Результаты поиска по 'information':
Найдено статей: 138
  1. Umavovskiy A.V.
    Data-driven simulation of a two-phase flow in heterogenous porous media
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 4, pp. 779-792

    The numerical methods used to simulate the evolution of hydrodynamic systems require the considerable use of computational resources thus limiting the number of possible simulations. The data-driven simulation technique is one promising approach to the development of heuristic models, which may speed up the study of such models. In this approach, machine learning methods are used to tune the weights of an artificial neural network that predicts the state of a physical system at a given point in time based on initial conditions. This article describes an original neural network architecture and a novel multi-stage training procedure which create a heuristic model of a two-phase flow in a heterogeneous porous medium. The neural network-based model predicts the states of the grid cells at an arbitrary timestep (within the known constraints), taking in only the initial conditions: the properties of the heterogeneous permeability of the medium and the location of sources and sinks. The proposed model requires orders of magnitude less processor time in comparison with the classical numerical method, which served as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the trained model. The proposed architecture includes a number of subnets trained in various combinations on several datasets. The techniques of adversarial training and weight transfer are utilized.

  2. Basaeva E.K., Kamenetsky E.S., Khosaeva Z.K.
    Assessment of the elite–people interaction in post-soviet countries using the Bayesian approach
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 6, pp. 1233-1247

    A previously developed model that describes the dynamics of social tension in a society divided into two groups: the elite and the people was considered. This model took into account the impact of economic situation changes and the elite–people interaction. The model has been modified by including in the equation describing the tension of the people, a term that takes into account the adaptation of the people to the current situation.

    The model coefficients estimation is an important task, the solution of which allows obtaining information about the nature of the interaction between elite and people. We believe that the solution of the system of model equations with optimal coefficients is closest to the values of the indicator characterizing social tension. We used the normalized level of homicide rate as an indicator of social tension.

    The model contains seven coefficients. Two coefficients characterizing the influence of economic situation changes on elite and people are taken equal to each other and the same for all countries. We obtained their estimations using a simplified model that takes into account only the change in the economic situation and allows an analytical solution.

    The Bayesian approach was used to estimate the remaining five coefficients of model for post-Soviet countries. The prior probability densities of the four coefficients for all countries under consideration were taken to be the same. The prior probability density of fifth coefficient was considered to depend on the regime of government (authoritarian or «transitional»). We assumed that the calculated tension matches with the corresponding indicator of tension in cases where the difference between them does not exceed 5%.

    The calculations showed that for the post-Soviet countries, a good coincidence was obtained between the calculated values of the people tension and the normalized level of homicide rate. The coincidence is satisfactory only on average.

    The following main results was obtained at the work: under the influence of some «significant» events in 40% of post-Soviet countries, there was a rapid change in the nature of interaction between the elite and the people; regional feature have some influence on the elite–people interaction; the type of government does not significantly affect the elite–people interaction; the method for assessing the stability of the country by the value of the model coefficients is proposed.

  3. Jeeva N., Dharmalingam K.M.
    Sensitivity analysis and semi-analytical solution for analyzing the dynamics of coffee berry disease
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 731-753

    Coffee berry disease (CBD), resulting from the Colletotrichum kahawae fungal pathogen, poses a severe risk to coffee crops worldwide. Focused on coffee berries, it triggers substantial economic losses in regions relying heavily on coffee cultivation. The devastating impact extends beyond agricultural losses, affecting livelihoods and trade economies. Experimental insights into coffee berry disease provide crucial information on its pathogenesis, progression, and potential mitigation strategies for control, offering valuable knowledge to safeguard the global coffee industry. In this paper, we investigated the mathematical model of coffee berry disease, with a focus on the dynamics of the coffee plant and Colletotrichum kahawae pathogen populations, categorized as susceptible, exposed, infected, pathogenic, and recovered (SEIPR) individuals. To address the system of nonlinear differential equations and obtain semi-analytical solution for the coffee berry disease model, a novel analytical approach combining the Shehu transformation, Akbari – Ganji, and Pade approximation method (SAGPM) was utilized. A comparison of analytical results with numerical simulations demonstrates that the novel SAGPM is excellent efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis of the coffee berry disease model examines the effects of all parameters on the basic reproduction number $R_0$. Moreover, in order to examine the behavior of the model individuals, we varied some parameters in CBD. Through this analysis, we obtained valuable insights into the responses of the coffee berry disease model under various conditions and scenarios. This research offers valuable insights into the utilization of SAGPM and sensitivity analysis for analyzing epidemiological models, providing significant utility for researchers in the field.

  4. Orlova E.V.
    Credit risk assessment on the basis of multidimensional analysis
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 5, pp. 893-901

    The article is devoted to description the author's method of multidimensional analysis for generate an predictive assessment of organizations’ credit risk, based on the credit history information, which taking into account value and period of credit. An example of credit risk assessment is given.

    Views (last year): 7. Citations: 19 (RSCI).
  5. Belov S.D., Deng Z., Li W., Lin T., Pelevanyuk I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V., Yan T., Yan X., Zhang G., Zhao X., Zhang X., Zhemchugov A.S.
    BES-III distributed computing status
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 469-473

    The BES-III experiment at the IHEP CAS, Beijing, is running at the high-luminosity e+e- collider BEPC-II to study physics of charm quarks and tau leptons. The world largest samples of J/psi and psi' events are already collected, a number of unique data samples in the energy range 2.5–4.6 GeV have been taken. The data volume is expected to increase by an order of magnitude in the coming years. This requires to move from a centralized computing system to a distributed computing environment, thus allowing the use of computing resources from remote sites — members of the BES-III Collaboration. In this report the general information, latest results and development plans of the BES-III distributed computing system are presented.

    Views (last year): 3.
  6. Kiselev M.V.
    Exploration of 2-neuron memory units in spiking neural networks
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 2, pp. 401-416

    Working memory mechanisms in spiking neural networks consisting of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with adaptive threshold and synaptic plasticity are studied in this work. Moderate size networks including thousands of neurons were explored. Working memory is a network ability to keep in its state the information about recent stimuli presented to the network such that this information is sufficient to determine which stimulus has been presented. In this study, network state is defined as the current characteristics of network activity only — without internal state of its neurons. In order to discover the neuronal structures serving as a possible substrate of the memory mechanism, optimization of the network parameters and structure using genetic algorithm was carried out. Two kinds of neuronal structures with the desired properties were found. These are neuron pairs mutually connected by strong synaptic links and long tree-like neuronal ensembles. It was shown that only the neuron pairs are suitable for efficient and reliable implementation of working memory. Properties of such memory units and structures formed by them are explored in the present study. It is shown that characteristics of the studied two-neuron memory units can be set easily by the respective choice of the parameters of its neurons and synaptic connections. Besides that, this work demonstrates that ensembles of these structures can provide the network with capability of unsupervised learning to recognize patterns in the input signal.

  7. Naumov I.V., Otmakhova Y.S., Krasnykh S.S.
    Methodological approach to modeling and forecasting the impact of the spatial heterogeneity of the COVID-19 spread on the economic development of Russian regions
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 3, pp. 629-648

    The article deals with the development of a methodological approach to forecasting and modeling the socioeconomic consequences of viral epidemics in conditions of heterogeneous economic development of territorial systems. The relevance of the research stems from the need for rapid mechanisms of public management and stabilization of adverse epidemiological situation, taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of COVID-19, accompanied by a concentration of infection in large metropolitan areas and territories with high economic activity. The aim of the work is to substantiate a methodology to assess the spatial heterogeneity of the spread of coronavirus infection, find poles of its growth, emerging spatial clusters and zones of their influence with the assessment of inter-territorial relationships, as well as simulate the effects of worsening epidemiological situation on the dynamics of economic development of regional systems. The peculiarity of the developed approach is the spatial clustering of regional systems by the level of COVID-19 incidence, conducted using global and local spatial autocorrelation indices, various spatial weight matrices, and L.Anselin mutual influence matrix based on the statistical information of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The study revealed a spatial cluster characterized by high levels of infection with COVID-19 with a strong zone of influence and stable interregional relationships with surrounding regions, as well as formed growth poles which are potential poles of further spread of coronavirus infection. Regression analysis using panel data not only confirmed the impact of COVID-19 incidence on the average number of employees in enterprises, the level of average monthly nominal wages, but also allowed to form a model for scenario prediction of the consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection. The results of this study can be used to form mechanisms to contain the coronavirus infection and stabilize socio-economic at macroeconomic and regional level and restore the economy of territorial systems, depending on the depth of the spread of infection and the level of economic damage caused.

  8. Petrov A.P., Podlipskaia O.G., Pronchev G.B.
    Modeling the dynamics of public attention to extended processes on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 5, pp. 1131-1141

    The dynamics of public attention to COVID-19 epidemic is studied. The level of public attention is described by the daily number of search requests in Google made by users from a given country. In the empirical part of the work, data on the number of requests and the number of infected cases for a number of countries are considered. It is shown that in all cases the maximum of public attention occurs earlier than the maximum daily number of newly infected individuals. Thus, for a certain period of time, the growth of the epidemics occurs in parallel with the decline in public attention to it. It is also shown that the decline in the number of requests is described by an exponential function of time. In order to describe the revealed empirical pattern, a mathematical model is proposed, which is a modification of the model of the decline in attention after a one-time political event. The model develops the approach that considers decision-making by an individual as a member of the society in which the information process takes place. This approach assumes that an individual’s decision about whether or not to make a request on a given day about COVID is based on two factors. One of them is an attitude that reflects the individual’s long-term interest in a given topic and accumulates the individual’s previous experience, cultural preferences, social and economic status. The second is the dynamic factor of public attention to the epidemic, which changes during the process under consideration under the influence of informational stimuli. With regard to the subject under consideration, information stimuli are related to epidemic dynamics. The behavioral hypothesis is that if on some day the sum of the attitude and the dynamic factor exceeds a certain threshold value, then on that day the individual in question makes a search request on the topic of COVID. The general logic is that the higher the rate of infection growth, the higher the information stimulus, the slower decreases public attention to the pandemic. Thus, the constructed model made it possible to correlate the rate of exponential decrease in the number of requests with the rate of growth in the number of cases. The regularity found with the help of the model was tested on empirical data. It was found that the Student’s statistic is 4.56, which allows us to reject the hypothesis of the absence of a correlation with a significance level of 0.01.

  9. Volokhova A.V., Zemlyanay E.V., Kachalov V.V., Rikhvitskiy V.S.
    Simulation of the gas condensate reservoir depletion
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 5, pp. 1081-1095

    One of problems in developing the gas condensate fields lies on the fact that the condensed hydrocarbons in the gas-bearing layer can get stuck in the pores of the formation and hence cannot be extracted. In this regard, research is underway to increase the recoverability of hydrocarbons in such fields. This research includes a wide range of studies on mathematical simulations of the passage of gas condensate mixtures through a porous medium under various conditions.

    In the present work, within the classical approach based on the Darcy law and the law of continuity of flows, we formulate an initial-boundary value problem for a system of nonlinear differential equations that describes a depletion of a multicomponent gas-condensate mixture in porous reservoir. A computational scheme is developed on the basis of the finite-difference approximation and the fourth order Runge .Kutta method. The scheme can be used for simulations both in the spatially one-dimensional case, corresponding to the conditions of the laboratory experiment, and in the two-dimensional case, when it comes to modeling a flat gas-bearing formation with circular symmetry.

    The computer implementation is based on the combination of C++ and Maple tools, using the MPI parallel programming technique to speed up the calculations. The calculations were performed on the HybriLIT cluster of the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

    Numerical results are compared with the experimental data on the pressure dependence of output of a ninecomponent hydrocarbon mixture obtained at a laboratory facility (VNIIGAZ, Ukhta). The calculations were performed for two types of porous filler in the laboratory model of the formation: terrigenous filler at 25 .„R and carbonate one at 60 .„R. It is shown that the approach developed ensures an agreement of the numerical results with experimental data. By fitting of numerical results to experimental data on the depletion of the laboratory reservoir, we obtained the values of the parameters that determine the inter-phase transition coefficient for the simulated system. Using the same parameters, a computer simulation of the depletion of a thin gas-bearing layer in the circular symmetry approximation was carried out.

  10. Korepanov V.O., Chkhartishvili A.G., Shumov V.V.
    Game-theoretic and reflexive combat models
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 1, pp. 179-203

    Modeling combat operations is an urgent scientific and practical task aimed at providing commanders and staffs with quantitative grounds for making decisions. The authors proposed the function of victory in combat and military operations, based on the function of the conflict by G. Tullock and taking into account the scale of combat (military) operations. On a sufficient volume of military statistics, the scale parameter was assessed and its values were found for the tactical, operational and strategic levels. The game-theoretic models «offensive – defense», in which the sides solve the immediate and subsequent tasks, having the formation of troops in one or several echelons, have been investigated. At the first stage of modeling, the solution of the immediate task is found — the breakthrough (holding) of defense points, at the second — the solution of the subsequent task — the defeat of the enemy in the depth of the defense (counterattack and restoration of defense). For the tactical level, using the Nash equilibrium, solutions were found for the closest problem (distribution of the forces of the sides by points of defense) in an antagonistic game according to three criteria: a) breakthrough of the weakest point, b) breakthrough of at least one point, and c) weighted average probability. It is shown that it is advisable for the attacking side to use the criterion of «breaking through at least one point», in which, all other things being equal, the maximum probability of breaking through the points of defense is ensured. At the second stage of modeling for a particular case (the sides are guided by the criterion of breaking through the weakest point when breaking through and holding defense points), the problem of distributing forces and facilities between tactical tasks (echelons) was solved according to two criteria: a) maximizing the probability of breaking through the defense point and the probability of defeating the enemy in depth defense, b) maximizing the minimum value of the named probabilities (the criterion of the guaranteed result). Awareness is an important aspect of combat operations. Several examples of reflexive games (games characterized by complex mutual awareness) and information management are considered. It is shown under what conditions information control increases the player’s payoff, and the optimal information control is found.

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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"