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  1. Simakov S.S.
    Modern methods of mathematical modeling of blood flow using reduced order methods
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 5, pp. 581-604

    The study of the physiological and pathophysiological processes in the cardiovascular system is one of the important contemporary issues, which is addressed in many works. In this work, several approaches to the mathematical modelling of the blood flow are considered. They are based on the spatial order reduction and/or use a steady-state approach. Attention is paid to the discussion of the assumptions and suggestions, which are limiting the scope of such models. Some typical mathematical formulations are considered together with the brief review of their numerical implementation. In the first part, we discuss the models, which are based on the full spatial order reduction and/or use a steady-state approach. One of the most popular approaches exploits the analogy between the flow of the viscous fluid in the elastic tubes and the current in the electrical circuit. Such models can be used as an individual tool. They also used for the formulation of the boundary conditions in the models using one dimensional (1D) and three dimensional (3D) spatial coordinates. The use of the dynamical compartment models allows describing haemodynamics over an extended period (by order of tens of cardiac cycles and more). Then, the steady-state models are considered. They may use either total spatial reduction or two dimensional (2D) spatial coordinates. This approach is used for simulation the blood flow in the region of microcirculation. In the second part, we discuss the models, which are based on the spatial order reduction to the 1D coordinate. The models of this type require relatively small computational power relative to the 3D models. Within the scope of this approach, it is also possible to include all large vessels of the organism. The 1D models allow simulation of the haemodynamic parameters in every vessel, which is included in the model network. The structure and the parameters of such a network can be set according to the literature data. It also exists methods of medical data segmentation. The 1D models may be derived from the 3D Navier – Stokes equations either by asymptotic analysis or by integrating them over a volume. The major assumptions are symmetric flow and constant shape of the velocity profile over a cross-section. These assumptions are somewhat restrictive and arguable. Some of the current works paying attention to the 1D model’s validation, to the comparing different 1D models and the comparing 1D models with clinical data. The obtained results reveal acceptable accuracy. It allows concluding, that the 1D approach can be used in medical applications. 1D models allow describing several dynamical processes, such as pulse wave propagation, Korotkov’s tones. Some physiological conditions may be included in the 1D models: gravity force, muscles contraction force, regulation and autoregulation.

    Views (last year): 62. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  2. Chernyaev A.P., Chernyaeva S.A.
    Features of numerical solutions of some problems for cnoidal waves as periodic solutions of the Korteweg – de Vries
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 5, pp. 885-901

    This article discusses the features of the numerical solutions of some problems for cnoidal waves, which are periodic solutions of the classical Korteweg – de Vries equation of the traveling wave type. Exact solutions describing these waves were obtained by communicating the autowave approximation of the Korteweg – de Vries equation to ordinary functions of the third, second, and finally, first orders. Referring to a numerical example shows that in this way ordinary differential equations are not equivalent. The theorem formulated and proved in this article and the remark to it include the set of solutions of the first and second order, which, in their ordinal, are not equivalent. The ordinary differential equation of the first order obtained by the autowave approximation for the description of a cnoidal wave (a periodic solution) and a soliton (a solitary wave). Despite this, from a computational point of view, this equation is the most inconvenient. For this equation, the Lipschitz condition for the sought-for function is not satisfied in the neighborhood of constant solutions. Hence, the existence theorem and the unique solutions of the Cauchy problem for an ordinary differential equation of the first order are not valid. In particular, the uniqueness of the solution to the Cauchy problem is violated at stationary points. Therefore, for an ordinary differential equation of the first order, obtained from the Korteweg – de Vries equation, both in the case of a cnoidal wave and in the case of a soliton, the Cauchy problem cannot be posed at the extremum points. The first condition can be a set position between adjacent extremum points. But for the second, third and third orders, the initial conditions can be set at the growth points and at the extremum points. In this case, the segment for the numerical solution greatly expands and periodicity is observed. For the solutions of these ordinary solutions, the statements of the Cauchy problems are studied, and the results are compared with exact solutions and with each other. A numerical realization of the transformation of a cnoidal wave into a soliton is shown. The results of the article have a hemodynamic interpretation of the pulsating blood flow in a cylindrical blood vessel consisting of elastic rings.

  3. Pogorelova E.A.
    Mathematical model of shear stress flows in the vein in the presence of obliterating thrombus
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 169-182

    In this paper a numerical model for blood flow through a venous bifurcation with an obliterating clot is investigated. We studied propagation of perturbations of blood flow velocity and perturbations of pressure inside the vein. The model is built in acoustic (linear) approximation. Computational results reveal conditions for clot resonance oscillation, which can cause its detachment and thromboembolism.

    Views (last year): 1.
  4. In this paper, a mathematical model of cellular tissue dynamics is considered. The first part gives the conclusion of the model, the main provisions and the formulation of the problem. In the second part, the final system is investigated numerically and the simulation results are presented. It is postulated that cellular tissue is a three-phase medium that consists of a solid skeleton (which is an extracellular matrix), cells and extracellular fluid. In addition, the presence of nutrients in the tissue is taken into account. The model is based on the equations of conservation of mass, taking into account mass exchange, the equations of conservation of momentum for each phase, as well as the diffusion equation for nutrients. The equation describing the cellular phase also takes into account the term describing the chemical effect on the tissue, which is called chemotaxis — the movement of cells caused by a gradient in the concentration of chemicals. The initial system of equations is reduced to a system of three equations for finding porosity, cell saturation and nutrient concentration. These equations are supplemented by initial and boundary conditions. In the one-dimensional case, the distribution of porosity, concentration of the cell phase and nutrients is set at the initial moment of time. A constant concentration of nutrients is set on the left border, which corresponds, for example, to the supply of oxygen from the vessel, as well as the flow of cell concentration on it is zero. Two types of conditions are considered at the right boundary: the first is the condition of impermeability of the right boundary, the second is the condition of constant concentration of the cell phase and zero flow of nutrient concentration. In both cases, the conditions for the matrix and extracellular fluid are the same, it is assumed that there is a source of nutrients (blood vessel) on the left border of the modeling area. As a result of modeling, it was revealed that chemotaxis has a significant effect on tissue growth. In the absence of chemotaxis, the compaction zone extends to the entire modeling area, but with an increase in the effect of chemotaxis on the tissue, a degradation area is formed in which the concentration of cells becomes lower than the initial one.

  5. Aung L., Lobanov A.I., Pogorelova E.A.
    Mathematical models for blood clot growth based on “advection–diffusion” and Fokker–Planck equations
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 271-283

    The paper considers models of platelet thrombus formation in blood plasma flow in a cylindrical vessel, based on the “advection–diffusion” equation and the Fokker–Planck equation. The comparison of the results of calculations based on these models is given. Considered models show qualitatively similar behavior at the initial stage of thrombus formation. А detailed investigation of large clots requires models’ improvement.

    Views (last year): 2.
  6. Tregubov V.P.
    Mathematical modelling of the non-Newtonian blood flow in the aortic arc
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 259-269

    The purpose of research was to develop a mathematical model for pulsating blood flow in the part of aorta with their branches. Since the deformation of this most solid part of the aorta is small during the passage of the pulse wave, the blood vessels were considered as non-deformable curved cylinders. The article describes the internal structure of blood and some internal structural effects. This analysis shows that the blood, which is essentially a suspension, can only be regarded as a non-Newtonian fluid. In addition, the blood can be considered as a liquid only in the blood vessels, diameter of which is much higher than the characteristic size of blood cells and their aggregate formations. As a non-Newtonian fluid the viscous liquid with the power law of the relationship of stress with shift velocity was chosen. This law can describe the behaviour not only of liquids but also dispersions. When setting the boundary conditions at the entrance into aorta, reflecting the pulsating nature of the flow of blood, it was decided not to restrict the assignment of the total blood flow, which makes no assumptions about the spatial velocity distribution in a cross section. In this regard, it was proposed to model the surface envelope of this spatial distribution by a part of a paraboloid of rotation with a fixed base radius and height, which varies in time from zero to maximum speed value. The special attention was paid to the interaction of blood with the walls of the vessels. Having regard to the nature of this interaction, the so-called semi-slip condition was formulated as the boundary condition. At the outer ends of the aorta and its branches the amounts of pressure were given. To perform calculations the tetrahedral computer network for geometric model of the aorta with branches has been built. The total number of meshes is 9810. The calculations were performed with use of the software package ABACUS, which has also powerful tools for creating geometry of the model and visualization of calculations. The result is a distribution of velocities and pressure at each time step. In areas of branching vessels was discovered temporary presence of eddies and reverse currents. They were born via 0.47 s from the beginning of the pulse cycle and disappeared after 0.14 s.

    Views (last year): 13.
  7. An approximate mathematical model of blood flow in an axisymmetric blood vessel is studied. Such a vessel is understood as an infinitely long circular cylinder, the walls of which consist of elastic rings. Blood is considered as an incompressible fluid flowing in this cylinder. Increased pressure causes radially symmetrical stretching of the elastic rings. Following J. Lamb, the rings are located close to each other so that liquid does not flow between them. To mentally realize this, it is enough to assume that the rings are covered with an impenetrable film that does not have elastic properties. Only rings have elasticity. The considered model of blood flow in a blood vessel consists of three equations: the continuity equation, the law of conservation of momentum and the equation of state. An approximate procedure for reducing the equations under consideration to the Korteweg – de Vries (KdV) equation is considered, which was not fully considered by J. Lamb, only to establish the dependence of the coefficients of the KdV equation on the physical parameters of the considered model of incompressible fluid flow in an axisymmetric vessel. From the KdV equation, by a standard transition to traveling waves, ODEs of the third, second and first orders are obtained, respectively. Depending on the different cases of arrangement of the three stationary solutions of the first-order ODE, a cnoidal wave and a soliton are standardly obtained. The main attention is paid to an unbounded periodic solution, which we call a degenerate cnoidal wave. Mathematically, cnoidal waves are described by elliptic integrals with parameters defining amplitudes and periods. Soliton and degenerate cnoidal wave are described by elementary functions. The hemodynamic meaning of these types of decisions is indicated. Due to the fact that the sets of solutions to first-, second- and third-order ODEs do not coincide, it has been established that the Cauchy problem for second- and third-order ODEs can be specified at all points, and for first-order ODEs only at points of growth or decrease. The Cauchy problem for a first-order ODE cannot be specified at extremum points due to the violation of the Lipschitz condition. The degeneration of the cnoidal wave into a degenerate cnoidal wave, which can lead to rupture of the vessel walls, is numerically illustrated. The table below describes two modes of approach of a cnoidal wave to a degenerate cnoidal wave.

  8. Aristov V.V., Ilyin O.V.
    Methods and problems in the kinetic approach for simulating biological structures
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 6, pp. 851-866

    The biological structure is considered as an open nonequilibrium system which properties can be described on the basis of kinetic equations. New problems with nonequilibrium boundary conditions are introduced. The nonequilibrium distribution tends gradually to an equilibrium state. The region of spatial inhomogeneity has a scale depending on the rate of mass transfer in the open system and the characteristic time of metabolism. In the proposed approximation, the internal energy of the motion of molecules is much less than the energy of translational motion. Or in other terms we can state that the kinetic energy of the average blood velocity is substantially higher than the energy of chaotic motion of the same particles. We state that the relaxation problem models a living system. The flow of entropy to the system decreases in downstream, this corresponds to Shrödinger’s general ideas that the living system “feeds on” negentropy. We introduce a quantity that determines the complexity of the biosystem, more precisely, this is the difference between the nonequilibrium kinetic entropy and the equilibrium entropy at each spatial point integrated over the entire spatial region. Solutions to the problems of spatial relaxation allow us to estimate the size of biosystems as regions of nonequilibrium. The results are compared with empirical data, in particular, for mammals we conclude that the larger the size of animals, the smaller the specific energy of metabolism. This feature is reproduced in our model since the span of the nonequilibrium region is larger in the system where the reaction rate is shorter, or in terms of the kinetic approach, the longer the relaxation time of the interaction between the molecules. The approach is also used for estimation of a part of a living system, namely a green leaf. The problems of aging as degradation of an open nonequilibrium system are considered. The analogy is related to the structure, namely, for a closed system, the equilibrium of the structure is attained for the same molecules while in the open system, a transition occurs to the equilibrium of different particles, which change due to metabolism. Two essentially different time scales are distinguished, the ratio of which is approximately constant for various animal species. Under the assumption of the existence of these two time scales the kinetic equation splits in two equations, describing the metabolic (stationary) and “degradative” (nonstationary) parts of the process.

    Views (last year): 31.
  9. Ameenuddin M., Anand M.
    CFD analysis of hemodynamics in idealized abdominal aorta-renal artery junction: preliminary study to locate atherosclerotic plaque
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 4, pp. 695-706

    Atherosclerotic diseases such as carotid artery diseases (CAD) and chronic kidney diseases (CKD) are the major causes of death worldwide. The onset of these atherosclerotic diseases in the arteries are governed by complex blood flow dynamics and hemodynamic parameters. Atherosclerosis in renal arteries leads to reduction in arterial efficiency, which ultimately leads to Reno-vascular hypertension. This work attempts to identify the localization of atherosclerotic plaque in human abdominal aorta — renal artery junction using Computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

    The atherosclerosis prone regions in an idealized human abdominal aorta-renal artery junction are identified by calculating relevant hemodynamic indicators from computational simulations using the rheologically accurate shear-thinning Yeleswarapu model for human blood. Blood flow is numerically simulated in a 3-D model of the artery junction using ANSYS FLUENT v18.2.

    Hemodynamic indicators calculated are average wall shear stress (AWSS), oscillatory shear index (OSI), and relative residence time (RRT). Simulations of pulsatile flow (f=1.25 Hz, Re = 1000) show that low AWSS, and high OSI manifest in the regions of renal artery downstream of the junction and on the infrarenal section of the abdominal aorta lateral to the junction. High RRT, which is a relative index and dependent on AWSS and OSI, is found to overlap with the low AWSS and high OSI at the cranial surface of renal artery proximal to the junction and on the surface of the abdominal aorta lateral to the bifurcation: this indicates that these regions of the junction are prone to atherosclerosis. The results match qualitatively with the findings reported in literature and serve as initial step to illustrate utility of CFD for the location of atherosclerotic plaque.

    Views (last year): 3.
  10. Ilyin O.V.
    The modeling of nonlinear pulse waves in elastic vessels using the Lattice Boltzmann method
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 4, pp. 707-722

    In the present paper the application of the kinetic methods to the blood flow problems in elastic vessels is studied. The Lattice Boltzmann (LB) kinetic equation is applied. This model describes the discretized in space and time dynamics of particles traveling in a one-dimensional Cartesian lattice. At the limit of the small times between collisions LB models describe hydrodynamic equations which are equivalent to the Navier – Stokes for compressible if the considered flow is slow (small Mach number). If one formally changes in the resulting hydrodynamic equations the variables corresponding to density and sound wave velocity by luminal area and pulse wave velocity then a well-known 1D equations for the blood flow motion in elastic vessels are obtained for a particular case of constant pulse wave speed.

    In reality the pulse wave velocity is a function of luminal area. Here an interesting analogy is observed: the equation of state (which defines sound wave velocity) becomes pressure-area relation. Thus, a generalization of the equation of state is needed. This procedure popular in the modeling of non-ideal gas and is performed using an introduction of a virtual force. This allows to model arbitrary pressure-area dependence in the resulting hemodynamic equations.

    Two test case problems are considered. In the first problem a propagation of a sole nonlinear pulse wave is studied in the case of the Laplace pressure-area response. In the second problem the pulse wave dynamics is considered for a vessel bifurcation. The results show good precision in comparison with the data from literature.

    Views (last year): 2.
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