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  1. Doludenko A.N., Kulikov Y.M., Panov V.A., Saveliev A.S., Tereshonok D.V.
    Development of the water – oil interface instability in a vertical electric field
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 633-645

    The presence of a contact boundary between water and transformer oil greatly reduces the electrical strength of the oil phase. The presence of an electric field leads to varying degrees of polarization at the interface and the appearance of a force acting on a liquid with a higher dielectric constant (water) in the direction of a liquid with a lower dielectric constant (oil). This leads to the contact surface instability development. Instability as a result of its development leads to a stream of water being drawn into oil volume and a violation of the insulating gap. In this work, we experimentally and numerically study electrohydrodynamic instability at the phase boundary between electrically weakly conductive water and transformer oil in a highly inhomogeneous electric field directed perpendicular to the contact boundary. The results of a full-scale and numerical experiment of studying of the electrohydrodynamic instability development in a strong electric field at the interface between water and transformer oil are presented. The system consists of a spherical electrode with a radius of 3.5 mm, placed in water with a conductivity of 5 $\mu S/cm$, and a thin blade electrode 0.1 mm thick, placed in transformer oil of the GK brand. The contact boundary passes at the same distance from the nearest points of the electrodes, equal to 3 mm. The work shows that at a certain electric field strength, the cone-shaped structure of water grows towards the electrode immersed in transformer oil. A numerical correspondence was obtained for both the shape of the resulting water structure (cone) during the entire growth time and the size measured from its top to the level of the initial contact boundary of phase separation. The dynamics of this structure growth has been studied. Both in numerical calculations and in experiment, it was found that the size of the resulting cone along the electrode connection line depends linearly on time.

  2. Миньков Л.Л., Дик И.Г.
    Моделирование течения в гидроциклоне с дополнительным инжектором
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 1, pp. 63-76

    Статья представляет собой пример компьютерного моделирования в области инженерной механики. Численным методом находятся поля скорости в гидроциклоне, которые недоступны прямому измерению. Рассматривается численное моделирование трехмерной гидродинамики на основе k-ε RNG модели турбулентности в гидроциклоне со встроенным инжектором, содержащим 5 тангенциально направленных сопла. Показано, что направление движения инжектируемой жидкости зависит от расхода жидкости через инжектор. Расчеты показывают в соответствии с экспериментами, что зависимость сплит-параметра от расхода инжектируемой жидкости имеет немонотонный характер, связанный с отношением мощности основного потока и инжектируемой жидкости.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 5 (RSCI).
  3. Kuznetsov V.L., Rudkovskiy A.S.
    Invariant embedding method modification for calculation of “Woodpile” photonic crystal
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 3, pp. 413-422

    Modification of the invariant imbedding method to describe the interaction of 3D electromagnetic field with “woodpile” photonic crystal of finite thickness is considered in this paper. This modification allows solving a problem of evanescent modes resonant amplification during numerical calculations for the first layer of photonic crystal. The mathematical model created in this work gives good agreement with physical experiment results.

    Views (last year): 1.
  4. Rogozhkin S.A., Aksenov A.A., Zhluktov S.V., Osipov S.L., Fadeev I.D., Shaporenko E.V., Shepelev S.F., Shmelev V.V.
    Use of URANS approach for determination of temperature fluctuations when mixing triple-jet sodium at different temperatures
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 6, pp. 923-935

    The possibility to study temperature fluctuations using URANS approach is studied. The results of numerical simulation of mixing processes for triple-jet sodium at different temperatures are presented. The processes were simulated using FlowVision software system and LMS model for turbulent heat transfer. The analysis and experiment data are compared. Validated was the possibility to determine the energy-carrying frequencies of temperature fluctuations using URANS approach and LMS model when mixing triple-jet sodium at different temperatures.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  5. Alpeeva L.E., Tsybulin V.G.
    The cosymmetric approach to the analysis of spatial structure of populations with amount of taxis
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 4, pp. 661-671

    We consider a mathematical model describing the competition for a heterogeneous resource of two populations on a one-dimensional area. Distribution of populations is governed by diffusion and directed migration, species growth obeys to the logistic law. We study the corresponding problem of nonlinear parabolic equations with variable coefficients (function of a resource, parameters of growth, diffusion and migration). Approach on the theory the cosymmetric dynamic systems of V. Yudovich is applied to the analysis of population patterns. Conditions on parameters for which the problem under investigation has nontrivial cosymmetry are analytically derived. Numerical experiment is used to find an emergence of continuous family of steady states when cosymmetry takes place. The numerical scheme is based on the finite-difference discretization in space using the balance method and integration on time by Runge-Kutta method. Impact of diffusive and migration parameters on scenarios of distribution of populations is studied. In the vicinity of the line, corresponding to cosymmetry, neutral curves for diffusive parameters are calculated. We present the mappings with areas of diffusive parameters which correspond to scenarios of coexistence and extinction of species. For a number of migration parameters and resource functions with one and two maxima the analysis of possible scenarios is carried out. Particularly, we found the areas of parameters for which the survival of each specie is determined by initial conditions. It should be noted that dynamics may be nontrivial: after starting decrease in densities of both species the growth of only one population takes place whenever another specie decreases. The analysis has shown that areas of the diffusive parameters corresponding to various scenarios of population patterns are grouped near the cosymmetry lines. The derived mappings allow to explain, in particular, effect of a survival of population due to increasing of diffusive mobility in case of starvation.

    Views (last year): 2. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  6. Pechenyuk A.V.
    Optimization of a hull form for decrease ship resistance to movement
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 57-65

    Optimization of hull lines for the minimum resistance to movement is a problem of current interest in ship hydrodynamics. In practice, lines design is still to some extent an art. The usual approaches to decrease the ship resistance are based on the model experiment and/or CFD simulation, following the trial and error method. The paper presents a new method of in-detail hull form design based on the wave-based optimization approach. The method provides systematic variation of the hull geometrical form, which corresponds to alteration of longitudinal distribution of the hull volume, while its vertical volume distribution is fixed or highly controlled. It’s well known from the theoretical studies that the vertical distribution can't be optimized by condition of minimum wave resistance, thus it can be neglected for the optimization procedures. The method efficiency was investigated by application to the foreship of KCS, the well-known test object from the workshop Gothenburg-2000. The variations of the longitudinal distribution of the volume were set on the sectional area curve as finite volume increments and then transferred to the lines plan with the help of special frame transformation methods. The CFD towing simulations were carried out for the initial hull form and the six modified variants. According to the simulation results, examined modifications caused the resistance increments in the range 1.3–6.5 %. Optimization process was underpinned with the respective data analysis based on the new hypothesis, according to which, the resistance increments caused by separate longitudinal segments of hull form meet the principle of superposition. The achieved results, which are presented as the optimum distribution of volume present in the optimized designed hull form, which shows the interesting characteristics that its resistance has decrease by 8.9 % in respect to initial KCS hull form. Visualization of the wave patterns showed an attenuation of the transversal wave components, and the intensification of the diverging wave components.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  7. Abgaryan K.K., Eliseev S.V., Zhuravlev A.A., Reviznikov D.L.
    High-speed penetration. Discrete-element simulation and experiments
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 6, pp. 937-944

    The paper presents the results of numerical simulation and experimental data on the high-speed penetration of the impactor into the obstacle. In the calculations, a discrete-element model has been used, based on the representation of the impactor and the target by a set of close packed interconnected particles. This class of models finds an increasingly wide application in the problems of high-speed interaction of bodies. In the previous works of the authors, the questions of application of the discrete-element model to the problem of the penetration of spherical impactors into massive targets were considered. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the data of computational and physical experiments, it was found out that for a wide class of high-speed penetration problems, a high accuracy of discrete-element modeling can be achieved using the two-parameter Lennard–Jones potential. The binding energy was identified as a function of the dynamic hardness of materials. It was shown that the use of this approach makes it possible to describe accurately the penetration process in the range of impactor velocities 500–2500 m/c.

    In this paper, we compare the results of discrete-element modeling with experimental data on penetration of high-strength targets of different thickness by steel impactors. The use of computational parallelization technologies on graphic processors in combination with 3D visualization and animation of the results makes it possible to obtain detailed spatio-temporal patterns of the penetration process and compare them with experimental data.

    A comparative analysis of the experimental and calculated data has shown a sufficiently high accuracy of discrete-element modeling for a wide range of target thicknesses: for thin targets pierced with preservation of the integrity of the deformed impactor, for targets of medium thickness, pierced with practically complete fragmentation of the impactor at the exit from the target, and for thick impenetrable targets.

    Views (last year): 13. Citations: 4 (RSCI).
  8. Kilin A.A., Klenov A.I., Tenenev V.A.
    Controlling the movement of the body using internal masses in a viscous liquid
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 4, pp. 445-460

    This article is devoted to the study of self-propulsion of bodies in a fluid by the action of internal mechanisms, without changing the external shape of the body. The paper presents an overview of theoretical papers that justify the possibility of this displacement in ideal and viscous liquids.

    A special case of self-propulsion of a rigid body along the surface of a liquid is considered due to the motion of two internal masses along the circles. The paper presents a mathematical model of the motion of a solid body with moving internal masses in a three-dimensional formulation. This model takes into account the three-dimensional vibrations of the body during motion, which arise under the action of external forces-gravity force, Archimedes force and forces acting on the body, from the side of a viscous fluid.

    The body is a homogeneous elliptical cylinder with a keel located along the larger diagonal. Inside the cylinder there are two material point masses moving along the circles. The centers of the circles lie on the smallest diagonal of the ellipse at an equal distance from the center of mass.

    Equations of motion of the system (a body with two material points, placed in a fluid) are represented as Kirchhoff equations with the addition of external forces and moments acting on the body. The phenomenological model of viscous friction is quadratic in velocity used to describe the forces of resistance to motion in a fluid. The coefficients of resistance to movement were determined experimentally. The forces acting on the keel were determined by numerical modeling of the keel oscillations in a viscous liquid using the Navier – Stokes equations.

    In this paper, an experimental verification of the proposed mathematical model was carried out. Several series of experiments on self-propulsion of a body in a liquid by means of rotation of internal masses with different speeds of rotation are presented. The dependence of the average propagation velocity, the amplitude of the transverse oscillations as a function of the rotational speed of internal masses is investigated. The obtained experimental data are compared with the results obtained within the framework of the proposed mathematical model.

    Views (last year): 21. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  9. Burago N.G., Nikitin I.S.
    Algorithms of through calculation for damage processes
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 5, pp. 645-666

    The paper reviews the existing approaches to calculating the destruction of solids. The main attention is paid to algorithms using a unified approach to the calculation of deformation both for nondestructive and for the destroyed states of the material. The thermodynamic derivation of the unified rheological relationships taking into account the elastic, viscous and plastic properties of materials and describing the loss of the deformation resistance ability with the accumulation of microdamages is presented. It is shown that the mathematical model under consideration provides a continuous dependence of the solution on input parameters (parameters of the material medium, initial and boundary conditions, discretization parameters) with softening of the material.

    Explicit and implicit non-matrix algorithms for calculating the evolution of deformation and fracture development are presented. Non-explicit schemes are implemented using iterations of the conjugate gradient method, with the calculation of each iteration exactly coinciding with the calculation of the time step for two-layer explicit schemes. So, the solution algorithms are very simple.

    The results of solving typical problems of destruction of solid deformable bodies for slow (quasistatic) and fast (dynamic) deformation processes are presented. Based on the experience of calculations, recommendations are given for modeling the processes of destruction and ensuring the reliability of numerical solutions.

    Views (last year): 24.
  10. Astanina M.S., Sheremet M.A.
    Simulation of mixed convection of a variable viscosity fluid in a partially porous horizontal channel with a heat-generating source
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 1, pp. 95-107

    Numerical study of unsteady mixed convection in an open partially porous horizontal channel with a heatgenerating source was performed. The outer surfaces of horizontal walls of finite thickness were adiabatic. In the channel there was a Newtonian heat-conducting fluid with a temperature-dependent viscosity. The discrete heatconducting and heat-generating source is located inside the bottom wall. The temperature of the fluid phase was equal to the temperature of the porous medium, and calculations were performed using the local thermal equilibrium model. The porous insertion is isotropic, homogeneous and permeable to fluid. The Darcy–Brinkman model was used to simulate the transport process within the porous medium. Governing equations formulated in dimensionless variables “stream function – vorticity – temperature” using the Boussinesq approximation were solved numerically by the finite difference method. The vorticity dispersion equation and energy equation were solved using locally one-dimensional Samarskii scheme. The diffusive terms were approximated by central differences, while the convective terms were approximated using monotonic Samarskii scheme. The difference equations were solved by the Thomas algorithm. The approximated Poisson equation for the stream function was solved separately by successive over-relaxation method. Optimal value of the relaxation parameter was found on the basis of computational experiments. The developed computational code was tested using a set of uniform grids and verified by comparing the results obtained of other authors.

    Numerical analysis of unsteady mixed convection of variable viscosity fluid in the horizontal channel with a heat-generating source was performed for the following parameters: $\mathrm{Pr} = 7.0$, $\varepsilon = 0.8$, $\mathrm{Gr} = 10^5$, $C = 0-1$, $10^{-5} < \mathrm{Da} < 10^{-1}$, $50 < \mathrm{Re} < 500$, $\delta = l/H = 0.6-3$. Distributions of the isolines of the stream function, temperature and the dependences of the average Nusselt number and the average temperature inside the heater were obtained in a steady-state regime, when the stationary picture of the flow and heat transfer is observed. As a result we showed that an addition of a porous insertion leads to an intensification of heat removal from the surface of the energy source. The increase in the porous insertion sizes and the use of working fluid with different thermal characteristics, lead to a decrease in temperature inside the source.

    Views (last year): 34.
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