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Introduction to the theory of complex networks
Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 121-141Views (last year): 53. Citations: 107 (RSCI).There was a new direction of studying of the complex systems last years, considering them as networks. Nodes in such networks represent elements of these complex systems, and links between nodes – interactions between elements. These researches deal with real systems, such as biological (metabolic networks of cells, functional networks of a brain, ecological systems), technical (the Internet, WWW, networks of the companies of cellular communication, power grids), social (networks of scientific cooperation, a network of movie actors, a network of acquaintances). It has appeared that these networks have more complex architecture, than classical random networks. In the offered review the basic concepts theory of complex networks are given, and the basic directions of studying of real networks structures are also briefly described.
Models of production functions for the Russian economy
Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 293-312Views (last year): 21. Citations: 65 (RSCI).A comparative analysis of the applicability of several variants of the production function models for the analysis of modern Russian economy is presented in a paper. Through regression analysis, the effect of such factors as the oil prices on the world market, the innovation, the hypothesis of constant returns to factors of production is estimated. Calculations were made both for the economy as a whole and for separate industries. It is shown that the models of the economy of Russia as a whole and some of its industries in relation to real data have significant increasing returns to labor. Limits of applicability for the models are discussed.
Views (last year): 5. Citations: 33 (RSCI).
This work is devoted to creation of static atomic model of two surfaces in contact at electric diamond grinding: single-points diamond and material grinded of them. At the heart of the work there are issues of computer visualization of these surfaces at the molecular level, since traditional mathematical description does not possess sufficient visualization to demonstrate some aspects of the atomic tribology of metal cutting to simultaneously occurring the different, by their physical nature, processes. And in the electric diamond grinding blends effect of several processes simultaneously: mechanical, electrical and electrochemical. So the modeling technique proposed by authors is still the only way to see what is happening at the atomic level, cutting material of single-point diamond.
Numerical modeling of ecologic situation of the Azov Sea with using schemes of increased order of accuracy on multiprocessor computer system
Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 1, pp. 151-168Views (last year): 4. Citations: 31 (RSCI).The article covered results of three-dimensional modeling of ecologic situation of shallow water on the example of the Azov Sea with using schemes of increased order of accuracy on multiprocessor computer system of Southern Federal University. Discrete analogs of convective and diffusive transfer operators of the fourth order of accuracy in the case of partial occupancy of cells were constructed and studied. The developed scheme of the high (fourth) order of accuracy were used for solving problems of aquatic ecology and modeling spatial distribution of polluting nutrients, which caused growth of phytoplankton, many species of which are toxic and harmful. The use of schemes of the high order of accuracy are improved the quality of input data and decreased the error in solutions of model tasks of aquatic ecology. Numerical experiments were conducted for the problem of transportation of substances on the basis of the schemes of the second and fourth orders of accuracy. They’re showed that the accuracy was increased in 48.7 times for diffusion-convection problem. The mathematical algorithm was proposed and numerically implemented, which designed to restore the bottom topography of shallow water on the basis of hydrographic data (water depth at individual points or contour level). The map of bottom relief of the Azov Sea was generated with using this algorithm. It’s used to build fields of currents calculated on the basis of hydrodynamic model. The fields of water flow currents were used as input data of the aquatic ecology models. The library of double-layered iterative methods was developed for solving of nine-diagonal difference equations. It occurs in discretization of model tasks of challenges of pollutants concentration, plankton and fish on multiprocessor computer system. It improved the precision of the calculated data and gave the possibility to obtain operational forecasts of changes in ecologic situation of shallow water in short time intervals.
Parallel implementation of a finite-element algorithms on a graphics accelerator in the software package FEStudio
Computer Research and Modeling, 2014, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 79-97Views (last year): 4. Citations: 24 (RSCI).In this paper, we present new parallel algorithms for finite element analysis implemented in the FEStudio software framework. We describe the programming model of finite element method, which supports parallelism on different stages of numerical simulations. Using this model, we develop parallel algorithms of numerical integration for dynamic problems and local stiffness matrices. For constructing and solving the systems of equations, we use the CUDA programming platform.
Introduction to the parallelization of algorithms and programs
Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 3, pp. 231-272Views (last year): 53. Citations: 22 (RSCI).Difference of software development for parallel computing technology from sequential programming is dicussed. Arguements for introduction of new phases into technology of software engineering are given. These phases are: decomposition of algorithms, assignment of jobs to performers, conducting and mapping of logical to physical performers. Issues of performance evaluation of algorithms are briefly discussed. Decomposition of algorithms and programs into parts that can be executed in parallel is dicussed.
Views (last year): 64. Citations: 21 (RSCI).
An introduction to the models of cellular automata is given. The three automata described on the plane are: Viner-Rosenbluth cellular automata, the game of Life and Kohomoto-Oono automata for modelling «reaction-diffusion» systems. There is built the generalization of cellular automata of the game of Life to arbitrary dimension of space and the generalization of Kohomoto-Oono automata in 3D.
Modelling spatio-temporal dynamics of circadian rythms in Neurospora crassa
Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 2, pp. 191-213Views (last year): 6. Citations: 20 (RSCI).We derive a new model of circadian oscillations in Neurospora crassa, which is suitable to analyze both temporal and spatial dynamics of proteins responsible for mechanism of rythms. The model is based on the non-linear interplay between proteins FRQ and WCC which are products of transcription of frequency and white collar genes forming a feedback loop comprised both positive and negative elements. The main component of oscillations mechanism is supposed to be time-delay in biochemical reactions of transcription. We show that the model accounts for various features observed in Neurospora’s experiments such as entrainment by light cycles, phase shift under light pulse, robustness to action of fluctuations and so on. Wave patterns excited during spatial development of the system are studied. It is shown that the wave of synchronization of biorythms arises under basal transcription factors.
Theory of self-organization. On the cusp of IV paradigm
Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 3, pp. 315-336Views (last year): 9. Citations: 19 (RSCI).We discuss key problems of self-organization theory, synergetics, and the prospects of its development for the next decades. We show that the future of this interdisciplinary approach probably is defined by the development of new network paradigm. We consider statements of several fundamental scientific and principle technological problems and concrete results giving rise to these conclusions.
Forecasting methods and models of disease spread
Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 5, pp. 863-882Views (last year): 71. Citations: 19 (RSCI).The number of papers addressing the forecasting of the infectious disease morbidity is rapidly growing due to accumulation of available statistical data. This article surveys the major approaches for the shortterm and the long-term morbidity forecasting. Their limitations and the practical application possibilities are pointed out. The paper presents the conventional time series analysis methods — regression and autoregressive models; machine learning-based approaches — Bayesian networks and artificial neural networks; case-based reasoning; filtration-based techniques. The most known mathematical models of infectious diseases are mentioned: classical equation-based models (deterministic and stochastic), modern simulation models (network and agent-based).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"