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The invariance principle of La-Salle and mathematical models for the evolution of microbial populations
Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 2, pp. 177-190Views (last year): 8. Citations: 3 (RSCI).A mathematical model for the evolution of microbial populations during prolonged cultivation in a chemostat has been constructed. This model generalizes the sequence of the well-known mathematical models of the evolution, in which such factors of the genetic variability were taken into account as chromosomal mutations, mutations in plasmid genes, the horizontal gene transfer, the plasmid loss due to cellular division and others. Liapunov’s function for the generic model of evolution is constructed. The existence proof of bounded, positive invariant and globally attracting set in the state space of the generic mathematical model for the evolution is presented because of the application of La-Salle’s theorem. The analytic description of this set is given. Numerical methods for estimate of the number of limit sets, its location and following investigation in the mathematical models for evolution are discussed.
Synchronization and chaos in networks of coupled maps in application to modeling of cardiac dynamics
Computer Research and Modeling, 2011, v. 3, no. 4, pp. 439-453Citations: 3 (RSCI).The dynamics of coupled elements’ ensembles are investigated in the context of description of spatio-temporal processes in the myocardium. Basic element is map-based model constructed by simplification and reduction of Luo-Rudy model. In particular, capabilities of the model in replication of different regimes of cardiac activity are shown, including excitable and oscillatory regimes. The dynamics of 1D and 2D lattices of coupled oscillatory elements with a random distribution of individual frequencies are considered. Effects of cluster synchronization and transition to global synchronization by increasing of coupling strength are discussed. Impulse propagation in the chain of excitable cells has been observed. Analysis of 2D lattice of excitable elements with target and spiral waves have been made. The characteristics of the spiral wave has been analyzed in depending on the individual parameters of the map and coupling strength between elements of the lattice. A study of mixed ensembles consisting of excitable and oscillatory elements with a gradient changing of the properties have been made, including the task for description of normal and pathological activity of the sinoatrial node.
Latticed deployable shells made of strips assembled from trapezoid plates
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 1, pp. 63-73Views (last year): 1. Citations: 3 (RSCI).This paper covers deployable systems assembled from a set of trapezium plates. The middles lines of the plates represent a plane curve in the original position of the package. It is proved that when the package of thin plates is unwrapped, a surface approximating a shell of nearly any curvature is formed. Kinematics of the continual model is analyzed by the method of Cartan moving hedron, extending the results the authors published earlier. Various applications of rotating shells are shown. Experimental models of deployable latticed systems are demonstrated.
Fluorescence of molecular probe and its diffusion in a biological liquid
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 1, pp. 201-208Views (last year): 2. Citations: 3 (RSCI).The results of theoretical researches of molecular probe diffusion as well as its impact to probe fluorescence spectra are represented in this paper. The case with compound introduction to biological liquid as an injection has been considered. Shown, fluorescence spectra shifts of injected probe is a result of diffusion processes in biological liquid as well as its immobilization to contained structures (compound of peptides nature, different cell types and others).
Mathematical modeling of the optimal market of competing goods in conditions of deliveries lags
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 2, pp. 431-450Views (last year): 1. Citations: 3 (RSCI).The nonlinear restrictive (with restrictions of the inequalities type) dynamic mathematical model of the committed competition vacant market of many goods in conditions of the goods deliveries time-lag and of the linear dependency of the demand vector from the prices vector is offered. The problem of finding of prices and deliveries of goods into the market which are optimal (from seller’s profit standpoint) is formulated. It is shown the seller’s total profit maximum is expressing by the continuous piecewise smooth function of vector of volumes of deliveries with breakup of the derivative on borders of zones of the goods deficit, of the overstocking and of the dynamic balance of demand and offer of each of goods. With use of the predicate functions technique the computing algorithm of optimization of the goods deliveries into the market is built.
Normalizers and centralizers of subgroups in non-Abelian groups of small order
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 531-542Citations: 3 (RSCI).By applying the computer program, which is created by authors, we obtain the exact representation of normalizers and centralizers of all nontrivial subgroups in non-Abelian groups G under the condition |G|≤20. All results are represented either in terms of concrete realization of the corresponding group or in terms of it's generators. We consider the application of our program to the verification of T-normal condition.
Benchmark «line-by-line» calculations of atmospheric radiation
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 553-562Views (last year): 4. Citations: 3 (RSCI).The paper presents the methodology of «line-by-line» calculations of the Earth and atmosphere thermal radiation. Intensity of radiation is computed by numerical integration of the radiative transfer kinetic equation and the system of the angular momentum equations using quasi-diffusion method. Data from HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database [Rothman et al., 2009] are used to calculate the atmosphere optical parameters.
Calculation of the parameters of microscopic optical potential for pionnuclei elastic scattering by Asynchronous Differential Evolution algorithm
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 585-595Views (last year): 1. Citations: 3 (RSCI).New Asynchronous Differential Evolution algorithm is used to determine the parameters of microscopic optical potential of elastic pion scattering on 28Si, 58Ni and 208Pb nuclei at energy 130, 162 and 180 MeV.
Experimental investigation of Russian citizens expenses on new cars and a correspondence to their income
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 621-629Citations: 3 (RSCI).The question of distribution of citizens expenses in modern Russia is experimentally investigated. New cars were chosen as representative group of the acquired goods as well as earlier. Results of the analysis of sales of new cars for 2007–2009 are presented below. Main “body” of density of probability to find certain number of cars depending on their price, since some initial price up to ~ k$60, is an exponential distribution. The found feature of distribution (unlike 2003–2005) was an existence of minimum price. For expensive cars (distribution “tail”), the asymptotic form is the Pareto distribution with a hyperbole exponent a little greater, than measured earlier for 2003–2005. The results turned up to be similar to direct measurements of distribution of tax declarations on their size, submitted to the USA in 2004 where exponential distribution of the income of citizens, since some minimum, with some asymptotic in the form of Pareto's distribution also was observed.
Spatial models in mass appraisal of real estate
Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 639-650The author has analyzed main approaches to the mass appraisal of real property (Russian and foreign), pros and cons are pointed out. An approach based on spatial regression models which shows results better than conventional regression models and applicable to Russian real estate market is presented in the article.
Keywords: mass appraisal, spatial models.Views (last year): 3. Citations: 3 (RSCI).
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International Interdisciplinary Conference "Mathematics. Computing. Education"