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  1. Sokolov S.V.
    In memory of Alexey Vladimirovich Borisov 1965–2021
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 1, pp. 9-14

    On January 24, a famous scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor and laureate of the Prize of S.V. Kowalevsky Alexey Vladimirovich Borisov passed away. Alexey Vladimirovich was born and raised in Moscow. After graduating from high school, he entered the Faculty of Special Mechanical Engineering of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Already during his studies, Alexey Vladimirovich attends a scientific seminar at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomnosov Moscow State University, which largely determines the direction of his future research. After defending his Ph.D. thesis, Alexey Vladimirovich creates a scientific group in Izhevsk, his subsequent scientific biography is very wide: Yekaterinburg, Cheboksary, Innopolis, Dolgoprudny, Moscow. Borisov founds and heads the series of scientific journals Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics, is the editor-in-chief in the journals Bulletin of Udmurt University, Computer research and modeling. The scientific heritage of A.V. Borisov is extensive, the list of publications is more than 200 works, more than 170 of which have been published in journals indexed by international databases Scopus and Web of Science. More than 10 monographs belong to him.

  2. Matyushkin I.V., Rubis P.D., Zapletina M.A.
    Experimental study of the dynamics of single and connected in a lattice complex-valued mappings: the architecture and interface of author’s software for modeling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 6, pp. 1101-1124

    The paper describes a free software for research in the field of holomorphic dynamics based on the computational capabilities of the MATLAB environment. The software allows constructing not only single complex-valued mappings, but also their collectives as linearly connected, on a square or hexagonal lattice. In the first case, analogs of the Julia set (in the form of escaping points with color indication of the escape velocity), Fatou (with chaotic dynamics highlighting), and the Mandelbrot set generated by one of two free parameters are constructed. In the second case, only the dynamics of a cellular automaton with a complex-valued state of the cells and of all the coefficients in the local transition function is considered. The abstract nature of object-oriented programming makes it possible to combine both types of calculations within a single program that describes the iterated dynamics of one object.

    The presented software provides a set of options for the field shape, initial conditions, neighborhood template, and boundary cells neighborhood features. The mapping display type can be specified by a regular expression for the MATLAB interpreter. This paper provides some UML diagrams, a short introduction to the user interface, and some examples.

    The following cases are considered as example illustrations containing new scientific knowledge:

    1) a linear fractional mapping in the form $Az^{n} +B/z^{n} $, for which the cases $n=2$, $4$, $n>1$, are known. In the portrait of the Fatou set, attention is drawn to the characteristic (for the classical quadratic mapping) figures of <>, showing short-period regimes, components of conventionally chaotic dynamics in the sea;

    2) for the Mandelbrot set with a non-standard position of the parameter in the exponent $z(t+1)\Leftarrow z(t)^{\mu } $ sketch calculations reveal some jagged structures and point clouds resembling Cantor's dust, which are not Cantor's bouquets that are characteristic for exponential mapping. Further detailing of these objects with complex topology is required.

  3. Bozhko A.N.
    Modeling of disassembly processes of complex products
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 3, pp. 525-537

    The work is devoted to modeling the processes of disassembling complex products in CADsystems. The ability to dismantle a product in a given sequence is formed at the early design stages, and is implemented at the end of the life cycle. Therefore, modern CAD-systems should have tools for assessing the complexity of dismantling parts and assembly units of a product. A hypergraph model of the mechanical structure of the product is proposed. It is shown that the mathematical description of coherent and sequential disassembly operations is the normal cutting of the edge of the hypergraph. A theorem on the properties of normal cuts is proved. This theorem allows us to organize a simple recursive procedure for generating all cuts of the hypergraph. The set of all cuts is represented as an AND/OR-tree. The tree contains information about plans for disassembling the product and its parts. Mathematical descriptions of various types of disassembly processes are proposed: complete, incomplete, linear, nonlinear. It is shown that the decisive graph of the AND/OR-tree is a model of disassembling the product and all its components obtained in the process of dismantling. An important characteristic of the complexity of dismantling parts is considered — the depth of nesting. A method of effective calculation of the estimate from below has been developed for this characteristic.

  4. Verichev N.N., Verichev S.N., Erofeev V.I.
    Stationary states and bifurcations in a one-dimensional active medium of oscillators
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 491-512

    This article presents the results of an analytical and computer study of the collective dynamic properties of a chain of self-oscillating systems (conditionally — oscillators). It is assumed that the couplings of individual elements of the chain are non-reciprocal, unidirectional. More precisely, it is assumed that each element of the chain is under the influence of the previous one, while the reverse reaction is absent (physically insignificant). This is the main feature of the chain. This system can be interpreted as an active discrete medium with unidirectional transfer, in particular, the transfer of a matter. Such chains can represent mathematical models of real systems having a lattice structure that occur in various fields of natural science and technology: physics, chemistry, biology, radio engineering, economics, etc. They can also represent models of technological and computational processes. Nonlinear self-oscillating systems (conditionally, oscillators) with a wide “spectrum” of potentially possible individual self-oscillations, from periodic to chaotic, were chosen as the “elements” of the lattice. This allows one to explore various dynamic modes of the chain from regular to chaotic, changing the parameters of the elements and not changing the nature of the elements themselves. The joint application of qualitative methods of the theory of dynamical systems and qualitative-numerical methods allows one to obtain a clear picture of all possible dynamic regimes of the chain. The conditions for the existence and stability of spatially-homogeneous dynamic regimes (deterministic and chaotic) of the chain are studied. The analytical results are illustrated by a numerical experiment. The dynamical regimes of the chain are studied under perturbations of parameters at its boundary. The possibility of controlling the dynamic regimes of the chain by turning on the necessary perturbation at the boundary is shown. Various cases of the dynamics of chains comprised of inhomogeneous (different in their parameters) elements are considered. The global chaotic synchronization (of all oscillators in the chain) is studied analytically and numerically.

  5. Zhluktov S.V., Aksenov A.A., Kuranosov N.S.
    Simulation of turbulent compressible flows in the FlowVision software
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 805-825

    Simulation of turbulent compressible gas flows using turbulence models $k-\varepsilon$ standard (KES), $k-\varepsilon$ FlowVision (KEFV) and SST $k-\omega$ is discussed in the given article. A new version of turbulence model KEFV is presented. The results of its testing are shown. Numerical investigation of the discharge of an over-expanded jet from a conic nozzle into unlimited space is performed. The results are compared against experimental data. The dependence of the results on computational mesh is demonstrated. The dependence of the results on turbulence specified at the nozzle inlet is demonstrated. The conclusion is drawn about necessity to allow for compressibility in two-parametric turbulence models. The simple method proposed by Wilcox in 1994 suits well for this purpose. As a result, the range of applicability of the three aforementioned two-parametric turbulence models is essentially extended. Particular values of the constants responsible for the account of compressibility in the Wilcox approach are proposed. It is recommended to specify these values in simulations of compressible flows with use of models KES, KEFV, and SST.

    In addition, the question how to obtain correct characteristics of supersonic turbulent flows using two-parametric turbulence models is considered. The calculations on different grids have shown that specifying a laminar flow at the inlet to the nozzle and wall functions at its surfaces, one obtains the laminar core of the flow up to the fifth Mach disk. In order to obtain correct flow characteristics, it is necessary either to specify two parameters characterizing turbulence of the inflowing gas, or to set a “starting” turbulence in a limited volume enveloping the region of presumable laminar-turbulent transition next to the exit from the nozzle. The latter possibility is implemented in model KEFV.

  6. Antonov I.V., Bruttan I.V.
    Synthesis of the structure of organised systems as central problem of evolutionary cybernetics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 5, pp. 1103-1124

    The article provides approaches to evolutionary modelling of synthesis of organised systems and analyses methodological problems of evolutionary computations of this kind. Based on the analysis of works on evolutionary cybernetics, evolutionary theory, systems theory and synergetics, we conclude that there are open problems in formalising the synthesis of organised systems and modelling their evolution. The article emphasises that the theoretical basis for the practice of evolutionary modelling is the principles of the modern synthetic theory of evolution. Our software project uses a virtual computing environment for machine synthesis of problem solving algorithms. In the process of modelling, we obtained the results on the basis of which we conclude that there are a number of conditions that fundamentally limit the applicability of genetic programming methods in the tasks of synthesis of functional structures. The main limitations are the need for the fitness function to track the step-by-step approach to the solution of the problem and the inapplicability of this approach to the problems of synthesis of hierarchically organised systems. We note that the results obtained in the practice of evolutionary modelling in general for the whole time of its existence, confirm the conclusion the possibilities of genetic programming are fundamentally limited in solving problems of synthesizing the structure of organized systems. As sources of fundamental difficulties for machine synthesis of system structures the article points out the absence of directions for gradient descent in structural synthesis and the absence of regularity of random appearance of new organised structures. The considered problems are relevant for the theory of biological evolution. The article substantiates the statement about the biological specificity of practically possible ways of synthesis of the structure of organised systems. As a theoretical interpretation of the discussed problem, we propose to consider the system-evolutionary concept of P.K.Anokhin. The process of synthesis of functional structures in this context is an adaptive response of organisms to external conditions based on their ability to integrative synthesis of memory, needs and information about current conditions. The results of actual studies are in favour of this interpretation. We note that the physical basis of biological integrativity may be related to the phenomena of non-locality and non-separability characteristic of quantum systems. The problems considered in this paper are closely related to the problem of creating strong artificial intelligence.

  7. Bozhko A.N., Livantsov V.E.
    Optimization of geometric analysis strategy in CAD-systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 825-840

    Computer-aided assembly planning for complex products is an important engineering and scientific problem. The assembly sequence and content of assembly operations largely depend on the mechanical structure and geometric properties of a product. An overview of geometric modeling methods that are used in modern computer-aided design systems is provided. Modeling geometric obstacles in assembly using collision detection, motion planning, and virtual reality is very computationally intensive. Combinatorial methods provide only weak necessary conditions for geometric reasoning. The important problem of minimizing the number of geometric tests during the synthesis of assembly operations and processes is considered. A formalization of this problem is based on a hypergraph model of the mechanical structure of the product. This model provides a correct mathematical description of coherent and sequential assembly operations. The key concept of the geometric situation is introduced. This is a configuration of product parts that requires analysis for freedom from obstacles and this analysis gives interpretable results. A mathematical description of geometric heredity during the assembly of complex products is proposed. Two axioms of heredity allow us to extend the results of testing one geometric situation to many other situations. The problem of minimizing the number of geometric tests is posed as a non-antagonistic game between decision maker and nature, in which it is required to color the vertices of an ordered set in two colors. The vertices represent geometric situations, and the color is a metaphor for the result of a collision-free test. The decision maker’s move is to select an uncolored vertex; nature’s answer is its color. The game requires you to color an ordered set in a minimum number of moves by decision maker. The project situation in which the decision maker makes a decision under risk conditions is discussed. A method for calculating the probabilities of coloring the vertices of an ordered set is proposed. The basic pure strategies of rational behavior in this game are described. An original synthetic criterion for making rational decisions under risk conditions has been developed. Two heuristics are proposed that can be used to color ordered sets of high cardinality and complex structure.

  8. Tikhov M.S., Borodina T.S.
    Mathematical model and computer analysis of tests for homogeneity of “dose–effect” dependence
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 2, pp. 267-273

    The given work is devoted to the comparison of two tests for homogeneity: chi-square test based on contingency tables of 2 × 2 and test for homogeneity based on asymptotic distributions of the summarized square error of a distribution function estimators in the model of ”dose–effect” dependence. The evaluation of test power is performed by means of computer simulation. In order to design efficiency functions the method of kernel regression estimator based on Nadaray–Watson estimator is used.

    Views (last year): 6.
  9. Fisher J.V., Schelyaev A.E.
    Verification of calculated characteristics of supersonic turbulent jets
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 21-35

    Verification results of supersonic turbulent jets computational characteristics are presented. Numerical simulation of axisymmetric nozzle operating is realized using FlowVision CFD. Open test cases for CFD are used. The test cases include Seiner tests with exit Mach number of 2.0 both fully-expanded and under-expanded $(P/P_0 = 1.47)$. Fully-expanded nozzle investigated with wide range of flow temperature (300…3000 K). The considered studies include simulation downstream from the nozzle exit diameter. Next numerical investigation is presented at an exit Mach number of 2.02 and a free-stream Mach number of 2.2. Geometric model of convergent- divergent nozzle rebuilt from original Putnam experiment. This study is set with nozzle pressure ratio of 8.12 and total temperature of 317 K.

    The paper provides a comparison of obtained FlowVision results with experimental data and another current CFD studies. A comparison of the calculated characteristics and experimental data indicates a good agreement. The best coincidence with Seiner's experimental velocity distribution (about 7 % at far field for the first case) obtained using two-equation $k–\varepsilon$ standard turbulence model with Wilcox compressibility correction. Predicted Mach number distribution at $Y/D = 1$ for Putnam nozzle presents accuracy of 3 %.

    General guidelines for simulation of supersonic turbulent jets in the FlowVision software are formulated in the given paper. Grid convergence determined the optimal cell rate. In order to calculate the design regime, it is recommended to build a grid, containing not less than 40 cells from the axis of symmetry to the nozzle wall. In order to calculate an off-design regime, it is necessary to resolve the shock waves. For this purpose, not less than 80 cells is required in the radial direction. Investigation of the influence of turbulence model on the flow characteristics has shown that the version of the SST $k–\omega$ turbulence model implemented in the FlowVision software essentially underpredicts the axial velocity. The standard $k–\varepsilon$ model without compressibility correction also underpredicts the axial velocity. These calculations agree well with calculations in other CFD codes using the standard $k–\varepsilon$ model. The in-home $k–\varepsilon$ turbulence model KEFV with compressibility correction a little bit overpredicts the axial velocity. Since, the best results are obtained using the standard $k–\varepsilon$ model combined with the Wilcox compressibility correction, this model is recommended for the problems discussed.

    The developed methodology can be regarded as a basis for numerical investigations of more complex nozzle flows.

    Views (last year): 43.
  10. Bondareva N.S., Gibanov N.S., Martyushev S.G., Miroshnichenko I.V., Sheremet M.A.
    Comparative analysis of finite difference method and finite volume method for unsteady natural convection and thermal radiation in a cubical cavity filled with a diathermic medium
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 4, pp. 567-578

    Comparative analysis of two numerical methods for simulation of unsteady natural convection and thermal surface radiation within a differentially heated cubical cavity has been carried out. The considered domain of interest had two isothermal opposite vertical faces, while other walls are adiabatic. The walls surfaces were diffuse and gray, namely, their directional spectral emissivity and absorptance do not depend on direction or wavelength but can depend on surface temperature. For the reflected radiation we had two approaches such as: 1) the reflected radiation is diffuse, namely, an intensity of the reflected radiation in any point of the surface is uniform for all directions; 2) the reflected radiation is uniform for each surface of the considered enclosure. Mathematical models formulated both in primitive variables “velocity–pressure” and in transformed variables “vector potential functions – vorticity vector” have been performed numerically using finite volume method and finite difference methods, respectively. It should be noted that radiative heat transfer has been analyzed using the net-radiation method in Poljak approach.

    Using primitive variables and finite volume method for the considered boundary-value problem we applied power-law for an approximation of convective terms and central differences for an approximation of diffusive terms. The difference motion and energy equations have been solved using iterative method of alternating directions. Definition of the pressure field associated with velocity field has been performed using SIMPLE procedure.

    Using transformed variables and finite difference method for the considered boundary-value problem we applied monotonic Samarsky scheme for convective terms and central differences for diffusive terms. Parabolic equations have been solved using locally one-dimensional Samarsky scheme. Discretization of elliptic equations for vector potential functions has been conducted using symmetric approximation of the second-order derivatives. Obtained difference equation has been solved by successive over-relaxation method. Optimal value of the relaxation parameter has been found on the basis of computational experiments.

    As a result we have found the similar distributions of velocity and temperature in the case of these two approaches for different values of Rayleigh number, that illustrates an operability of the used techniques. The efficiency of transformed variables with finite difference method for unsteady problems has been shown.

    Views (last year): 13. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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