Результаты поиска по 'numerical':
Найдено статей: 428
  1. Trifonova T.A., Sheremet M.A.
    Numerical simulation of unsteady conjugate natural convection in a cylindrical porous domain (Darcy–Boussinesq model)
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 179-191

    Mathematical simulation on unsteady natural convection in a closed porous cylindrical cavity having finite thickness heat-conducting solid walls in conditions of convective heat exchange with an environment has been carried out. A boundary-value problem of mathematical physics formulated in dimensionless variables such as stream function and temperature on the basis of Darcy–Boussinesq model has been solved by finite difference method. Effect of a porous medium permeability 10–5≤Da<∞, ratio between a solid wall thickness and the inner radius of a cylinder 0.1≤h/L≤0.3, a thermal conductivity ratio 1≤λ1,2≤20 and a dimensionless time on both local distributions of isolines and isotherms and integral complexes reflecting an intensity of convective flow and heat transfer has been analyzed in detail.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  2. Kuznetsov V.L., Rudkovskiy A.S.
    Invariant embedding method modification for calculation of “Woodpile” photonic crystal
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 3, pp. 413-422

    Modification of the invariant imbedding method to describe the interaction of 3D electromagnetic field with “woodpile” photonic crystal of finite thickness is considered in this paper. This modification allows solving a problem of evanescent modes resonant amplification during numerical calculations for the first layer of photonic crystal. The mathematical model created in this work gives good agreement with physical experiment results.

    Views (last year): 1.
  3. Prokhorov I.V., Zhuplev A.S.
    On the efficiency of the maximum cross section method in radiation transport theory
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 4, pp. 573-582

    We consider two versions of the maximum cross section method for the solutions of the stationary equation of radiative transfer in dimensional inhomogeneous medium. Both are based on the application Monte-Carlo method to the summation of the Neumann series for the solution transport equation. First modification is traditional and second is based on the use of branching Markov chains. We carried out numerical comparison of these algorithms.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  4. Petrov I.B., Miryaha V.A., Sannikov A.V., Shevtsov A.V.
    Computational modeling of a meteor entering atmosphere dense layers using elastoplastic approximation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 6, pp. 957-967

    The article contains results of modeling a meteor entering dense atmosphere layers using Galerkin’s method and smoother particle hydrodynamics. Numerical simulations were run using experimental data gathered for the Chelyabinsk meteor while varying the meteor material characteristics and its orientation when entering the atmosphere.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
  5. Kopysov S.P., Kuzmin I.M., Nedozhogin N.S., Novikov A.K., Rychkov V.N., Sagdeeva Y.A., Tonkov L.E.
    Parallel implementation of a finite-element algorithms on a graphics accelerator in the software package FEStudio
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 79-97

    In this paper, we present new parallel algorithms for finite element analysis implemented in the FEStudio software framework. We describe the programming model of finite element method, which supports parallelism on different stages of numerical simulations. Using this model, we develop parallel algorithms of numerical integration for dynamic problems and local stiffness matrices. For constructing and solving the systems of equations, we use the CUDA programming platform.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 24 (RSCI).
  6. Volokhova A.V., Zemlyanay E.V., Lakhno V.D., Amirkhanov I.V., Puzynin I.V., Puzynina T.P.
    Numerical investigation of photoexcited polaron states in water
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 253-261

    A method and a complex of computer programs are developed for the numerical simulation of the polaron states excitation process in condensed media. A numerical study of the polaron states formation in water under the action of the ultraviolet range laser irradiation is carried out. Our approach allows to reproduce the experimental data of the hydrated electrons formation. A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of the respective system of nonlinear partial differential equations. Parallel implementation is based on the MPI technique. The numerical results are given in comparison with the experimental data and theoretical estimations.

    Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  7. Ougolnitsky G.A., Usov A.B., Ryzhkin A.I.
    The motivation method in the Germeyer’s games at modeling three-level control system of the ship’s ballast water
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 4, pp. 535-542

    The static three-level game-theoretic model of three-level control system of the ship’s water ballast is built. The methods of hierarchical control in view of requirements of keeping the system in the given state are used. A comparison of the results of study of the model in terms of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ Germeyer’s games is conducted. Numerical calculations for some typical cases are given.

    Citations: 5 (RSCI).
  8. Dähmlow P., Luengviria C., Müller S.C.
    Electric field effects in chemical patterns
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 705-718

    Excitation waves are a prototype of self-organized dynamic patterns in non-equilibrium systems. They develop their own intrinsic dynamics resulting in travelling waves of various forms and shapes. Prominent examples are rotating spirals and scroll waves. It is an interesting and challenging task to find ways to control their behavior by applying external signals, upon which these propagating waves react. We apply external electric fields to such waves in the excitable Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction. Remarkable effects include the change of wave speed, reversal of propagation direction, annihilation of counter-rotating spiral waves and reorientation of scroll wave filaments. These effects can be explained in numerical simulations, where the negatively charged inhibitor bromide plays an essential role. Electric field effects have also been investigated in biological excitable media such as the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum. Quite recently we have started to investigate electric field effect in the BZ reaction dissolved in an Aerosol OT water-in-oil microemulsion. A drift of complex patterns can be observed, and also the viscosity and electric conductivity change. We discuss the assumption that this system can act as a model for long range communication between neurons.

    Views (last year): 8.
  9. Rogozhkin S.A., Aksenov A.A., Zhluktov S.V., Osipov S.L., Fadeev I.D., Shaporenko E.V., Shepelev S.F., Shmelev V.V.
    Use of URANS approach for determination of temperature fluctuations when mixing triple-jet sodium at different temperatures
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 6, pp. 923-935

    The possibility to study temperature fluctuations using URANS approach is studied. The results of numerical simulation of mixing processes for triple-jet sodium at different temperatures are presented. The processes were simulated using FlowVision software system and LMS model for turbulent heat transfer. The analysis and experiment data are compared. Validated was the possibility to determine the energy-carrying frequencies of temperature fluctuations using URANS approach and LMS model when mixing triple-jet sodium at different temperatures.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  10. Petrov I.B., Muratov M.V., Favorskaya A.V., Biryukov V.A., Sannikov A.V.
    Numerical modeling of straight 3D exploration seismology problems with use of grid-characteristic method on unstructured tetrahedral meshes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 4, pp. 875-887

    The article contains results of 3D modeling of seismic responses from fractured geological formations with use of grid-characteristic method on unstructured tetrahedral meshes with use of high-performance computation systems. The method being used is the most suitable for modeling of heterogenic domains exploration seismology problems. The use of unstructured tetrahedral meshes allows modeling of different geometry and space orientation fractures. That gives us possibility to solve the problems in the most real set.

    Views (last year): 7. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"