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  1. Abramov V.S., Petrov M.N.
    Application of the Dynamic Mode Decomposition in search of unstable modes in laminar-turbulent transition problem
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 1069-1090

    Laminar-turbulent transition is the subject of an active research related to improvement of economic efficiency of air vehicles, because in the turbulent boundary layer drag increases, which leads to higher fuel consumption. One of the directions of such research is the search for efficient methods, that can be used to find the position of the transition in space. Using this information about laminar-turbulent transition location when designing an aircraft, engineers can predict its performance and profitability at the initial stages of the project. Traditionally, $e^N$ method is applied to find the coordinates of a laminar-turbulent transition. It is a well known approach in industry. However, despite its widespread use, this method has a number of significant drawbacks, since it relies on parallel flow assumption, which limits the scenarios for its application, and also requires computationally expensive calculations in a wide range of frequencies and wave numbers. Alternatively, flow analysis can be done by using Dynamic Mode Decomposition, which allows one to analyze flow disturbances using flow data directly. Since Dynamic Mode Decomposition is a dimensionality reduction method, the number of computations can be dramatically reduced. Furthermore, usage of Dynamic Mode Decomposition expands the applicability of the whole method, due to the absence of assumptions about the parallel flow in its derivation.

    The presented study proposes an approach to finding the location of a laminar-turbulent transition using the Dynamic Mode Decomposition method. The essence of this approach is to divide the boundary layer region into sets of subregions, for each of which the transition point is independently calculated, using Dynamic Mode Decomposition for flow analysis, after which the results are averaged to produce the final result. This approach is validated by laminar-turbulent transition predictions of subsonic and supersonic flows over a 2D flat plate with zero pressure gradient. The results demonstrate the fundamental applicability and high accuracy of the described method in a wide range of conditions. The study focuses on comparison with the $e^N$ method and proves the advantages of the proposed approach. It is shown that usage of Dynamic Mode Decomposition leads to significantly faster execution due to less intensive computations, while the accuracy is comparable to the such of the solution obtained with the $e^N$ method. This indicates the prospects for using the described approach in a real world applications.

  2. Varshavsky L.E.
    Approximate methods of studying dynamics of market structure
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 1, pp. 219-229

    An approach to computation of open-loop optimal Nash–Cournot strategies in dynamical games which is based on the Z-transform method and factorization is proposed. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that it permits to overcome the problems of instability of economic indicators of oligopolies arising when generalized Riccati equations are used.

    Views (last year): 3. Citations: 9 (RSCI).
  3. Shovin V.A.
    Confirmatory factor model of hypertension
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 885-894

    A new method of constructing orthogonal factor model based on the method of correlation pleiades and confirmatory factor analysis. A new algorithm for confirmatory factor analysis. Based on an original method built factor model of hypertension the first stage. The analysis of correlations and indices of arterial hypertension.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 7 (RSCI).
  4. Khavinson M.J., Losev A.S., Kulakov M.P.
    Modeling the number of employed, unemployed and economically inactive population in the Russian Far East
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 1, pp. 251-264

    Studies of the crisis socio-demographic situation in the Russian Far East require not only the use of traditional statistical methods, but also a conceptual analysis of possible development scenarios based on the synergy principles. The article is devoted to the analysis and modeling of the number of employed, unemployed and economically inactive population using nonlinear autonomous differential equations. We studied a basic mathematical model that takes into account the principle of pair interactions, which is a special case of the model for the struggle between conditional information of D. S. Chernavsky. The point estimates for the parameters are found using least squares method adapted for this model. The average approximation error was no more than 5.17%. The calculated parameter values correspond to the unstable focus and the oscillations with increasing amplitude of population number in the asymptotic case, which indicates a gradual increase in disparities between the employed, unemployed and economically inactive population and a collapse of their dynamics. We found that in the parametric space, not far from the inertial scenario, there are domains of blow-up and chaotic regimes complicating the ability to effectively manage. The numerical study showed that a change in only one model parameter (e.g. migration) without complex structural socio-economic changes can only delay the collapse of the dynamics in the long term or leads to the emergence of unpredictable chaotic regimes. We found an additional set of the model parameters corresponding to sustainable dynamics (stable focus) which approximates well the time series of the considered population groups. In the mathematical model, the bifurcation parameters are the outflow rate of the able-bodied population, the fertility (“rejuvenation of the population”), as well as the migration inflow rate of the unemployed. We found that the transition to stable regimes is possible with the simultaneous impact on several parameters which requires a comprehensive set of measures to consolidate the population in the Russian Far East and increase the level of income in terms of compensation for infrastructure sparseness. Further economic and sociological research is required to develop specific state policy measures.

  5. Dubinina M.G.
    Spatio-temporal models of ICT diffusion
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 6, pp. 1695-1712

    The article proposes a space-time approach to modeling the diffusion of information and communication technologies based on the Fisher –Kolmogorov– Petrovsky – Piskunov equation, in which the diffusion kinetics is described by the Bass model, which is widely used to model the diffusion of innovations in the market. For this equation, its equilibrium positions are studied, and based on the singular perturbation theory, was obtained an approximate solution in the form of a traveling wave, i. e. a solution that propagates at a constant speed while maintaining its shape in space. The wave speed shows how much the “spatial” characteristic, which determines the given level of technology dissemination, changes in a single time interval. This speed is significantly higher than the speed at which propagation occurs due to diffusion. By constructing such an autowave solution, it becomes possible to estimate the time required for the subject of research to achieve the current indicator of the leader.

    The obtained approximate solution was further applied to assess the factors affecting the rate of dissemination of information and communication technologies in the federal districts of the Russian Federation. Various socio-economic indicators were considered as “spatial” variables for the diffusion of mobile communications among the population. Growth poles in which innovation occurs are usually characterized by the highest values of “spatial” variables. For Russia, Moscow is such a growth pole; therefore, indicators of federal districts related to Moscow’s indicators were considered as factor indicators. The best approximation to the initial data was obtained for the ratio of the share of R&D costs in GRP to the indicator of Moscow, average for the period 2000–2009. It was found that for the Ural Federal District at the initial stage of the spread of mobile communications, the lag behind the capital was less than one year, for the Central Federal District, the Northwestern Federal District — 1.4 years, for the Volga Federal District, the Siberian Federal District, the Southern Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District — less than two years, in the North Caucasian Federal District — a little more 2 years. In addition, estimates of the delay time for the spread of digital technologies (intranet, extranet, etc.) used by organizations of the federal districts of the Russian Federation from Moscow indicators were obtained.

  6. Kamenev G.K., Kamenev I.G.
    Multicriterial metric data analysis in human capital modelling
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 5, pp. 1223-1245

    The article describes a model of a human in the informational economy and demonstrates the multicriteria optimizational approach to the metric analysis of model-generated data. The traditional approach using the identification and study involves the model’s identification by time series and its further prediction. However, this is not possible when some variables are not explicitly observed and only some typical borders or population features are known, which is often the case in the social sciences, making some models pure theoretical. To avoid this problem, we propose a method of metric data analysis (MMDA) for identification and study of such models, based on the construction and analysis of the Kolmogorov – Shannon metric nets of the general population in a multidimensional space of social characteristics. Using this method, the coefficients of the model are identified and the features of its phase trajectories are studied. In this paper, we are describing human according to his role in information processing, considering his awareness and cognitive abilities. We construct two lifetime indices of human capital: creative individual (generalizing cognitive abilities) and productive (generalizing the amount of information mastered by a person) and formulate the problem of their multi-criteria (two-criteria) optimization taking into account life expectancy. This approach allows us to identify and economically justify the new requirements for the education system and the information environment of human existence. It is shown that the Pareto-frontier exists in the optimization problem, and its type depends on the mortality rates: at high life expectancy there is one dominant solution, while for lower life expectancy there are different types of Paretofrontier. In particular, the Pareto-principle applies to Russia: a significant increase in the creative human capital of an individual (summarizing his cognitive abilities) is possible due to a small decrease in the creative human capital (summarizing awareness). It is shown that the increase in life expectancy makes competence approach (focused on the development of cognitive abilities) being optimal, while for low life expectancy the knowledge approach is preferable.

  7. The paper presents the results of applying a scheme of very high accuracy and resolution to obtain numerical solutions of the Navier – Stokes equations of a compressible gas describing the occurrence and development of instability of a two-dimensional laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. The peculiarity of the conducted studies is the absence of commonly used artificial exciters of instability in the implementation of direct numerical modeling. The multioperator scheme used made it possible to observe the subtle effects of the birth of unstable modes and the complex nature of their development caused presumably by its small approximation errors. A brief description of the scheme design and its main properties is given. The formulation of the problem and the method of obtaining initial data are described, which makes it possible to observe the established non-stationary regime fairly quickly. A technique is given that allows detecting flow fluctuations with amplitudes many orders of magnitude smaller than its average values. A time-dependent picture of the appearance of packets of Tollmien – Schlichting waves with varying intensity in the vicinity of the leading edge of the plate and their downstream propagation is presented. The presented amplitude spectra with expanding peak values in the downstream regions indicate the excitation of new unstable modes other than those occurring in the vicinity of the leading edge. The analysis of the evolution of instability waves in time and space showed agreement with the main conclusions of the linear theory. The numerical solutions obtained seem to describe for the first time the complete scenario of the possible development of Tollmien – Schlichting instability, which often plays an essential role at the initial stage of the laminar-turbulent transition. They open up the possibilities of full-scale numerical modeling of this process, which is extremely important for practice, with a similar study of the spatial boundary layer.

  8. Korenkov V.V., Nechaevskiy A.V., Ososkov G.A., Pryahina D.I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V.
    Synthesis of the simulation and monitoring processes for the development of big data storage and processing facilities in physical experiments
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 691-698

    The paper presents a new grid and cloud services simulation system. This system is developed in LIT JINR, Dubna, and it is aimed at improving the efficiency of the grid-cloud systems development by using work quality indicators of some real system to design and predict its evolution. For these purpose, simulation program is combined with real monitoring system of the grid-cloud service through a special database. The paper provides an example of the program usage to simulate a sufficiently general cloud structure, which can be used for more common purposes.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 6 (RSCI).
  9. Tishchenko V.I., Prochko A.L.
    Russian participants in BOINC-based volunteer computing projects. The activity statistics
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 727-734

    The article analyses the activity statistics of the Russian participants of volunteer computing (VC) using platform BOINC obtained by the authors. The data has been received with API BOINC and site www.boincstats.com. The script for the database was written in PHP, for data storing was used MySQL.

    The database indicators were accumulated across all Russian projects, which allowed the calculation of the indicators characterizing the behavior of the Russian participants in all projects and teams BOINC — absolute and relative number of Russian participants, their activity, the number of introduced points system, the number of participants in each of the Russian project participants, interest in the concept of the VC.

    It is shown that the position of Russia in the countries ranking is very low and is retained at the same level for 4 years. According to the authors, low activity of the Russian participants of the VC, due to individualism and the closure of Russian Internet users, as well as to a small interest in the development of fundamental science, scientific research. This, possibly due to the low-prestige as a science as a whole, as well as civil science, crowdsourcing, in particular. And, therefore, we can see insufficient dissemination of the ideas of using the mechanism of VC for research projects.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"