
Gasnikov Alexander Vladimirovich

Гасников Александр Владимирович

Doctor of Computer Sciences, Professor


Primary affiliation

  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization, Head of the Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control
  • Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow region, 141700, Russia

The author's profile in the scientific and bibliometric databases

Biographical information

2006 — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Control and Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia

2007 — Candidate of Computer Sciences (PhD) in Partial Differential Equations, Thesis: “Asymptotic in time behavior of solution of Cauchy problem for conservation law with nonlinear divergent viscosity”, supervisor prof. A.A. Shananin, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia

2011 — Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control

2016 — Doctor of Computer Sciences (Habilitation) in Mathematical Modelling and Numerical methods of Convex Optimization, Doctoral Thesis: “Searching equilibriums in large transport networks”, supervisors prof. A.A. Shananin and prof. Yu.E. Nesterov

Scientific interests

Mathematical Modeling of Traffic Flows, Optimization (Huge-Scale, Distributed and Parallel, Stochastic, Online), Learning from optimization point of view

Main accomplishments of the author

Winner of the Yahoo Award for 2019

Winner of the Ilya Segalovich Award (Yandex) for 2020

Winner of the Moscow Government Prize for 2020

Winner of the Talent Funding Award by the Institute of Strategic Research (China) for 2023

Additional information

Associate editor.

The author is ready to participate in reviewing.


Innopolis University - rector
ul. Universitetskaya 1, Innopolis, 420500 Russia

Journal publications:

  1. Yudin N.E., Gasnikov A.V. Regularization and acceleration of Gauss – Newton method, Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1829-1840
  2. Tomonin Y.D., Tominin V.D., Borodich E.D., Kovalev D.A., Dvurechensky P.E., Gasnikov A.V., Chukanov S.V. On Accelerated Methods for Saddle-Point Problems with Composite Structure, Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 433-467
  3. Gasnikov A.V. Boris Polyak — path in science. Optimization, Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 235-243
  4. Pletnev N.V., Dvurechensky P.E., Gasnikov A.V. Application of gradient optimization methods to solve the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation, Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 417-444
  5. Ostroukhov P.A., Kamalov R.A., Dvurechensky P.E., Gasnikov A.V. Tensor methods for strongly convex strongly concave saddle point problems and strongly monotone variational inequalities, Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 357-376
  6. Dvinskikh D.M., Pirau V.V., Gasnikov A.V. On the relations of stochastic convex optimization problems with empirical risk minimization problems on $p$-norm balls, Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 309-319
  7. Bazarova A.I., Beznosikov A.N., Gasnikov A.V. Linearly convergent gradient-free methods for minimization of parabolic approximation, Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 239-255
  8. Alkousa M.S., Gasnikov A.V., Dvurechensky P.E., Sadiev A.A., Razouk L.Ya. An approach for the nonconvex uniformly concave structured saddle point problem, Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 225-237
  9. Kotliarova E.V., Gasnikov A.V., Gasnikova E.V., Yarmoshik D.V. Finding equilibrium in two-stage traffic assignment model, Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 365-379
  10. Stonyakin F.S., Stepanov A.N., Gasnikov A.V., Titov A.A. Mirror descent for constrained optimization problems with large subgradient values of functional constraints, Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 301-317
  11. Gasnikov A.V., Gorbunov E.A., Kovalev D.A., Mohammed A.A., Chernousova E.O. The global rate of convergence for optimal tensor methods in smooth convex optimization, Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 737-753
  12. Gasnikov A.V., Kubentayeva M.B. Searching stochastic equilibria in transport networks by universal primal-dual gradient method, Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 335-345
  13. Gasnikov A.V., Kovalev D.A. A hypothesis about the rate of global convergence for optimal methods (Newton’s type) in smooth convex optimization, Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 305-314
  14. Morozov I.I., Gasnikov A.V., Tarasov V.N., Kholodov Y.A., Kholodov A.S. Numerical study of traffic flows by the hydrodynamic models, Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 389-412

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