Результаты поиска по 'water':
Найдено статей: 71
  1. Kargovsky A.V.
    Anharmonic vibrational resonances in small water clusters
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2009, v. 1, no. 3, pp. 321-336

    Numerical calculations of structures and vibrational spectra of small water clusters are performed by solution of the molecular Schrodinger equation in the density functional theory framework using B3LYP and X3LYP hybrid functionals. Spectral features and evolution of hydrogen bond properties in clusters with their size increasing are discussed. The vibrotational Hamiltonian parameters and Fermi and Darling-Dennison anharmonic resonances in small water oligomers are determined. Obtained results may be used in quantum mechanics/molecular dynamics simulations of water and processes in active site of enzyme.

    Views (last year): 1. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  2. Zlenko D.V., Krasilnikov P.M.
    Permeability of lipid membranes. A molecular dynamic study
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2009, v. 1, no. 4, pp. 423-436

    A correct model of lipid molecule (distearoylphosphatidylcholine, DSPC) and lipid membrane in water was constructed. Model lipid membrane is stable and has a reliable energy distribution among degrees of freedom. Also after equilibration model system has spatial parameters very similar to those of real DSPC membrane in liquid-crystalline phase. This model was used for studying of lipid membrane permeability to oxygen and water molecules and sodium ion. We obtained the values for transmembrane mobility and diffusion coefficients profiles, which we used for effective permeability coefficients calculation. We found lipid membranes to have significant diffusional resistance to penetration not only by charged particles, such as ions, but also by nonpolar molecules, such as oxygen molecule. We propose theoretical approach for calculation of particle flow across a membrane, as well as methods for estimation of distribution coefficients between bilayer and water phase.

    Views (last year): 20. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  3. Tokarev S.M.
    Mathematic modeling of thermal distillation of water in film flowing under vacuum
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 205-211

    The article is dedicated to mathematic modeling of natural water desalination process by method of thermal distillation. The article gives the equations which allow describing the processes of film flowing and boiling of water, steam condensation and vacuum maintenance. The article presents the algorithm of calculation, implemented in MatLab computer mathematic system and Excel electronic tables, and the initial data required for the calculation. The model has been checked for adequacy. The calculation of ten-effect distillation system is given. The results of work can be used in design and optimization of process conditions for distillation systems.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  4. Ougolnitsky G.A., Usov A.B., Ryzhkin A.I.
    The compulsion method in the Germeyer’s games at modeling three-level control system of the ship’s ballast water
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 281-288

    The static three-level game-theoretic model of a control system of the ship’s water ballast is built. The methods of hierarchical control in view of requirements of keeping the system in the given state are used. A comparison of the results of study of the model in terms of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$. Germeyer’s games is conducted. Numerical calculations for some typical cases are given.

    Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  5. Malygina N.V., Surkov P.G.
    On the modeling of water obstacles overcoming by Rangifer tarandus L
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 5, pp. 895-910

    Seasonal migrations and herd instinct are traditionally recognized as wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) species-specific behavioral signs. These animals are forced to overcome water obstacles during the migrations. Behaviour peculiarities are considered as the result of the selection process, which has chosen among the sets of strategies, as the only evolutionarily stable one, determining the reproduction and biological survival of wild reindeer as a species. Natural processes in the Taimyr population wild reindeer are currently occurring against the background of an increase in the influence of negative factors due to the escalation of the industrial development of the Arctic. That is why the need to identify the ethological features of these animals completely arose. This paper presents the results of applying the classical methods of the theory of optimal control and differential games to the wild reindeer study of the migration patterns in overcoming water barriers, including major rivers. Based on these animals’ ethological features and behavior forms, the herd is presented as a controlled dynamic system, which presents also two classes of individuals: the leader and the rest of the herd, for which their models, describing the trajectories of their movement, are constructed. The models are based on hypotheses, which are the mathematical formalization of some animal behavior patterns. This approach made it possible to find the trajectory of the important one using the methods of the optimal control theory, and in constructing the trajectories of other individuals, apply the principle of control with a guide. Approbation of the obtained results, which can be used in the formation of a common “platform” for the adaptive behavior models systematic construction and as a reserve for the cognitive evolution models fundamental development, is numerically carried out using a model example with observational data on the Werchnyaya Taimyra River.

  6. Pyreev A.O., Tarasov I.A.
    Application of computational simulation techniques for designing swim-out release systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 3, pp. 597-606

    The article describes the basic approaches of the calculation procedure of payload swim-out (objects of different function with own propulsor) from the underwater carrier a method of a self-exit using modern CFD technologies. It contains the description of swim-out by a self-exit method, its advantages and disadvantages. Also it contains results of research of convergence on a grid of a final-volume model with accuracy-time criterion, and results of comparison of calculation with experiment (validation of models). Validation of models was carried out using the available data of experimental definition of traction characteristics of water-jet propulsor of the natural sample in the development pool. Calculations of traction characteristics of water-jet propulsor were carried out via software package FlowVision ver. 3.10. On the basis of comparison of results of calculations for conditions of carrying out of experiments the error of water-jet propulsor calculated model which has made no more than 5% in a range of advance coefficient water-jet propulsor, realised in the process of swim-out by a selfexit method has been defined. The received value of an error of calculation of traction characteristics is used for definition of limiting settlement values of speed of branch of object from the carrier (the minimum and maximum values). The considered problem is significant from the scientific point of view thanks to features of the approach to modelling hydrojet moving system together with movement of separated object, and also from the practical point of view, thanks to possibility of reception with high degree of reliability of parametres swim-out of objects from sea bed vehicles a method of the self-exit which working conditions are assumed by movement in the closed volumes, already on a design stage.

  7. Akimov S.V., Borisov D.V.
    Centrifugal pump modeling in FlowVision CFD software
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 907-919

    This paper presents a methodology for modeling centrifugal pumps using the example of the NM 1250 260 main oil centrifugal pump. We use FlowVision CFD software as the numerical modeling instrument. Bench tests and numerical modeling use water as a working fluid. The geometrical model of the pump is fully three-dimensional and includes the pump housing to account for leakages. In order to reduce the required computational resources, the methodology specifies leakages using flow rate rather than directly modeling them. Surface roughness influences flow through the wall function model. The wall function model uses an equivalent sand roughness, and a formula for converting real roughness into equivalent sand roughness is applied in this work. FlowVision uses the sliding mesh method for simulation of the rotation of the impeller. This approach takes into account the nonstationary interaction between the rotor and diffuser of the pump, allowing for accurate resolution of recirculation vortices that occur at low flow rates.

    The developed methodology has achieved high consistency between numerical simulations results and experiments at all pump operating conditions. The deviation in efficiency at nominal conditions is 0.42%, and in head is 1.9%. The deviation of calculated characteristics from experimental ones increases as the flow rate increases and reaches a maximum at the far-right point of the characteristic curve (up to 4.8% in head). This phenomenon occurs due to a slight mismatch between the geometric model of the impeller used in the calculation and the real pump model from the experiment. However, the average arithmetic relative deviation between numerical modeling and experiment for pump efficiency at 6 points is 0.39%, with an experimental efficiency measurement error of 0.72%. This meets the accuracy requirements for calculations. In the future, this methodology can be used for a series of optimization and strength calculations, as modeling does not require significant computational resources and takes into account the non-stationary nature of flow in the pump.

  8. With the data obtained by hydrobiological monitoring of water objects of Don river for many years (1978-1988) calculation of rank distribution parameters and indexes of dominance for phytoplankton species abundance was conducted. The borders of investigated characteristics are calculated. They correspond to borders of ecological well-being - trouble conditions of phytoplankton communities. Ecologically tolerable levels for the core abiotic factors are found. Contribution of each of analyzed factors to a degree of ecological trouble is established.

    Views (last year): 1.
  9. Zlenko D.V., Stadnichuk I.N., Krasilnikov P.M.
    Molecular model of OCP-phycobilisome complex formation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 761-774

    A molecular model of phicobilisome complex with a quenching protein OCP which regulates the energy transfer from phicobilisome to photosystem in photosynthetic apparatus of cyanobacteria has been developed. In the model obtained a well known spatial structure of interacting proteins remains intact and also the energy transfer from phycobilisome to OCP with reasonable rates is possible. Free energy of complex formation was calculated using MM–PBSA approach. By the order of magnitude this energy is about tens of kJ/mole. This value correlates well with experimental observed low stability of this complex. The specific surface energy of interaction between hydrophylic phicobilisome and OCP is twice larger than specific surface energy of their interaction with water. This reflects a high molecular complementary of interacting protein surfaces and is a strong pro argument for proposed model.

  10. Demianov A.Y., Dinariev O.Y., Lisitsin D.A.
    Numerical simulation of electromagnetic properties of the saturated rock media with surface conductivity effects
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 5, pp. 1081-1088

    New numerical simulation technique to calculate electrical properties of rocks with two-phase “oil– water” saturation is proposed. This technique takes into account surface conductivity of electrical double layers at the contact between solid rock and aqueous solution inside pore space. The numerical simulation technique is based on acquiring of electrical potential distribution in high-resolution three-dimensional digital model of porous medium. The digital model incorporates the spatial geometry of pore channels and contains bulk and surface grid cells. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the importance of surface conductivity effects.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"