Результаты поиска по 'correlation function':
Найдено статей: 17
  1. Lyubushin A.A., Rodionov E.A.
    Analysis of predictive properties of ground tremor using Huang decomposition
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 939-958

    A method is proposed for analyzing the tremor of the earth’s surface, measured by means of space geodesy, in order to highlight the prognostic effects of seismicity activation. The method is illustrated by the example of a joint analysis of a set of synchronous time series of daily vertical displacements of the earth’s surface on the Japanese Islands for the time interval 2009–2023. The analysis is based on dividing the source data (1047 time series) into blocks (clusters of stations) and sequentially applying the principal component method. The station network is divided into clusters using the K-means method from the maximum pseudo-F-statistics criterion, and for Japan the optimal number of clusters was chosen to be 15. The Huang decomposition method into a sequence of independent empirical oscillation modes (EMD — Empirical Mode Decomposition) is applied to the time series of principal components from station blocks. To provide the stability of estimates of the waveforms of the EMD decomposition, averaging of 1000 independent additive realizations of white noise of limited amplitude was performed. Using the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix of the waveforms of the first three EMD components in a sliding time window, indicators of abnormal tremor behavior were determined. By calculating the correlation function between the average indicators of anomalous behavior and the released seismic energy in the vicinity of the Japanese Islands, it was established that bursts in the measure of anomalous tremor behavior precede emissions of seismic energy. The purpose of the article is to clarify common hypotheses that movements of the earth’s crust recorded by space geodesy may contain predictive information. That displacements recorded by geodetic methods respond to the effects of earthquakes is widely known and has been demonstrated many times. But isolating geodetic effects that predict seismic events is much more challenging. In our paper, we propose one method for detecting predictive effects in space geodesy data.

  2. Skripalenko M.N., Skripalenko M.M., Tran Ba Hui , Ashuhmin D.A., Samusev S.V., Sidorov A.A.
    Detection of influence of upper working roll’s vibrayion on thickness of sheet at cold rolling with the help of DEFORM-3D software
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 111-116

    Technical diagnosis’ current trends are connected to application of FEM computer simulation, which allows, to some extent, replace real experiments, reduce costs for investigation and minimize risks. Computer simulation, just at the stage of research and development, allows carrying out of diagnostics of equipment to detect permissible fluctuations of parameters of equipment’s work. Peculiarity of diagnosis of rolling equipment is that functioning of rolling equipment is directly tied with manufacturing of product with required quality, including accuracy. At that design of techniques of technical diagnosis and diagnostical modelling is very important. Computer simulation of cold rolling of strip was carried out. At that upper working roll was doing vibrations in horizontal direction according with published data of experiments on continuous 1700 rolling mill. Vibration of working roll in a stand appeared due to gap between roll’s craft and guide in a stand and led to periodical fluctuations of strip’s thickness. After computer simulation with the help of DEFORM software strip with longitudinal and transversal thickness variation was gotten. Visualization of strip’s geometrical parameters, according with simulation data, corresponded to type of inhomogeneity of surface of strip rolled in real. Further analysis of thickness variation was done in order to identify, on the basis of simulation, sources of periodical components of strip’s thickness, whose reasons are malfunctions of equipment. Advantage of computer simulation while searching the sources of forming of thickness variation is that different hypothesis concerning thickness formations may be tested without conducting real experiments and costs of different types may be reduced. Moreover, while simulation, initial strip’s thickness will not have fluctuations as opposed to industrial or laboratorial experiments. On the basis of spectral analysis of random process, it was established that frequency of changing of strip’s thickness after rolling in one stand coincides with frequency of working roll’s vibration. Results of computer simulation correlate with results of the researches for 1700 mill. Therefore, opportunity to apply computer simulation to find reasons of formation of thickness variation of strip on the industrial rolling mill is shown.

    Views (last year): 12. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  3. Shumov V.V.
    The model of the rationale for the focus of border security efforts at the state level
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 1, pp. 187-196

    The most important principle of military science and border security is the principle of concentrating the main efforts on the main directions and tasks. At the tactical level, there are many mathematical models for computing the optimal resource allocation by directions and objects, whereas at the state level there are no corresponding models. Using the statistical data on the results of the protection of the US border, an exponential type border production function parameter is calculated that reflects the organizational and technological capabilities of the border guard. The production function determines the dependence of the probability of detaining offenders from the density of border guards per kilometer of the border. Financial indicators in the production function are not taken into account, as the border maintenance budget and border equipment correlate with the number of border agents. The objective function of the border guards is defined — the total prevented damage from detained violators taking into account their expected danger for the state and society, which is to be maximized. Using Slater's condition, the solution of the problem was found — optimal density of border guard was calculated for the regions of the state. Having a model of resource allocation, the example of the three border regions of the United States has also solved the reverse problem — threats in the regions have been assessed based on the known allocation of resources. The expected danger from an individual offender on the US-Canada border is 2–5 times higher than from an offender on the US-Mexican border. The results of the calculations are consistent with the views of US security experts: illegal migrants are mostly detained on the US-Mexican border, while potential terrorists prefer to use other channels of penetration into the US (including the US-Canadian border), where the risks of being detained are minimal. Also, the results of the calculations are consistent with the established practice of border protection: in 2013 the number of border guards outside the checkpoints on the US-Mexican border increased by 2 times compared with 2001, while on the American-Canadian border — 4 times. The practice of border protection and the views of specialists give grounds for approval of the verification of the model.

    Views (last year): 26.
  4. Petrov A.P., Podlipskaia O.G., Pronchev G.B.
    Modeling the dynamics of public attention to extended processes on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 5, pp. 1131-1141

    The dynamics of public attention to COVID-19 epidemic is studied. The level of public attention is described by the daily number of search requests in Google made by users from a given country. In the empirical part of the work, data on the number of requests and the number of infected cases for a number of countries are considered. It is shown that in all cases the maximum of public attention occurs earlier than the maximum daily number of newly infected individuals. Thus, for a certain period of time, the growth of the epidemics occurs in parallel with the decline in public attention to it. It is also shown that the decline in the number of requests is described by an exponential function of time. In order to describe the revealed empirical pattern, a mathematical model is proposed, which is a modification of the model of the decline in attention after a one-time political event. The model develops the approach that considers decision-making by an individual as a member of the society in which the information process takes place. This approach assumes that an individual’s decision about whether or not to make a request on a given day about COVID is based on two factors. One of them is an attitude that reflects the individual’s long-term interest in a given topic and accumulates the individual’s previous experience, cultural preferences, social and economic status. The second is the dynamic factor of public attention to the epidemic, which changes during the process under consideration under the influence of informational stimuli. With regard to the subject under consideration, information stimuli are related to epidemic dynamics. The behavioral hypothesis is that if on some day the sum of the attitude and the dynamic factor exceeds a certain threshold value, then on that day the individual in question makes a search request on the topic of COVID. The general logic is that the higher the rate of infection growth, the higher the information stimulus, the slower decreases public attention to the pandemic. Thus, the constructed model made it possible to correlate the rate of exponential decrease in the number of requests with the rate of growth in the number of cases. The regularity found with the help of the model was tested on empirical data. It was found that the Student’s statistic is 4.56, which allows us to reject the hypothesis of the absence of a correlation with a significance level of 0.01.

  5. Lukyantsev D.S., Afanasiev N.T., Tanaev A.B., Chudaev S.O.
    Numerical-analytical modeling of gravitational lensing of the electromagnetic waves in random-inhomogeneous space plasma
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 2, pp. 433-443

    Instrument of numerical-analytical modeling of characteristics of propagation of electromagnetic waves in chaotic space plasma with taking into account effects of gravitation is developed for interpretation of data of measurements of astrophysical precision instruments of new education. The task of propagation of waves in curved (Riemann’s) space is solved in Euclid’s space by introducing of the effective index of refraction of vacuum. The gravitational potential can be calculated for various model of distribution of mass of astrophysical objects and at solution of Poisson’s equation. As a result the effective index of refraction of vacuum can be evaluated. Approximate model of the effective index of refraction is suggested with condition that various objects additively contribute in total gravitational field. Calculation of the characteristics of electromagnetic waves in the gravitational field of astrophysical objects is performed by the approximation of geometrical optics with condition that spatial scales of index of refraction a lot more wavelength. Light differential equations in Euler’s form are formed the basis of numerical-analytical instrument of modeling of trajectory characteristic of waves. Chaotic inhomogeneities of space plasma are introduced by model of spatial correlation function of index of refraction. Calculations of refraction scattering of waves are performed by the approximation of geometrical optics. Integral equations for statistic moments of lateral deviations of beams in picture plane of observer are obtained. Integrals for moments are reduced to system of ordinary differential equations the firsts order with using analytical transformations for cooperative numerical calculation of arrange and meansquare deviations of light. Results of numerical-analytical modeling of trajectory picture of propagation of electromagnetic waves in interstellar space with taking into account impact of gravitational fields of space objects and refractive scattering of waves on inhomogeneities of index of refraction of surrounding plasma are shown. Based on the results of modeling quantitative estimation of conditions of stochastic blurring of the effect of gravitational lensing of electromagnetic waves at various frequency ranges is performed. It’s shown that operating frequencies of meter range of wavelengths represent conditional low-frequency limit for observational of the effect of gravitational lensing in stochastic space plasma. The offered instrument of numerical-analytical modeling can be used for analyze of structure of electromagnetic radiation of quasar propagating through group of galactic.

  6. Khramtsova E.A., Kapralova I.V., Mezhevikina L.M.
    Prediction of embryo implantation potential by morphology assessment
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 1, pp. 111-116

    The early embryos developing in vitro to the blastocyst stage have low implantation potential. In the current work the microinjection was used to evaluate the most viable blastocysts with high implantation ability on the basis of morphology changing. The recovery rate of the embryo volume allows assessing the functional activity of trophoblast cells that involved in implantation. The predictive model is suggested to forecast the development effectiveness of blastocysts in vitro. It’s shown the recovery rate of the blastocyst volume after microinjection is the most important feature of implantation potential of early embryos. The maximal recovery rate of blastocyst volume (35.7 % of initial volume per 1 h) correlates with the embryos ability to generate the colonies 72 h after microinjection. By the area under receiver operator curve (AUC) it was shown that combination of such characteristics as blastocyst stage (middle and late) and recovery rate after microinjection allowed to predict the blastocyst development.

  7. Orel V.R., Tambovtseva R.V., Firsova E.A.
    Effects of the heart contractility and its vascular load on the heart rate in athlets
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 323-329

    Heart rate (HR) is the most affordable indicator for measuring. In order to control the individual response to physical exercises of different load types heart rate is measured when the athletes perform different types of muscular work (strength machines, various types of training and competitive exercises). The magnitude of heart rate and its dynamics during muscular work and recovery can be objectively judged on the functional status of the cardiovascular system of an athlete, the level of its individual physical performance, as well as an adaptive response to a particular exercise. However, the heart rate is not an independent determinant of the physical condition of an athlete. HR size is formed by the interaction of the basic physiological mechanisms underlying cardiac hemodynamic ejection mode. Heart rate depends on one hand, on contractility of the heart, the venous return, the volumes of the atria and ventricles of the heart and from vascular heart load, the main components of which are elastic and peripheral resistance of the arterial system on the other hand. The values of arterial system vascular resistances depend on the power of muscular work and its duration. HR sensitivity to changes in heart load and vascular contraction was determined in athletes by pair regression analysis simultaneously recorded heart rate data, and peripheral $(R)$ and elastic $(E_a)$ resistance (heart vascular load), and the power $(W)$ of heartbeats (cardiac contractility). The coefficients of sensitivity and pair correlation between heart rate indicators and vascular load and contractility of left ventricle of the heart were determined in athletes at rest and during the muscular work on the cycle ergometer. It is shown that increase in both ergometer power load and heart rate is accompanied by the increase of correlation coefficients and coefficients of the heart rate sensitivity to $R$, $E_a$ and $W$.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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