions at an unexpected bottleneck has been made in accordance with Kerner's three-phase traffic theory. The presented simulation methodology allows us both the prediction of the unexpected bottleneck that suddenly occurs on a highway and the distinguishing of the origin of the unexpected bottleneck, i.e., whether the unexpected bottleneck has occurred due to a MB or a SV.

  4. Kutalev A.A., Lapina A.A.
    Modern ways to overcome neural networks catastrophic forgetting and empirical investigations on their structural issues
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 1, pp. 45-56

    This paper presents the results of experimental validation of some structural issues concerning the practical use of methods to overcome catastrophic forgetting of neural networks. A comparison of current effective methods like EWC (Elastic Weight Consolidation) and WVA (Weight Velocity Attenuation) is made and their advantages and disadvantages are considered. It is shown that EWC is better for tasks where full retention of learned skills is required on all the tasks in the training queue, while WVA is more suitable for sequential tasks with very limited computational resources, or when reuse of representations and acceleration of learning from task to task is required rather than exact retention of the skills. The attenuation of the WVA method must be applied to the optimization step, i. e. to the increments of neural network weights, rather than to the loss function gradient itself, and this is true for any gradient optimization method except the simplest stochastic gradient descent (SGD). The choice of the optimal weights attenuation function between the hyperbolic function and the exponent is considered. It is shown that hyperbolic attenuation is preferable because, despite comparable quality at optimal values of the hyperparameter of the WVA method, it is more robust to hyperparameter deviations from the optimal value (this hyperparameter in the WVA method provides a balance between preservation of old skills and learning a new skill). Empirical observations are presented that support the hypothesis that the optimal value of this hyperparameter does not depend on the number of tasks in the sequential learning queue. And, consequently, this hyperparameter can be picked up on a small number of tasks and used on longer sequences.

  5. Kotliarova E.V., Gasnikov A.V., Gasnikova E.V., Yarmoshik D.V.
    Finding equilibrium in two-stage traffic assignment model
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 2, pp. 365-379

    Authors describe a two-stage traffic assignment model. It contains of two blocks. The first block consists of a model for calculating a correspondence (demand) matrix, whereas the second block is a traffic assignment model. The first model calculates a matrix of correspondences using a matrix of transport costs (it characterizes the required volumes of movement from one area to another, it is time in this case). To solve this problem, authors propose to use one of the most popular methods of calculating the correspondence matrix in urban studies — the entropy model. The second model describes exactly how the needs for displacement specified by the correspondence matrix are distributed along the possible paths. Knowing the ways of the flows distribution along the paths, it is possible to calculate the cost matrix. Equilibrium in a two-stage model is a fixed point in the sequence of these two models. In practice the problem of finding a fixed point can be solved by the fixed-point iteration method. Unfortunately, at the moment the issue of convergence and estimations of the convergence rate for this method has not been studied quite thoroughly. In addition, the numerical implementation of the algorithm results in many problems. In particular, if the starting point is incorrect, situations may arise where the algorithm requires extremely large numbers to be computed and exceeds the available memory even on the most modern computers. Therefore the article proposes a method for reducing the problem of finding the equilibrium to the problem of the convex non-smooth optimization. Also a numerical method for solving the obtained optimization problem is proposed. Numerical experiments were carried out for both methods of solving the problem. The authors used data for Vladivostok (for this city information from various sources was processed and collected in a new dataset) and two smaller cities in the USA. It was not possible to achieve convergence by the method of fixed-point iteration, whereas the second model for the same dataset demonstrated convergence rate $k^{-1.67}$.

  6. Kazorin V.I., Kholodov Y.A.
    Framework sumo-atclib for adaptive traffic control modeling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 1, pp. 69-78

    This article proposes the sumo-atclib framework, which provides a convenient uniform interface for testing adaptive control algorithms with different limitations, for example, restrictions on phase durations, phase sequences, restrictions on the minimum time between control actions, which uses the open source microscopic transport modeling environment SUMO. The framework shares the functionality of controllers (class TrafficController) and a monitoring and detection system (class StateObserver), which repeats the architecture of real traffic light objects and adaptive control systems and simplifies the testing of new algorithms, since combinations of different controllers and vehicle detection systems can be freely varied. Also, unlike most existing solutions, the road class Road has been added, which combines a set of lanes, this allows, for example, to determine the adjacency of regulated intersections, in cases when the number of lanes changes on the way from one intersection to another, and therefore the road graph is divided into several edges. At the same time, the algorithms themselves use the same interface and are abstracted from the specific parameters of the detectors, network topologies, that is, it is assumed that this solution will allow the transport engineer to test ready-made algorithms for a new scenario, without the need to adapt them to new conditions, which speeds up the development process of the control system, and reduces design overhead. At the moment, the package contains examples of MaxPressure algorithms and the Q-learning reinforcement learning method, the database of examples is also being updated. The framework also includes a set of SUMO scripts for testing algorithms, which includes both synthetic maps and well-verified SUMO scripts such as Cologne and Ingolstadt. In addition, the framework provides a set of automatically calculated metrics, such as total travel time, delay time, average speed; the framework also provides a ready-made example for visualization of metrics.

  7. Kisselev S.S., Komarov V.M., Masulis I.S., Ozoline O.N.
    Distribution of mononucleotide repeats in bacterial chromosomes: A/T-tracts dominate on G/C-tracts
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 183-187

    This study analyzes the abundance of mononucleotide tracts of different length in 342 eubacterial and 69 archaeal chromosomes. Despite the fact that the amount of analyzed repeats depends on nucleotide content, the predominance of poly(dA)n- and poly(dT)n-tracts on poly(dG)n- and poly(dC)n-tracts was found in 301 chromosomes (73 % of events), including 90 GC-rich chromosomes. In natural DNAs amount of A/T-tracts usually appeared to be two-fold higher than in randomized nucleotide sequences with the same AT/GC-content and length. Possible reasons of this asymmetry in distribution are discussed.

    Views (last year): 4.
  8. Aponin Yu.M., Aponina E.A.
    The invariance principle of La-Salle and mathematical models for the evolution of microbial populations
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 2, pp. 177-190

    A mathematical model for the evolution of microbial populations during prolonged cultivation in a chemostat has been constructed. This model generalizes the sequence of the well-known mathematical models of the evolution, in which such factors of the genetic variability were taken into account as chromosomal mutations, mutations in plasmid genes, the horizontal gene transfer, the plasmid loss due to cellular division and others. Liapunov’s function for the generic model of evolution is constructed. The existence proof of bounded, positive invariant and globally attracting set in the state space of the generic mathematical model for the evolution is presented because of the application of La-Salle’s theorem. The analytic description of this set is given. Numerical methods for estimate of the number of limit sets, its location and following investigation in the mathematical models for evolution are discussed.

    Views (last year): 8. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  9. We build new tests which permit to increase the human capacity for the information processing by the parallel execution of the several logic operations of prescribed type. For checking of the causes of the capacity increasing we develop the check tests on the same logic operations class in which the parallel organization of the calculations is low-effectively. We use the apparatus of the universal algebra and automat theory. This article is the extension of the cycle of the work, which investigates the human capacity for the parallel calculations. The general publications on this theme content in the references. The tasks in the described tests may to define in the form of the calculation of the result in the sequence of the same type operations from some algebra. If this operation is associative then the parallel calculation is effectively by successful grouping of process. In Theory of operations that is the using the simultaneous work several processors. Each processor transforms in the time unit the certain known number of the elements of the input date or the intermediate results (the processor productivity). Now it is not known what kind elements of date are using by the brain for the logical or mathematical calculation, and how many elements are treating in the time units. Therefore the test contains the sequence of the presentations of the tasks with different numbers of logical operations in the fixed alphabet. That is the measure of the complexity for the task. The analysis of the depending of the time for the task solution from the complexity gives the possible to estimate the processor productivity and the form of the calculate organization. For the sequence calculations only one processor is working, and the time of solution is a line function of complexity. If the new processors begin to work in parallel when the complexities of the task increase than the depending of the solution time from complexity is represented by the curve which is convex at the bottom. For the detection of situation when the man increases the speed of the single processor under the condition of the increasing complexity we use the task series with similar operations but in the no associate algebra. In such tasks the parallel calculation is little affectivity in the sense of the increasing efficiency by the increasing the number of processors. That is the check set of the tests. In article we consider still one class of the tests, which are based on the calculation of the trajectory of the formal automat state if the input sequence is determined. We investigate the special class of automats (relay) for which the construction affect on the affectivity of the parallel calculations of the final automat state. For all tests we estimate the affectivity of the parallel calculation. This article do not contained the experiment results.

    Views (last year): 14. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  10. Il’ichev V.G., Dashkevich L.V.
    Optimal fishing and evolution of fish migration routes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 5, pp. 879-893

    A new discrete ecological-evolutionary mathematical model is presented, in which the search mechanisms for evolutionarily stable migration routes of fish populations are implemented. The proposed adaptive designs have a small dimension, and therefore have high speed. This allows carrying out calculations on long-term perspective for an acceptable machine time. Both geometric approaches of nonlinear analysis and computer “asymptotic” methods were used in the study of stability. The migration dynamics of the fish population is described by a certain Markov matrix, which can change during evolution. The “basis” matrices are selected in the family of Markov matrices (of fixed dimension), which are used to generate migration routes of mutant. A promising direction of the evolution of the spatial behavior of fish is revealed for a given fishery and food supply, as a result of competition of the initial population with mutants. This model was applied to solve the problem of optimal catch for the long term, provided that the reservoir is divided into two parts, each of which has its own owner. Dynamic programming is used, based on the construction of the Bellman function, when solving optimization problems. A paradoxical strategy of “luring” was discovered, when one of the participants in the fishery temporarily reduces the catch in its water area. In this case, the migrating fish spends more time in this area (on condition of equal food supply). This route is evolutionarily fixes and does not change even after the resumption of fishing in the area. The second participant in the fishery can restore the status quo by applying “luring” to its part of the water area. Endless sequence of “luring” arises as a kind of game “giveaway”. A new effective concept has been introduced — the internal price of the fish population, depending on the zone of the reservoir. In fact, these prices are Bellman's private derivatives, and can be used as a tax on caught fish. In this case, the problem of long-term fishing is reduced to solving the problem of one-year optimization.

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