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About the Evolution of Perturbations Caused by the Movement of Meteoroids in the Earth’s Atmosphere
Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 6, pp. 993-1030Views (last year): 1. Citations: 1 (RSCI).On the basis of the MGD equations we consider 2D- and 3D- nonstationary problems about the evolution of perturbations in the lower atmosphere and the Earth’s ionosphere which are caused by the movement of large meteoroids along gently sloping paths of the entry with the simulation of their destruction by the momentary increase of the midship at the point of the pressure head maximum. According to the results of our numerical investigation we obtain and analyze the detailed spatial-temporal distributions of the main parameters of the plasma flows from which in particular a number of phenomena that are similar to those seen in the Chelyabinsk phenomenon follow.
Transition to chaos in the «reaction–diffusion» systems. The simplest models
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 3-12Views (last year): 6. Citations: 1 (RSCI).The article discusses the emergence of chaotic attractors in the system of three ordinary differential equations arising in the theory of «reaction-diffusion» systems. The dynamics of the corresponding one- and two-dimensional maps and Lyapunov exponents of such attractors are studied. It is shown that the transition to chaos is in accordance with a non-traditional scenario of repeated birth and disappearance of chaotic regimes, which had been previously studied for one-dimensional maps with a sharp apex and a quadratic minimum. Some characteristic features of the system — zones of bistability and hyperbolicity, the crisis of chaotic attractors — are studied by means of numerical analysis.
On high-order approximation of transparent boundary conditions for the wave equation
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 45-56Views (last year): 1. Citations: 1 (RSCI).The paper considers the problem of increasing the approximation order of transparent boundary conditions for the wave equation while using finite difference schemes up to the sixth order of accuracy in space. As an example, the problem of wave propagation in a semi-infinite rectangular waveguide is formulated. Computationally efficient and highly accurate formulas for discretizing operator of transparent boundary conditions are proposed. Numerical results confirm the accuracy and stability of the obtained difference algorithms.
Double layer interval weighted graphs in assessing the market risks
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 159-166Views (last year): 2. Citations: 1 (RSCI).This scientific work is dedicated to applying of two-layer interval weighted graphs in nonstationary time series forecasting and evaluation of market risks. The first layer of the graph, formed with the primary system training, displays potential system fluctuations at the time of system training. Interval vertexes of the second layer of the graph (the superstructure of the first layer) which display the degree of time series modeling error are connected with the first layer by edges. The proposed model has been approved by the 90-day forecast of steel billets. The average forecast error amounts 2,6 % (it’s less than the average forecast error of the autoregression models).
Numerical investigation of photoexcited polaron states in water
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 253-261Citations: 1 (RSCI).A method and a complex of computer programs are developed for the numerical simulation of the polaron states excitation process in condensed media. A numerical study of the polaron states formation in water under the action of the ultraviolet range laser irradiation is carried out. Our approach allows to reproduce the experimental data of the hydrated electrons formation. A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of the respective system of nonlinear partial differential equations. Parallel implementation is based on the MPI technique. The numerical results are given in comparison with the experimental data and theoretical estimations.
Effect of the surface on characteristics of amorphization Ni-Ag system
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 263-269Views (last year): 1. Citations: 1 (RSCI).Molecular dynamics simulation using the embedded-atom method is applied to study the structural evolution of the particle diameter of 40 Å during the quenching process. Was carried comparative analysis of the structural reconstruction for the particle and the bulk models. Was a reduction in temperature of the beginning and end of the transformation of the particle. In formation of a percolation cluster from interpenetrating and contacting icosahedrons, for model of the particle, it is involved for 10 percent of atoms more, than for model of a bulk.
Optimal control of the commercial bank investment including the reinvestment processes
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 309-319Views (last year): 6. Citations: 1 (RSCI).Article is devoted to the creation of a mathematical control of the bank investment process. The whole process of building optimal control may be divided into two components: in the first place, there is the identification of the functions describing the liquid capital movement in the bank and, in the second place, the use of these functions in the scheme of dynamic programming. Before this problem was discussed in the article "Optimal control of the bank investment as a factor of economic stability" in the 4th issue for 2012. In the present article considers this modification of the solution, in particular, we use ℜ(φ) as a function of reinvestment, where φ is inflow of liquid capital realized at the previous step of control.
Methodic of legacy information systems handling
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 331-344Views (last year): 3. Citations: 1 (RSCI).In this article a method of legacy information systems handling is offered. During professional activities of specialists of various domains of industry they face with the problem that computer software that was involved in product development stage becomes obsolete much quickly than the product itself. At the same time switch to any modern software might be not possible due to various reasons. This problem is known as "legacy system" problem. It appears when product lifecycle is sufficiently longer than that of software systems that were used for product creation. In this article author offers an approach for solving this problem along with computer application based on this approach.
Software implementation of the three-dimensional modeling of thermal processes in multilayer integrated circuits for space purposes
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 3, pp. 397-403Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).In this paper we consider software implementation of three-dimensional modeling of thermal processes in multilayer integrated circuits based on low-temperature co-veneering ceramic. The results obtained by the software implemented by the example of the radio frequency receiver module based on low-temperature ceramics for autonomous navigation systems. And also provides a comparison with the results of certified software product.
Topological microstructure analysis of the TIP4P-EW water model
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 3, pp. 415-426Views (last year): 1. Citations: 1 (RSCI).Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of rigid water model TIP4P-EW at ambient conditions were carried out. Delaunay’s simplexes were considered as structural elements of liquid water. Topological criterion which allows to identify the water microstructure in snapshot of MD cell was used to allocate its dense part. Geometrical analysis of water Delaunay’s simplexes indicates their strong flatness in comparison with a regular tetrahedron that is fundamentally different from the results for dense part of simple liquids. The statistics of TIP4P-EW water clusters was investigated depending on their cardinality and connectivity. It is similar to the statistics for simple liquids and the structure of this dense part is also a fractal surface consisting of the free edges of the Delaunay’s simplexes.
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"