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  1. Dmitrienko P.V.
    Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of systems for computing resources monitoring
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 661-668

    This article discusses the contribution of computing resources monitoring system to the work of a distributed computing system. Method of evaluation of this contribution and performance monitoring system based on measures of certainty the state-controlled system is proposed. The application of this methodology in the design and development of local monitoring of the Central Information and Computing Complex, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is listed.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  2. Khavinson M.J., Losev A.S., Kulakov M.P.
    Modeling the number of employed, unemployed and economically inactive population in the Russian Far East
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 1, pp. 251-264

    Studies of the crisis socio-demographic situation in the Russian Far East require not only the use of traditional statistical methods, but also a conceptual analysis of possible development scenarios based on the synergy principles. The article is devoted to the analysis and modeling of the number of employed, unemployed and economically inactive population using nonlinear autonomous differential equations. We studied a basic mathematical model that takes into account the principle of pair interactions, which is a special case of the model for the struggle between conditional information of D. S. Chernavsky. The point estimates for the parameters are found using least squares method adapted for this model. The average approximation error was no more than 5.17%. The calculated parameter values correspond to the unstable focus and the oscillations with increasing amplitude of population number in the asymptotic case, which indicates a gradual increase in disparities between the employed, unemployed and economically inactive population and a collapse of their dynamics. We found that in the parametric space, not far from the inertial scenario, there are domains of blow-up and chaotic regimes complicating the ability to effectively manage. The numerical study showed that a change in only one model parameter (e.g. migration) without complex structural socio-economic changes can only delay the collapse of the dynamics in the long term or leads to the emergence of unpredictable chaotic regimes. We found an additional set of the model parameters corresponding to sustainable dynamics (stable focus) which approximates well the time series of the considered population groups. In the mathematical model, the bifurcation parameters are the outflow rate of the able-bodied population, the fertility (“rejuvenation of the population”), as well as the migration inflow rate of the unemployed. We found that the transition to stable regimes is possible with the simultaneous impact on several parameters which requires a comprehensive set of measures to consolidate the population in the Russian Far East and increase the level of income in terms of compensation for infrastructure sparseness. Further economic and sociological research is required to develop specific state policy measures.

  3. The article discusses the problem of the influence of the research goals on the structure of the multivariate model of regression analysis (in particular, on the implementation of the procedure for reducing the dimension of the model). It is shown how bringing the specification of the multiple regression model in line with the research objectives affects the choice of modeling methods. Two schemes for constructing a model are compared: the first does not allow taking into account the typology of primary predictors and the nature of their influence on the performance characteristics, the second scheme implies a stage of preliminary division of the initial predictors into groups, in accordance with the objectives of the study. Using the example of solving the problem of analyzing the causes of burnout of creative workers, the importance of the stage of qualitative analysis and systematization of a priori selected factors is shown, which is implemented not by computing means, but by attracting the knowledge and experience of specialists in the studied subject area. The presented example of the implementation of the approach to determining the specification of the regression model combines formalized mathematical and statistical procedures and the preceding stage of the classification of primary factors. The presence of this stage makes it possible to explain the scheme of managing (corrective) actions (softening the leadership style and increasing approval lead to a decrease in the manifestations of anxiety and stress, which, in turn, reduces the severity of the emotional exhaustion of the team members). Preclassification also allows avoiding the combination in one main component of controlled and uncontrolled, regulatory and controlled feature factors, which could worsen the interpretability of the synthesized predictors. On the example of a specific problem, it is shown that the selection of factors-regressors is a process that requires an individual solution. In the case under consideration, the following were consistently used: systematization of features, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, regression analysis. The first three methods made it possible to significantly reduce the dimension of the problem, which did not affect the achievement of the goal for which this task was posed: significant measures of controlling influence on the team were shown. allowing to reduce the degree of emotional burnout of its participants.

  4. Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M.
    Exact calculation of a posteriori probability distribution with distributed computing systems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 539-542

    We'd like to present a specific grid infrastructure and web application development and deployment. The purpose of infrastructure and web application is to solve particular geophysical problems that require heavy computational resources. Here we cover technology overview and connector framework internals. The connector framework links problem-specific routines with middleware in a manner that developer of application doesn't have to be aware of any particular grid software. That is, the web application built with this framework acts as an interface between the user 's web browser and Grid's (often very) own middleware.

    Our distributed computing system is built around Gridway metascheduler. The metascheduler is connected to TORQUE resource managers of virtual compute nodes that are being run atop of compute cluster utilizing the virtualization technology. Such approach offers several notable features that are unavailable to bare-metal compute clusters.

    The first application we've integrated with our framework is seismic anisotropic parameters determination by inversion of SKS and converted phases. We've used probabilistic approach to inverse problem solution based on a posteriory probability distribution function (APDF) formalism. To get the exact solution of the problem we have to compute the values of multidimensional function. Within our implementation we used brute-force APDF calculation on rectangular grid across parameter space.

    The result of computation is stored in relational DBMS and then represented in familiar human-readable form. Application provides several instruments to allow analysis of function's shape by computational results: maximum value distribution, 2D cross-sections of APDF, 2D marginals and a few other tools. During the tests we've run the application against both synthetic and observed data.

    Views (last year): 3.
  5. Gadzhiev R.I.
    Estimation of probabilistic model of employee labor process
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 969-975

    The mathematical estimation model for employee labor process, built on the basis of Bayesian network is presented in the article. The great attention is given to the estimation of qualitative characteristics of labor product. Usage of described model is supposed in the companies with the management employee workflows system.

    Views (last year): 1.
  6. Kiryanov A.K.
    GridFTP frontend with redirection for DMlite
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 543-547

    One of the most widely used storage solutions in WLCG is a Disk Pool Manager (DPM) developed and supported by SDC/ID group at CERN. Recently DPM went through a massive overhaul to address scalability and extensibility issues of the old code.

    New system was called DMLite. Unlike the old DPM that was based on daemons, DMLite is arranged as a library that can be loaded directly by an application. This approach greatly improves performance and transaction rate by avoiding unnecessary inter-process communication via network as well as threading bottlenecks.

    DMLite has a modular architecture with its core library providing only the very basic functionality. Backends (storage engines) and frontends (data access protocols) are implemented as plug-in modules. Doubtlessly DMLite wouldn't be able to completely replace DPM without GridFTP as it is used for most of the data transfers in WLCG.

    In DPM GridFTP support was implemented in a Data Storage Interface (DSI) module for Globus’ GridFTP server. In DMLite an effort was made to rewrite a GridFTP module from scratch in order to take advantage of new DMLite features and also implement new functionality. The most important improvement over the old version is a redirection capability.

    With old GridFTP frontend a client needed to contact SRM on the head node in order to obtain a transfer URL (TURL) before reading or writing a file. With new GridFTP frontend this is no longer necessary: a client may connect directly to the GridFTP server on the head node and perform file I/O using only logical file names (LFNs). Data channel is then automatically redirected to a proper disk node.

    This renders the most often used part of SRM unnecessary, simplifies file access and improves performance. It also makes DMLite a more appealing choice for non-LHC VOs that were never much interested in SRM.

    With new GridFTP frontend it's also possible to access data on various DMLite-supported backends like HDFS, S3 and legacy DPM.

    Views (last year): 1.
  7. Reed R.G., Cox M.A., Wrigley T., Mellado B.
    A CPU benchmarking characterization of ARM based processors
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 581-586

    Big science projects are producing data at ever increases rates. Typical techniques involve storing the data to disk, after minor filtering, and then processing it in large computer farms. Data production has reached a point where on-line processing is required in order to filter the data down to manageable sizes. A potential solution involves using low-cost, low-power ARM processors in large arrays to provide massive parallelisation for data stream computing (DSC). The main advantage in using System on Chips (SoCs) is inherent in its design philosophy. SoCs are primarily used in mobile devices and hence consume less power while maintaining relatively good performance. A benchmarking characterisation of three different models of ARM processors will be presented.

    Views (last year): 1.
  8. Bogdanov A.V., Thurein Kyaw L.
    Query optimization in relational database systems and cloud computing technology
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 649-655

    Optimization is the heart of relational Database Management System (DMBS). Its can analyzes the SQL statements and determines the most efficient access plan to satisfy every query request. Optimization can solves this problem and analyzes SQL statements specifying which tables and columns are available. And then request the information system and statistical data stored in the system directory, to determine the best method of solving the tasks required to comply with the query requests.

    Views (last year): 1.
  9. Tkachenko I.A.
    Experience of puppet usage for managment of Tier-1 GRID cluster at NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 735-740

    This article is about the organization of the cluster management using puppet. It tells about: safety of usage, from the point of view of mass apply at a computing cluster wrong configuration (by reason of human factor); collaboration work and the creation of opportunities for each cluster administrator, regardless of others, writing and debugging your own scripts, before include them in the overall system of cluster managment; writing scripts, which allow to get as fully configured nodes, and updates the configuration of any system parts, without affecting the rest of the nodes components, regardless of the current state of the node of computing cluster.

    The article compares different methods of the creation of the hierarchy of puppet scenarios, describes problems associated with the use of “include” for the organization hierarchy, and tells about the transition to a system of sequential call classes through shell-script.

  10. Ustimenko O.V.
    Features DIRAC data management
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 741-744

    The report presents an analysis of Big Data storage solutions in different directions. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the technology of Big Data storage, prospects of storage technologies, for example, the software DIRAC. The DIRAC is a software framework for distributed computing.

    The report considers popular storage technologies and lists their limitations. The main problems are the storage of large data, the lack of quality in the processing, scalability, the lack of rapid availability, the lack of implementation of intelligent data retrieval.

    Experimental computing tasks demand a wide range of requirements in terms of CPU usage, data access or memory consumption and unstable profile of resource use for a certain period. The DIRAC Data Management System (DMS), together with the DIRAC Storage Management System (SMS) provides the necessary functionality to execute and control all the activities related with data.

    Views (last year): 2.
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