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  1. Pechenyuk A.V.
    Optimization of a hull form for decrease ship resistance to movement
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 57-65

    Optimization of hull lines for the minimum resistance to movement is a problem of current interest in ship hydrodynamics. In practice, lines design is still to some extent an art. The usual approaches to decrease the ship resistance are based on the model experiment and/or CFD simulation, following the trial and error method. The paper presents a new method of in-detail hull form design based on the wave-based optimization approach. The method provides systematic variation of the hull geometrical form, which corresponds to alteration of longitudinal distribution of the hull volume, while its vertical volume distribution is fixed or highly controlled. It’s well known from the theoretical studies that the vertical distribution can't be optimized by condition of minimum wave resistance, thus it can be neglected for the optimization procedures. The method efficiency was investigated by application to the foreship of KCS, the well-known test object from the workshop Gothenburg-2000. The variations of the longitudinal distribution of the volume were set on the sectional area curve as finite volume increments and then transferred to the lines plan with the help of special frame transformation methods. The CFD towing simulations were carried out for the initial hull form and the six modified variants. According to the simulation results, examined modifications caused the resistance increments in the range 1.3–6.5 %. Optimization process was underpinned with the respective data analysis based on the new hypothesis, according to which, the resistance increments caused by separate longitudinal segments of hull form meet the principle of superposition. The achieved results, which are presented as the optimum distribution of volume present in the optimized designed hull form, which shows the interesting characteristics that its resistance has decrease by 8.9 % in respect to initial KCS hull form. Visualization of the wave patterns showed an attenuation of the transversal wave components, and the intensification of the diverging wave components.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  2. Kalashnikov S.V., Krivoschapov A.A., Mitin A.L., Nikolaev N.V.
    Computational investigation of aerodynamic performance of the generic flying-wing aircraft model using FlowVision computational code
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 67-74

    Modern approach to modernization of the experimental techniques involves design of mathematical models of the wind-tunnel, which are also referred to as Electronic of Digital Wind-Tunnels. They are meant to supplement experimental data with computational analysis. Using Electronic Wind-Tunnels is supposed to provide accurate information on aerodynamic performance of an aircraft basing on a set of experimental data, to obtain agreement between data from different test facilities and perform comparison between computational results for flight conditions and data with the presence of support system and test section.

    Completing this task requires some preliminary research, which involves extensive wind-tunnel testing as well as RANS-based computational research with the use of supercomputer technologies. At different stages of computational investigation one may have to model not only the aircraft itself but also the wind-tunnel test section and the model support system. Modelling such complex geometries will inevitably result in quite complex vertical and separated flows one will have to simulate. Another problem is that boundary layer transition is often present in wind-tunnel testing due to quite small model scales and therefore low Reynolds numbers.

    In the current article the first stage of the Electronic Wind-Tunnel design program is covered. This stage involves computational investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of the generic flying-wing UAV model previously tested in TsAGI T-102 wind-tunnel. Since this stage is preliminary the model was simulated without taking test-section and support system geometry into account. The boundary layer was considered to be fully turbulent.

    For the current research FlowVision computational code was used because of its automatic grid generation feature and stability of the solver when simulating complex flows. A two-equation k–ε turbulence model was used with special wall functions designed to properly capture flow separation. Computed lift force and drag force coefficients for different angles-of-attack were compared to the experimental data.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  3. Lopatin N.V., Kydrjavtsev E.A., Panin P.V., Vidumkina S.V.
    Simulation of forming of UFG Ti-6-4 alloy at low temperature of superplasticity
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 127-133

    Superplastic forming of Ni and Ti based alloys is widely used in aerospace industry. The main advantage of using the effect of superplasticity in sheet metal forming processes is a feasibility of forming materials with a high amount of plastic strain in conditions of prevailing tensile stresses. This article is dedicated to study commercial FEM software SFTC DEFORM application for prediction thickness deviation during low temperature superplastic forming of UFG Ti-6-4 alloy. Experimentally, thickness deviation during superplastic forming can be observed in the local area of plastic deformation and this process is aggravated by local softening of the metal and this is stipulated by microstructure coarsening. The theoretical model was prepared to analyze experimentally observed metal flow. Two approaches have been used for that. The first one is the using of integrated creep rheology model in DEFORM. As superplastic effect is observed only in materials with fine and ultrafine grain sizes the second approach is carried out using own user procedures for rheology model which is based on microstructure evolution equations. These equations have been implemented into DEFORM via Fortran user’s solver subroutines. Using of FEM simulation for this type of forming allows tracking a strain rate in different parts of a workpiece during a process, which is crucial for maintaining the superplastic conditions. Comparison of these approaches allows us to make conclusions about effect of microstructure evolution on metal flow during superplastic deformation. The results of the FEM analysis and theoretical conclusions have been approved by results of the conducted Erichsen test. The main issues of this study are as follows: a) the DEFORM software allows an engineer to predict formation of metal shape under the condition of low-temperature superplasticity; b) in order to augment the accuracy of the prediction of local deformations, the effect of the microstructure state of an alloy having sub-microcristalline structure should be taken into account in the course of calculations in the DEFORM software.

    Views (last year): 10.
  4. Sviridenko A.B.
    Direct multiplicative methods for sparse matrices. Linear programming
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 143-165

    Multiplicative methods for sparse matrices are best suited to reduce the complexity of operations solving systems of linear equations performed on each iteration of the simplex method. The matrix of constraints in these problems of sparsely populated nonzero elements, which allows to obtain the multipliers, the main columns which are also sparse, and the operation of multiplication of a vector by a multiplier according to the complexity proportional to the number of nonzero elements of this multiplier. In addition, the transition to the adjacent basis multiplier representation quite easily corrected. To improve the efficiency of such methods requires a decrease in occupancy multiplicative representation of the nonzero elements. However, at each iteration of the algorithm to the sequence of multipliers added another. As the complexity of multiplication grows and linearly depends on the length of the sequence. So you want to run from time to time the recalculation of inverse matrix, getting it from the unit. Overall, however, the problem is not solved. In addition, the set of multipliers is a sequence of structures, and the size of this sequence is inconvenient is large and not precisely known. Multiplicative methods do not take into account the factors of the high degree of sparseness of the original matrices and constraints of equality, require the determination of initial basic feasible solution of the problem and, consequently, do not allow to reduce the dimensionality of a linear programming problem and the regular procedure of compression — dimensionality reduction of multipliers and exceptions of the nonzero elements from all the main columns of multipliers obtained in previous iterations. Thus, the development of numerical methods for the solution of linear programming problems, which allows to overcome or substantially reduce the shortcomings of the schemes implementation of the simplex method, refers to the current problems of computational mathematics.

    In this paper, the approach to the construction of numerically stable direct multiplier methods for solving problems in linear programming, taking into account sparseness of matrices, presented in packaged form. The advantage of the approach is to reduce dimensionality and minimize filling of the main rows of multipliers without compromising accuracy of the results and changes in the position of the next processed row of the matrix are made that allows you to use static data storage formats.

    As a direct continuation of this work is the basis for constructing a direct multiplicative algorithm set the direction of descent in the Newton methods for unconstrained optimization is proposed to put a modification of the direct multiplier method, linear programming by integrating one of the existing design techniques significantly positive definite matrix of the second derivatives.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  5. Shpitonkov M.I.
    Application of correlation adaptometry technique to sports and biomedical research
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 345-354

    The paper outlines the approaches to mathematical modeling correlation adaptometry techniques widely used in biology and medicine. The analysis is based on models employed in descriptions of structured biological systems. It is assumed that the distribution density of the biological population numbers satisfies the equation of Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck. Using this technique evaluated the effectiveness of treatment of patients with obesity. All patients depending on the obesity degree and the comorbidity nature were divided into three groups. Shows a decrease in weight of the correlation graph computed from the measured in the patients of the indicators that characterizes the effectiveness of the treatment for all studied groups. This technique was also used to assess the intensity of the training loads in academic rowing three age groups. It was shown that with the highest voltage worked with athletes for youth group. Also, using the technique of correlation adaptometry evaluated the effectiveness of the treatment of hormone replacement therapy in women. All the patients depending on the assigned drug were divided into four groups. In the standard analysis of the dynamics of mean values of indicators, it was shown that in the course of the treatment were observed normalization of the averages for all groups of patients. However, using the technique of correlation adaptometry it was found that during the first six months the weight of the correlation graph was decreasing and during the second six months the weight increased for all study groups. This indicates the excessive length of the annual course of hormone replacement therapy and the practicality of transition to a semiannual rate.

    Views (last year): 10.
  6. Galochkina T.V., Volpert V.A.
    Mathematical modeling of thrombin propagation during blood coagulation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 3, pp. 469-486

    In case of vessel wall damage or contact of blood plasma with a foreign surface, the chain of chemical reactions called coagulation cascade is launched that leading to the formation of a fibrin clot. A key enzyme of the coagulation cascade is thrombin, which catalyzes formation of fibrin from fibrinogen. The distribution of thrombin concentration in blood plasma determines spatio-temporal dynamics of clot formation. Contact pathway of blood coagulation triggers the production of thrombin in response to the contact with a negatively charged surface. If the concentration of thrombin generated at this stage is large enough, further production of thrombin takes place due to positive feedback loops of the coagulation cascade. As a result, thrombin propagates in plasma cleaving fibrinogen that results in the clot formation. The concentration profile and the speed of propagation of thrombin are constant and do not depend on the type of the initial activator.

    Such behavior of the coagulation system is well described by the traveling wave solutions in a system of “reaction – diffusion” equations on the concentration of blood factors involved in the coagulation cascade. In this study, we carried out detailed analysis of the mathematical model describing the main reaction of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation cascade.We formulate necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of the traveling wave solutions. For the considered model the existence of such solutions is equivalent to the existence of the wave solutions in the simplified one-equation model describing the dynamics of thrombin concentration derived under the quasi-stationary approximation.

    Simplified model also allows us to obtain analytical estimate of the thrombin propagation rate in the considered model. The speed of the traveling wave for one equation is estimated using the narrow reaction zone method and piecewise linear approximation. The resulting formulas give a good approximation of the velocity of propagation of thrombin in the simplified, as well as in the original model.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  7. Kuznetsov M.B., Kolobov A.V.
    Mathematical investigation of antiangiogenic monotherapy effect on heterogeneous tumor progression
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 3, pp. 487-501

    In the last decade along with classical cytotoxic agents, antiangiogenic drugs have been actively used in cancer chemotherapy. They are not aimed at killing malignant cells, but at blocking the process of angiogenesis, i.e., the growth of new vessels in the tumor and its surrounding tissues. Agents that stimulate angiogenesis, in particular, vascular endothelial growth factor, are actively produced by tumor cells in the state of metabolic stress. It is believed that blocking of tumor neovascularization should lead to a shortage of nutrients flow to the tumor, and thus can stop, or at least significantly slow down its growth. Clinical practice on the use of first antiangiogenic drug bevacizumab has shown that in some cases such therapy does not influence the growth rate of the tumor, whereas for other types of malignant neoplasms antiangiogenic therapy has a high antitumor effect. However, it has been shown that along with successful slowing of tumor growth, therapy with bevacizumab can induce directed tumor progression to a more invasive, and therefore more lethal, type. These data require theoretical analysis and rationale for the evolutionary factors that lead to the observation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. For this purpose we have developed a spatially distributed mathematical model of growth and antiangiogenic therapy of heterogeneous tumor consisting of two subpopulations of malignant cells. One of subpopulations possesses inherent characteristics of epithelial phenotype, i.e., low motility and high proliferation rate, the other one corresponds to mesenchymal phenotype having high motility and low proliferation rate. We have performed the investigation of competition between these subpopulations of heterogeneous tumor in the cases of tumor growth without therapy and under bevacizumab monotherapy. It is shown that constant use of antiangiogenic drug leads to an increase of the region in parameter space, where the dominance of mesenchymal phenotype takes place, i.e., within a certain range of parameters in the absence of therapy epithelial phenotype is dominant but during bevacizumab administration mesenchymal phenotype begins to dominate. This result provides a theoretical basis of the clinically observed directed tumor progression to more invasive type under antiangiogenic therapy.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 2 (RSCI).
  8. Beloborodova E.I., Tamm M.V.
    On some properties of short-wave statistics of FOREX time series
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 4, pp. 657-669

    Financial mathematics is one of the most natural applications for the statistical analysis of time series. Financial time series reflect simultaneous activity of a large number of different economic agents. Consequently, one expects that methods of statistical physics and the theory of random processes can be applied to them.

    In this paper, we provide a statistical analysis of time series of the FOREX currency market. Of particular interest is the comparison of the time series behavior depending on the way time is measured: physical time versus trading time measured in the number of elementary price changes (ticks). The experimentally observed statistics of the time series under consideration (euro–dollar for the first half of 2007 and for 2009 and British pound – dollar for 2007) radically differs depending on the choice of the method of time measurement. When measuring time in ticks, the distribution of price increments can be well described by the normal distribution already on a scale of the order of ten ticks. At the same time, when price increments are measured in real physical time, the distribution of increments continues to differ radically from the normal up to scales of the order of minutes and even hours.

    To explain this phenomenon, we investigate the statistical properties of elementary increments in price and time. In particular, we show that the distribution of time between ticks for all three time series has a long (1-2 orders of magnitude) power-law tails with exponential cutoff at large times. We obtained approximate expressions for the distributions of waiting times for all three cases. Other statistical characteristics of the time series (the distribution of elementary price changes, pair correlation functions for price increments and for waiting times) demonstrate fairly simple behavior. Thus, it is the anomalously wide distribution of the waiting times that plays the most important role in the deviation of the distribution of increments from the normal. As a result, we discuss the possibility of applying a continuous time random walk (CTRW) model to describe the FOREX time series.

    Views (last year): 10.
  9. Yakovleva T.V.
    Signal and noise parameters’ determination at rician data analysis by method of moments of lower odd orders
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 5, pp. 717-728

    The paper develops a new mathematical method of the joint signal and noise parameters determination at the Rice statistical distribution by method of moments based upon the analysis of data for the 1-st and the 3-rd raw moments of the random rician value. The explicit equations’ system have been obtained for required parameters of the signal and noise. In the limiting case of the small value of the signal-to-noise ratio the analytical formulas have been derived that allow calculating the required parameters without the necessity of solving the equations numerically. The technique having been elaborated in the paper ensures an efficient separation of the informative and noise components of the data to be analyzed without any a-priori restrictions, just based upon the processing of the results of the signal’s sampled measurements. The task is meaningful for the purposes of the rician data processing, in particular in the systems of magnetic-resonance visualization, in ultrasound visualization systems, at the optical signals’ analysis in range measuring systems, in radio location, etc. The results of the investigation have shown that the two parameter task solution of the proposed technique does not lead to the increase in demanded volume of computing resources compared with the one parameter task being solved in approximation that the second parameter of the task is known a-priori There are provided the results of the elaborated technique’s computer simulation. The results of the signal and noise parameters’ numerical calculation have confirmed the efficiency of the elaborated technique. There has been conducted the comparison of the accuracy of the sought-for parameters estimation by the technique having been developed in this paper and by the previously elaborated method of moments based upon processing the measured data for lower even moments of the signal to be analyzed.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  10. Shumixin A.G., Aleksandrova A.S.
    Identification of a controlled object using frequency responses obtained from a dynamic neural network model of a control system
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 5, pp. 729-740

    We present results of a study aimed at identification of a controlled object’s channels based on postprocessing of measurements with development of a model of a multiple-input controlled object and subsequent active modelling experiment. The controlled object model is developed using approximation of its behavior by a neural network model using trends obtained during a passive experiment in the mode of normal operation. Recurrent neural network containing feedback elements allows to simulate behavior of dynamic objects; input and feedback time delays allow to simulate behavior of inertial objects with pure delay. The model was taught using examples of the object’s operation with a control system and is presented by a dynamic neural network and a model of a regulator with a known regulation function. The neural network model simulates the system’s behavior and is used to conduct active computing experiments. Neural network model allows to obtain the controlled object’s response to an exploratory stimulus, including a periodic one. The obtained complex frequency response is used to evaluate parameters of the object’s transfer system using the least squares method. We present an example of identification of a channel of the simulated control system. The simulated object has two input ports and one output port and varying transport delays in transfer channels. One of the input ports serves as a controlling stimulus, the second is a controlled perturbation. The controlled output value changes as a result of control stimulus produced by the regulator operating according to the proportional-integral regulation law based on deviation of the controlled value from the task. The obtained parameters of the object’s channels’ transfer functions are close to the parameters of the input simulated object. The obtained normalized error of the reaction for a single step-wise stimulus of the control system model developed based on identification of the simulated control system doesn’t exceed 0.08. The considered objects pertain to the class of technological processes with continuous production. Such objects are characteristic of chemical, metallurgic, mine-mill, pulp and paper, and other industries.

    Views (last year): 10.
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"