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  1. Stepanyan I.V.
    Biomathematical system of the nucleic acids description
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 2, pp. 417-434

    The article is devoted to the application of various methods of mathematical analysis, search for patterns and studying the composition of nucleotides in DNA sequences at the genomic level. New methods of mathematical biology that made it possible to detect and visualize the hidden ordering of genetic nucleotide sequences located in the chromosomes of cells of living organisms described. The research was based on the work on algebraic biology of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences S. V. Petukhov, who first introduced and justified new algebras and hypercomplex numerical systems describing genetic phenomena. This paper describes a new phase in the development of matrix methods in genetics for studying the properties of nucleotide sequences (and their physicochemical parameters), built on the principles of finite geometry. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the capabilities of new algorithms and discuss the discovered properties of genetic DNA and RNA molecules. The study includes three stages: parameterization, scaling, and visualization. Parametrization is the determination of the parameters taken into account, which are based on the structural and physicochemical properties of nucleotides as elementary components of the genome. Scaling plays the role of “focusing” and allows you to explore genetic structures at various scales. Visualization includes the selection of the axes of the coordinate system and the method of visual display. The algorithms presented in this work are put forward as a new toolkit for the development of research software for the analysis of long nucleotide sequences with the ability to display genomes in parametric spaces of various dimensions. One of the significant results of the study is that new criteria were obtained for the classification of the genomes of various living organisms to identify interspecific relationships. The new concept allows visually and numerically assessing the variability of the physicochemical parameters of nucleotide sequences. This concept also allows one to substantiate the relationship between the parameters of DNA and RNA molecules with fractal geometric mosaics, reveals the ordering and symmetry of polynucleotides, as well as their noise immunity. The results obtained justified the introduction of new terms: “genometry” as a methodology of computational strategies and “genometrica” as specific parameters of a particular genome or nucleotide sequence. In connection with the results obtained, biosemiotics and hierarchical levels of organization of living matter are raised.

  2. Karpaev A.A., Aliev R.R.
    Application of simplified implicit Euler method for electrophysiological models
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 4, pp. 845-864

    A simplified implicit Euler method was analyzed as an alternative to the explicit Euler method, which is a commonly used method in numerical modeling in electrophysiology. The majority of electrophysiological models are quite stiff, since the dynamics they describe includes a wide spectrum of time scales: a fast depolarization, that lasts milliseconds, precedes a considerably slow repolarization, with both being the fractions of the action potential observed in excitable cells. In this work we estimate stiffness by a formula that does not require calculation of eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the studied ODEs. The efficiency of the numerical methods was compared on the case of typical representatives of detailed and conceptual type models of excitable cells: Hodgkin–Huxley model of a neuron and Aliev–Panfilov model of a cardiomyocyte. The comparison of the efficiency of the numerical methods was carried out via norms that were widely used in biomedical applications. The stiffness ratio’s impact on the speedup of simplified implicit method was studied: a real gain in speed was obtained for the Hodgkin–Huxley model. The benefits of the usage of simple and high-order methods for electrophysiological models are discussed along with the discussion of one method’s stability issues. The reasons for using simplified instead of high-order methods during practical simulations were discussed in the corresponding section. We calculated higher order derivatives of the solutions of Hodgkin-Huxley model with various stiffness ratios; their maximum absolute values appeared to be quite large. A numerical method’s approximation constant’s formula contains the latter and hence ruins the effect of the other term (a small factor which depends on the order of approximation). This leads to the large value of global error. We committed a qualitative stability analysis of the explicit Euler method and were able to estimate the model’s parameters influence on the border of the region of absolute stability. The latter is used when setting the value of the timestep for simulations a priori.

  3. Yakovlev A.A., Abakumov A.I., Kostyushkо A.V., Markelova E.V.
    Cytokines as indicators of the state of the organism in infectious diseases. Experimental data analysis
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 6, pp. 1409-1426

    When person`s diseases is result of bacterial infection, various characteristics of the organism are used for observation the course of the disease. Currently, one of these indicators is dynamics of cytokine concentrations are produced, mainly by cells of the immune system. There are many types of these low molecular weight proteins in human body and many species of animals. The study of cytokines is important for the interpretation of functional disorders of the body's immune system, assessment of the severity, monitoring the effectiveness of therapy, predicting of the course and outcome of treatment. Cytokine response of the body indicating characteristics of course of disease. For research regularities of such indication, experiments were conducted on laboratory mice. Experimental data are analyzed on the development of pneumonia and treatment with several drugs for bacterial infection of mice. As drugs used immunomodulatory drugs “Roncoleukin”, “Leikinferon” and “Tinrostim”. The data are presented by two types cytokines` concentration in lung tissue and animal blood. Multy-sided statistical ana non statistical analysis of the data allowed us to find common patterns of changes in the “cytokine profile” of the body and to link them with the properties of therapeutic preparations. The studies cytokine “Interleukin-10” (IL-10) and “Interferon Gamma” (IFN$\gamma$) in infected mice deviate from the normal level of infact animals indicating the development of the disease. Changes in cytokine concentrations in groups of treated mice are compared with those in a group of healthy (not infected) mice and a group of infected untreated mice. The comparison is made for groups of individuals, since the concentrations of cytokines are individual and differ significantly in different individuals. Under these conditions, only groups of individuals can indicate the regularities of the processes of the course of the disease. These groups of mice were being observed for two weeks. The dynamics of cytokine concentrations indicates characteristics of the disease course and efficiency of used therapeutic drugs. The effect of a medicinal product on organisms is monitored by the location of these groups of individuals in the space of cytokine concentrations. The Hausdorff distance between the sets of vectors of cytokine concentrations of individuals is used in this space. This is based on the Euclidean distance between the elements of these sets. It was found that the drug “Roncoleukin” and “Leukinferon” have a generally similar and different from the drug “Tinrostim” effect on the course of the disease.

  4. Kolobov A.V., Polezhaev A.A.
    Influence of random malignant cell motility on growing tumor front stability
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2009, v. 1, no. 2, pp. 225-232

    Chemotaxis plays an important role in morphogenesis and processes of structure formation in nature. Both unicellular organisms and single cells in tissue demonstrate this property. In vitro experiments show that many types of transformed cell, especially metastatic competent, are capable for directed motion in response usually to chemical signal. There is a number of theoretical papers on mathematical modeling of tumour growth and invasion using Keller-Segel model for the chemotactic motility of cancer cells. One of the crucial questions for using the chemotactic term in modelling of tumour growth is a lack of reliable quantitative estimation of its parameters. The 2-D mathematical model of tumour growth and invasion, which takes into account only random cell motility and convective fluxes in compact tissue, has showed that due to competitive mechanism tumour can grow toward sources of nutrients in absence of chemotactic cell motility.

    Views (last year): 5. Citations: 7 (RSCI).
  5. Khramtsova E.A., Kapralova I.V., Mezhevikina L.M.
    Prediction of embryo implantation potential by morphology assessment
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2010, v. 2, no. 1, pp. 111-116

    The early embryos developing in vitro to the blastocyst stage have low implantation potential. In the current work the microinjection was used to evaluate the most viable blastocysts with high implantation ability on the basis of morphology changing. The recovery rate of the embryo volume allows assessing the functional activity of trophoblast cells that involved in implantation. The predictive model is suggested to forecast the development effectiveness of blastocysts in vitro. It’s shown the recovery rate of the blastocyst volume after microinjection is the most important feature of implantation potential of early embryos. The maximal recovery rate of blastocyst volume (35.7 % of initial volume per 1 h) correlates with the embryos ability to generate the colonies 72 h after microinjection. By the area under receiver operator curve (AUC) it was shown that combination of such characteristics as blastocyst stage (middle and late) and recovery rate after microinjection allowed to predict the blastocyst development.

  6. Zakharov A.P., Bratsun D.A.
    Synchronization of circadian rhythms in the scale of a gene, a cell and a whole organism
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2013, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 255-270

    In the paper three characteristic scales of a biological system are proposed: microscopic (gene's size), mesoscopic (cell’s size) and macroscopic level (organism’s size). For each case the approach to modeling of circadian rhythms is discussed on the base of a time-delay model. At gene’s scale the stochastic description has been used. The robustness of rhythms mechanism to the fluctuations has been demonstrated. At the mesoscopic scale we propose the deterministic description within the spatially extended model. It was found the effect of collective synchronization of rhythms in cells. Macroscopic effects have been studied within the discrete model describing the collective behaviour of large amount of cells. The problem of cross-linking of results obtained at different scales is discussed. The comparison with experimental data is given.

    Views (last year): 1. Citations: 8 (RSCI).
  7. Yakushevich L.V., Balashova V.N., Zakiryanov F.K.
    Features of the DNA kink motion in the asynchronous switching on and off of the constant and periodic fields
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, v. 10, no. 4, pp. 545-558

    Investigation of the influence of external fields on living systems is one of the most interesting and rapidly developing areas of modern biophysics. However, the mechanisms of such an impact are still not entirely clear. One approach to the study of this issue is associated with modeling the interaction of external fields with internal mobility of biological objects. In this paper, this approach is used to study the effect of external fields on the motion of local conformational distortions — kinks, in the DNA molecule. Realizing and taking into account that on the whole this task is closely connected with the problem of the mechanisms of regulation of vital processes of cells and cellular systems, we set the problem — to investigate the physical mechanisms regulating the motion of kinks and also to answer the question whether permanent and periodic fields can play the role of regulators of this movement. The paper considers the most general case, when constant and periodic fields are switching on and off asynchronously. Three variants of asynchronous switching on/off are studied in detail. In the first variant, the time intervals (or diapasons) of the actions of the constant and periodic fields do not overlap, in the second — overlap, and in the third — the intervals are putting in each other. The calculations were performed for the sequence of plasmid pTTQ18. The kink motion was modeled by the McLaughlin–Scott equation, and the coefficients of the equation were calculated in a quasi-homogeneous approximation. Numerical experiments showed that constant and periodic fields exert a significant influence on the character of the kink motion and regulate it. So the switching on of a constant field leads to a rapid increase of the kink velocity and to the establishment of a stationary velocity of motion, and the switching on of a periodic field leads to the steady oscillations of the kink with the frequency of the external periodic field. It is shown that the behavior of the kink depends on the mutual arrangement of the diapasons of the action of the external fields. As it turned out, events occurring in one of the two diapasons can affect the events in the other diapason, even when the diapasons are sufficiently far apart. It is shown that the overlapping of the diapasons of action of the constant and periodic fields leads to a significant increase in the path traversed by the kink to a complete stop. Maximal growth of the path is observed when one diapason is putting in each other. In conclusion, the question of how the obtained model results could be related to the most important task of biology — the problem of the mechanisms of regulation of the processes of vital activity of cells and cellular systems is discussed.

    Views (last year): 29. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  8. Aksenov A.A., Pokhilko V.I., Moryak A.P.
    Usage of boundary layer grids in numerical simulations of viscous phenomena in of ship hydrodynamics problems
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 4, pp. 995-1008

    Numerical simulation of hull flow, marine propellers and other basic problems of ship hydrodynamics using Cartesian adaptive locally-refined grids is advantageous with respect to numerical setup and makes an express analysis very convenient. However, when more accurate viscous phenomena are needed, they condition some problems including a sharp increase of cell number due to high levels of main grid adaptation needed to resolve boundary layers and time step decrease in simulations with a free surface due to decrease of transit time in adapted cells. To avoid those disadvantages, additional boundary layer grids are suggested for resolution of boundary layers. The boundary layer grids are one-dimensional adaptations of main grid layers nearest to a wall, which are built along a normal direction. The boundary layer grids are additional (or chimerical), their volumes are not subtracted from main grid volumes. Governing equations of flow are integrated in both grids simultaneously, and the solutions are merged according to a special algorithm. In simulations of ship hull flow boundary layer grids are able to provide sufficient conditions for low-Reynolds turbulence models and significantly improve flow structure in continues boundary layers along smooth surfaces. When there are flow separations or other complex phenomena on a hull surface, it can be subdivided into regions, and the boundary layer grids should be applied to the regions with simple flow only. This still provides a drastic decrease of computational efforts. In simulations of marine propellers, the boundary layer grids are able to provide refuse of wall functions on blade surfaces, what leads to significantly more accurate hydrodynamic forces. Altering number and configuration of boundary grid layers, it is possible to vary a boundary layer resolution without change of a main grid. This makes the boundary layer grids a suitable tool to investigate scale effects in both problems considered.

  9. Lavrova A.I., Plusnina T.Yu., Ukrainetz A.V., Riznichenko G.Yu., Rubin A.B.
    Nonlinear dynamic of the transmembrane potential and pH along the cell membrane of Chara alga
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2009, v. 1, no. 2, pp. 233-239

    The model of potential dependent proton transfer trough the cell membrane of Chara alga developed in [1] is considered. In the last version of the model we considered two variables: proton concentration near the surface cell and transmembrane potential. In present version we introduce the new variable — proton concentration in cytoplasm. Oscillative and chaotic dynamic of transmembrane potential was obtained in calculations. The physiological role of these patterns is discussed.

    Views (last year): 3. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  10. A mathematical model of tumor growth in tissue taking into account angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapy is developed. In the model the convective flows in tissue are considered as well as individual motility of tumor cells. It is considered that a cell starts to migrate if the nutrient concentration falls lower than the critical level and returns into proliferation in the region with high nutrient concentration. Malignant cells in the state of metabolic stress produce vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stimulating tumor angiogenesis, which increases the nutrient supply. In this work an antiangiogenic drug which bounds irreversibly to VEGF, converting it to inactive form, is modeled. Numerical analysis of influence of antiangiogenic drug concentration and efficiency on tumor rate of growth and structure is performed. It is shown that antiangiogenic therapy can decrease the growth of low-invasive tumor, but is not able to stop it completely.

    Views (last year): 4. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
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