Результаты поиска по 'experiment planning':
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  1. Gavrilov V.B., Golutvin I.A., Kodolova O.L., Korenkov V.V., Levchuk L.G., Shmatov S.V., Tikhonenko E.A., Zhiltsov V.E.
    RDMS CMS computing: current status and plans
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 395-398

    The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a high-performance general-purpose detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. More than twenty institutes from Russia and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) are involved in Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS Collaboration. A proper computing grid-infrastructure has been constructed at the RDMS institutes for the participation in the running phase of the CMS experiment. Current status of RDMS CMS computing and plans of its development to the next LHC start in 2015 are presented.

    Views (last year): 2.
  2. Ushakov A.O., Gandzha T.V., Dmitriev V.M., Molokov P.B.
    Computer model of a perfect-mixing extraction reactor in the format of the component circuits method with non-uniform vector connections
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 599-614

    The features of the component circuits method (MCC) in modeling chemical-technological systems (CTS) are considered, taking into account its practical significance. The software and algorithmic implementation of which is currently a set of computer modeling programs MARS (Modeling and Automatic Research of Systems). MARS allows the development and analysis of mathematical models with specified experimental parameters. Research and calculations were carried out using a specialized software and hardware complex MARS, which allows the development of mathematical models with specified experimental parameters. In the course of this work, the model of a perfect-mixing reactor was developed in the MARS modeling environment taking into account the physicochemical features of the uranium extraction process in the presence of nitric acid and tributyl phosphate. As results, the curves of changes of the concentration of uranium extracted into the organic phase are presented. The possibility of using MCC for the description and analysis of CTS, including extraction processes, has been confirmed. The use of the obtained results is planned to be used in the development of a virtual laboratory, which will include the main apparatus of the chemical industry, as well as complex technical controlled systems (CTСS) based on them and will allow one to acquire a wide range of professional competencies in working with “digital twins” of real control objects, including gaining initial experience working with the main equipment of the nuclear industry. In addition to the direct applied benefits, it is also assumed that the successful implementation of the domestic complex of computer modeling programs and technologies based on the obtained results will make it possible to find solutions to the problems of organizing national technological sovereignty and import substitution.

  3. Maksimova O.V., Grigoryev V.I.
    Four-factor computing experiment for the random walk on a two-dimensional square field
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 6, pp. 905-918

    Nowadays the random search became a widespread and effective tool for solving different complex optimization and adaptation problems. In this work, the problem of an average duration of a random search for one object by another is regarded, depending on various factors on a square field. The problem solution was carried out by holding total experiment with 4 factors and orthogonal plan with 54 lines. Within each line, the initial conditions and the cellular automaton transition rules were simulated and the duration of the search for one object by another was measured. As a result, the regression model of average duration of a random search for an object depending on the four factors considered, specifying the initial positions of two objects, the conditions of their movement and detection is constructed. The most significant factors among the factors considered in the work that determine the average search time are determined. An interpretation is carried out in the problem of random search for an object from the constructed model. The important result of the work is that the qualitative and quantitative influence of initial positions of objects, the size of the lattice and the transition rules on the average duration of search is revealed by means of model obtained. It is shown that the initial neighborhood of objects on the lattice does not guarantee a quick search, if each of them moves. In addition, it is quantitatively estimated how many times the average time of searching for an object can increase or decrease with increasing the speed of the searching object by 1 unit, and also with increasing the field size by 1 unit, with different initial positions of the two objects. The exponential nature of the growth in the number of steps for searching for an object with an increase in the lattice size for other fixed factors is revealed. The conditions for the greatest increase in the average search duration are found: the maximum distance of objects in combination with the immobility of one of them when the field size is changed by 1 unit. (that is, for example, with $4 \times 4$ at $5 \times 5$) can increase the average search duration in $e^{1.69} \approx 5.42$. The task presented in the work may be relevant from the point of view of application both in the landmark for ensuring the security of the state, and, for example, in the theory of mass service.

    Views (last year): 21.
  4. Zinchenko D.A., Nikonov E.G., Zinchenko A.I.
    A Monte-Carlo study of the inner tracking system main characteristics for multi purpose particle detector MPD
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 1, pp. 87-94

    At present, the accelerator complex NICA is being built at JINR (Dubna). It is intended for performing experiments to study interactions of relativistic nuclei and polarized particles (protons and deuterons). One of the experimental facilitues MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) was designed to investigate nucleus-nucleus, protonnucleus and proton-proton interactions. The existing plans of future MPD upgrade consider a possibility to install an inner tracker made of the new generation silicon pixel sensors. It is expected that such a detector will considerably enhance the research capability of the experiment both for nucleus-nucleus interactions (due to a high spatial resolution near the collision region) and proton-proton ones (due to a fast detector response).

    This paper presents main characteristics of such a tracker, obtained using a Monte-Carlo simulation of the detector for proton-proton collisions. In particular, the detector ability to reconstruct decay vertices of short-lived particles and perform a selection of rare events of such decays from much more frequent “common” interactions are evaluated. Also, the problem of a separation of multiple collisions during the high luminosity accelerator running and the task of detector triggering on rare events are addressed. The results obtained can be used to justify the necessity to build such a detector and to develop a high-level trigger system, possibly based on machine learning techniques.

    Views (last year): 28.
  5. Pechenyuk A.V.
    Optimization of a hull form for decrease ship resistance to movement
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 57-65

    Optimization of hull lines for the minimum resistance to movement is a problem of current interest in ship hydrodynamics. In practice, lines design is still to some extent an art. The usual approaches to decrease the ship resistance are based on the model experiment and/or CFD simulation, following the trial and error method. The paper presents a new method of in-detail hull form design based on the wave-based optimization approach. The method provides systematic variation of the hull geometrical form, which corresponds to alteration of longitudinal distribution of the hull volume, while its vertical volume distribution is fixed or highly controlled. It’s well known from the theoretical studies that the vertical distribution can't be optimized by condition of minimum wave resistance, thus it can be neglected for the optimization procedures. The method efficiency was investigated by application to the foreship of KCS, the well-known test object from the workshop Gothenburg-2000. The variations of the longitudinal distribution of the volume were set on the sectional area curve as finite volume increments and then transferred to the lines plan with the help of special frame transformation methods. The CFD towing simulations were carried out for the initial hull form and the six modified variants. According to the simulation results, examined modifications caused the resistance increments in the range 1.3–6.5 %. Optimization process was underpinned with the respective data analysis based on the new hypothesis, according to which, the resistance increments caused by separate longitudinal segments of hull form meet the principle of superposition. The achieved results, which are presented as the optimum distribution of volume present in the optimized designed hull form, which shows the interesting characteristics that its resistance has decrease by 8.9 % in respect to initial KCS hull form. Visualization of the wave patterns showed an attenuation of the transversal wave components, and the intensification of the diverging wave components.

    Views (last year): 10. Citations: 1 (RSCI).
  6. Andreeva A.A., Nikolaev A.V., Lobanov A.I.
    Analysis of point model of fibrin polymerization
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, v. 9, no. 2, pp. 247-258

    Functional modeling of blood clotting and fibrin-polymer mesh formation is of a significant value for medical and biophysics applications. Despite the fact of some discrepancies present in simplified functional models their results are of the great interest for the experimental science as a handy tool of the analysis for research planning, data processing and verification. Under conditions of the good correspondence to the experiment functional models can be used as an element of the medical treatment methods and biophysical technologies. The aim of the paper in hand is a modeling of a point system of the fibrin-polymer formation as a multistage polymerization process with a sol-gel transition at the final stage. Complex-value Rosenbroke method of second order (CROS) used for computational experiments. The results of computational experiments are presented and discussed. It was shown that in the physiological range of the model coefficients there is a lag period of approximately 20 seconds between initiation of the reaction and fibrin gel appearance which fits well experimental observations of fibrin polymerization dynamics. The possibility of a number of the consequent $(n = 1–3)$ sol-gel transitions demonstrated as well. Such a specific behavior is a consequence of multistage nature of fibrin polymerization process. At the final stage the solution of fibrin oligomers of length 10 can reach a semidilute state, leading to an extremely fast gel formation controlled by oligomers’ rotational diffusion. Otherwise, if the semidilute state is not reached the gel formation is controlled by significantly slower process of translational diffusion. Such a duality in the sol-gel transition led authors to necessity of introduction of a switch-function in an equation for fibrin-polymer formation kinetics. Consequent polymerization events can correspond to experimental systems where fibrin mesh formed gets withdrawn from the volume by some physical process like precipitation. The sensitivity analysis of presented system shows that dependence on the first stage polymerization reaction constant is non-trivial.

    Views (last year): 8.
  7. Kashchenko N.M., Ishanov S.A., Matsievsky S.V.
    Simulation equatorial plasma bubbles started from plasma clouds
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, v. 11, no. 3, pp. 463-476

    Experimental, theoretical and numerical investigations of equatorial spread F, equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs), plasma depletion shells, and plasma clouds are continued at new variety articles. Nonlinear growth, bifurcation, pinching, atomic and molecular ion dynamics are considered at there articles. But the authors of this article believe that not all parameters of EPB development are correct. For example, EPB bifurcation is highly questionable.

    A maximum speed inside EPBs and a development time of EPB are defined and studied. EPBs starting from one, two or three zones of the increased density (initial plasma clouds). The development mechanism of EPB is the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI). Time of the initial stage of EPB development went into EPB favorable time interval (in this case the increase linear increment is more than zero) and is 3000–7000 c for the Earth equatorial ionosphere.

    Numerous computing experiments were conducted with use of the original two-dimensional mathematical and numerical model MI2, similar USA standard model SAMI2. This model MI2 is described in detail. The received results can be used both in other theoretical works and for planning and carrying out natural experiments for generation of F-spread in Earth ionosphere.

    Numerical simulating was carried out for the geophysical conditions favorable for EPBs development. Numerical researches confirmed that development time of EPBs from initial irregularities with the increased density is significantly more than development time from zones of the lowered density. It is shown that developed irregularities interact among themselves strongly and not linearly even then when initial plasma clouds are strongly removed from each other. In addition, this interaction is stronger than interaction of EPBs starting from initial irregularities with the decreased density. The numerical experiments results showed the good consent of developed EPB parameters with experimental data and with theoretical researches of other authors.

    Views (last year): 14.
  8. Belov S.D., Deng Z., Li W., Lin T., Pelevanyuk I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V., Yan T., Yan X., Zhang G., Zhao X., Zhang X., Zhemchugov A.S.
    BES-III distributed computing status
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, v. 7, no. 3, pp. 469-473

    The BES-III experiment at the IHEP CAS, Beijing, is running at the high-luminosity e+e- collider BEPC-II to study physics of charm quarks and tau leptons. The world largest samples of J/psi and psi' events are already collected, a number of unique data samples in the energy range 2.5–4.6 GeV have been taken. The data volume is expected to increase by an order of magnitude in the coming years. This requires to move from a centralized computing system to a distributed computing environment, thus allowing the use of computing resources from remote sites — members of the BES-III Collaboration. In this report the general information, latest results and development plans of the BES-III distributed computing system are presented.

    Views (last year): 3.
  9. Shumov V.V., Korepanov V.O.
    Mathematical models of combat and military operations
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2020, v. 12, no. 1, pp. 217-242

    Simulation of combat and military operations is the most important scientific and practical task aimed at providing the command of quantitative bases for decision-making. The first models of combat were developed during the First World War (M. Osipov, F. Lanchester), and now they are widely used in connection with the massive introduction of automation tools. At the same time, the models of combat and war do not fully take into account the moral potentials of the parties to the conflict, which motivates and motivates the further development of models of battle and war. A probabilistic model of combat is considered, in which the parameter of combat superiority is determined through the parameter of moral (the ratio of the percentages of the losses sustained by the parties) and the parameter of technological superiority. To assess the latter, the following is taken into account: command experience (ability to organize coordinated actions), reconnaissance, fire and maneuverability capabilities of the parties and operational (combat) support capabilities. A game-based offensive-defense model has been developed, taking into account the actions of the first and second echelons (reserves) of the parties. The target function of the attackers in the model is the product of the probability of a breakthrough by the first echelon of one of the defense points by the probability of the second echelon of the counterattack repelling the reserve of the defenders. Solved the private task of managing the breakthrough of defense points and found the optimal distribution of combat units between the trains. The share of troops allocated by the parties to the second echelon (reserve) increases with an increase in the value of the aggregate combat superiority parameter of those advancing and decreases with an increase in the value of the combat superiority parameter when repelling a counterattack. When planning a battle (battles, operations) and the distribution of its troops between echelons, it is important to know not the exact number of enemy troops, but their capabilities and capabilities, as well as the degree of preparedness of the defense, which does not contradict the experience of warfare. Depending on the conditions of the situation, the goal of an offensive may be to defeat the enemy, quickly capture an important area in the depth of the enemy’s defense, minimize their losses, etc. For scaling the offensive-defense model for targets, the dependencies of the losses and the onset rate on the initial ratio of the combat potentials of the parties were found. The influence of social costs on the course and outcome of wars is taken into account. A theoretical explanation is given of a loss in a military company with a technologically weak adversary and with a goal of war that is unclear to society. To account for the influence of psychological operations and information wars on the moral potential of individuals, a model of social and information influence was used.

  10. Fedorov A.A., Soshilov I.V., Loginov V.N.
    Augmented data routing algorithms for satellite delay-tolerant networks. Development and validation
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 983-993

    The problem of centralized planning for data transmission routes in delay tolerant networks is considered. The original problem is extended with additional requirements to nodes storage and communication process. First, it is assumed that the connection between the nodes of the graph is established using antennas. Second, it is assumed that each node has a storage of finite capacity. The existing works do not consider these requirements. It is assumed that we have in advance information about messages to be processed, information about the network configuration at specified time points taken with a certain time periods, information on time delays for the orientation of the antennas for data transmission and restrictions on the amount of data storage on each satellite of the grouping. Two wellknown algorithms — CGR and Earliest Delivery with All Queues are improved to satisfy the extended requirements. The obtained algorithms solve the optimal message routing problem separately for each message. The problem of validation of the algorithms under conditions of lack of test data is considered as well. Possible approaches to the validation based on qualitative conjectures are proposed and tested, and experiment results are described. A performance comparison of the two implementations of the problem solving algorithms is made. Two algorithms named RDTNAS-CG and RDTNAS-AQ have been developed based on the CGR and Earliest Delivery with All Queues algorithms, respectively. The original algorithms have been significantly expanded and an augmented implementation has been developed. Validation experiments were carried to check the minimum «quality» requirements for the correctness of the algorithms. Comparative analysis of the performance of the two algorithms showed that the RDTNAS-AQ algorithm is several orders of magnitude faster than RDTNAS-CG.

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